“海綿城市”設(shè)計(jì)理念是將城市比作海綿,下雨時(shí)吸水、蓄水、滲水、凈水,需要時(shí)將蓄存的水“釋放”并加以利用,提高城市面對(duì)自然災(zāi)害和環(huán)境變化時(shí)的適應(yīng)力。美國(guó)提出了低影響開發(fā) LID(Low Impact Development)和最佳管理措施BMPs(Best Management Practices),澳大利亞發(fā)展水敏感性城市設(shè)計(jì) WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design),新西蘭則采用低影響城市設(shè)計(jì)與開發(fā)LIUDD(Low Impact Urban Design and Development),2014年10月我國(guó)頒布了《海綿城市建設(shè)技術(shù)指南——低影響開發(fā)雨水系統(tǒng)構(gòu)建(試行)》。為此,結(jié)合國(guó)內(nèi)外在城市雨洪管理等方面取得的理論成果及實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗(yàn),以自然積存、自然滲透、自然凈化為目標(biāo)的“海綿城市”理論得以應(yīng)用和發(fā)展。海綿城市建設(shè)盡管在我國(guó)已經(jīng)起步,但是建設(shè)海綿城市還是一個(gè)長(zhǎng)期的過程,需要在當(dāng)前實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗(yàn)上,長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的積極探索,才能日趨完善。
截至2016年5月23日,中國(guó)知網(wǎng)(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的數(shù)據(jù)報(bào)告顯示,以“海綿城市”“城市雨洪管理”“雨水系統(tǒng)開發(fā)構(gòu)建”“雨水利用”為詞條可以檢索到的期刊文獻(xiàn)分別為656條與3995條,本專題將相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)按照:研究機(jī)構(gòu)發(fā)文數(shù)、作者發(fā)文數(shù)、期刊發(fā)文數(shù)、被引用頻次進(jìn)行排行,結(jié)果如下。
根據(jù)Web of Science統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù),以“海綿城市”“城市雨洪管理”“雨水系統(tǒng)開發(fā)”“雨水利用”為詞條可以檢索到的高被引論文排行結(jié)果如下。
基于Web of Science檢索結(jié)果,利用Histcite軟件選取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次數(shù))TOP50文獻(xiàn)作為節(jié)點(diǎn)進(jìn)行分析,得到本領(lǐng)域推薦的經(jīng)典文獻(xiàn)如下。
來源出版物:Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2007, 186(1-4):351-363
Urbanization of aquatic systems: Degradation thresholds, stormwater detection,and the limits of mitigation
Booth, DB; Jackson, CR
Abstract: Urbanization of a watershed degrades both the form and the function of the downstream aquatic system,causing changes that can occur rapidly and are very difficult to avoid or correct. A variety of physical data from lowland streams in western Washington displays the onset of readily observable aq uatic-system d egradation at a remarkably consistent level of development, typically about ten percent effective impervious area in a watershed. Even lower levels of u rban de velopment c ause significant d egradation in sensitive water bodies and a reduced, bu t less well quantified, level of f unction throughout th e s ystem as a whole. Unfortunately, e stablished m ethods of m itigating the downstream impacts of urban development may have only limited e ffectiveness. U sing continuous h ydrologic modeling we have evaluated detention ponds designed by conventional e vent m ethodologies, a nd our findings demonstrate serious deficiencies in actual pond performance when compared to their design go als. Even with best e fforts at m itigation, t he s heer m agnitude of development activities falling below a level of regulatory concern s uggests t hat i ncreased r esource l ass will invariably a ccompany d evelopment o f a w atershed. Without a better understanding of the critical processes that lead to degradation, s ome dow nstream aquatic-system damage is probably inevitable without limiting the extent of watershed development itself.
Keywords: stormwater management; urban hydrology;hydrograph analysis and modeling
來源出版物:Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1997, 33(5): 1077-1090
Bioretention technology: Overview of current practice and future needs
Davis, Allen P; Hunt, William F; Traver, Robert G; et al.
Abstract: Bioretention, or variations such as bioinfiltration and rain gardens, has become one of the most frequently used storm-water management tools in urbanized watersheds. Incorporating both filtration and infiltration, initial research into bioretention has shown that these facilities substantially reduce runoff volumes and peak f lows. L ow impact development, w hich h as a go al of modifying po st development hydrology t o m ore closely m imic tha t of predevelopment, is a driver for the use of bioretention in many parts of the country. Research over the past decade has s hown t hat bioretention e ffluent l oads are l ow f or suspended s olids, nu trients, h ydrocarbons, and h eavy metals. Pollutant r emoval m echanisms include f iltration,adsorption, a nd pos sibly b iological treatment. L imited research suggests that bioretention can effectively manage other pollutants, such as pathogenic bacteria and thermal pollution, as well. Reductions in pollutant load result from the combination o f concentration r eduction a nd runoff volume attenuation, li nking w ater quality a nd hydrologic performance. N onetheless, m any design questions p ersist for t his practice, such a s m aximum pooling bow l d epth,minimum f ill m edia depth, fill m edia c omposition and configuration, underdrain configuration, pretreatment options,and vegetation selection. Moreover, the exact nature and impact of bioretention maintenance is still evolving, which will d ictate long-term performance an d l ife-cycle co sts. Bioretention usage will grow as design guidance matures as a result of continued research and application.
