by R.K.Krochmal
By the Seat of My Pants 隨心而動 Track 5
by R.K.Krochmal
“Let’s go, Rob,” Mom2)screamed up the stairs.“We’re going to be late.”
“We don’t have time for this,” my older brother, Lee, yelled.
I3)rolled my eyes.I could picture Lee standing at the bottom of the stairs,4)tapping his foot and looking at his watch.He was never late.
“I’ll be right down,” I yelled.But that probably wasn’t true.I couldn’t find my basketball shorts.
Someone5)stomped up the stairs.My door opened and Lee stepped inside.He looked around with disgust at the mess I call a room.“What’s the problem?” he asked.
“I can’t find my shorts.”
“We don’t have time to look for them,” he said.“Just borrow my extra ones.”
“They’ll be too big.” But he was already getting them from his room.
I6)shrugged.It’s not like it mattered.Coach注注:本文中出現(xiàn)的Coach(教練)一詞有部分因為是人的稱呼,首字母大寫,與Mr.Green、Mrs.White等同理。類似的