來源出版物: Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE,2009, 135 (3): 109-117
Comparison of stormwater lag times for low impact and traditional residential development
Hood, Mark J.; Clausen, John C; Warner, Glenn S
Abstract: This study compared lag time characteristics of low impact r esidential d evelopment w ith traditional residential de velopment. A lso compared w ere runoff volume, pe ak d ischarge, h ydrograph kur tosis, r unoff coefficient, and runoff threshold. Low impact development (LID) had a s ignificantly g reater centroid l ag-to-peak,centroid lag, lag-to-peak, and peak lag-to-peak times than traditional de velopment. T raditional de velopment h ad a significantly gr eater de pth of d ischarge and runoff coefficient than LID. The peak discharge in runoff from the traditional development was 1,100% greater than from the LID. The runoff threshold of the LID (6.0 mm) was 100% greater t han t he t raditional development (3.0 m m). The hydrograph shape f or the L ID w atershed had a ne gative value of kurtosis indicating a leptokurtic distribution, while traditional de velopment ha d a po sitive v alue of kur tosis indicating a platykurtic distribution. The lag times of the LID w ere s ignificantly g reater than the traditional watershed f or small (< 25.4 mm) but no t large (≥25.4 mm) storms; short duration (< 4 h) but not long duration(≥4 h) s torms; and low a ntecedent moisture condition (AMC; < 25.4 mm) storms but not high AMC (≥25.4 mm)storms. T his s tudy i ndicates t hat L ID r esulted i n l owered peak di scharge de pth, r unoff c oefficient, a nd discharge volume a nd i ncreased l ag tim es and r unoff t hreshold compared with traditional residential development.
Keywords: hydrograph analysis; stormwater runoff; urban hydrology; stormwater management; low impact development; watershed management
來源出版物:Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2007, 43(4): 1036-1046
Effectiveness of low impact development practices: Literature review and suggestions for future research
Ahiablame, Laurent M; Engel, Bernard A;Chaubey, Indrajeet; et al.
Abstract: Low impact development (LID) i s a l and development s trategy f or m anaging s tormwater at the source with decentralized micro-scale control measures. Since the emergence of LID practices, they have been successfully used to manage stormwater runoff, improve water quality,and pr otect the environment. H owever, discussions s till surround the e ffectiveness o f many of t hese p ractices,resulting in a reluctance to widely adopt them. This paper highlights evidence in the literature regarding the beneficial uses of LID practices. A discussion of how LID practices are represented in hydrologic/water quality models is also provided using illustrative examples of three computational models developed with algorithms and modules to support widespread adoption of LID practices. Finally, the paper suggests directions for future research opportunities.
Keywords: modeling; diffuse p ollution; ur ban w ater planning; environmental impact; runoff; water quality
來源出版物: Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2012, 223 (7):4253-4273
Low impact development practices: A review of current research and recommendations for future directions
Dietz, Michael E
The l ow im pact development (LID) a pproach has be en recommended as an al ternative t o t raditional stormwater design. R esearch o n i ndividual L ID p ractices such as bi oretention, pervious pa vements, and gr assed swales has increased in recent years. Bioretention cells have been e ffective i n r etaining large v olumes of r unoff a nd pollutants on site, and consistently reduced concentrations of certain p ollutants s uch a s metals. H owever, retention o f certain p ollutants such as n itrate-nitrogen a nd phosphorus has been problematic. Porous pavements have been extremely effective i n i nfiltrating s tormwater r unoff. Co ncerns h ave been raised about groundwater contamination, but research has shown that this is not a problem in most settings. Green roofs have been found to retain a large percentage of rainfall (63% on average) in a variety of climates. A common thread across b ioretention, gr een r oofs a nd gr assed swales w as found: the export of phosphorus. The issue appears to be linked t o high phosphorus le vels i n t he soil media, o r possibly to fertilization of turf or planted areas. Solutions to this pr oblem have be en r ecommended. C ontrary t o popular belief, r esearch has s hown t hat bioretention a nd pervious pavements continue to infiltrate even with frost in the gr ound. A lthough issues h ave be en identified w ith retention of certain pollutants, the LID approach has been found to r esult in increased r etention o f s tormwater and pollutants on s ite, mimicking pre-development hydrologic function. Future research needs have also been identified.
bioretention; green roof; low impact development; pervious pavement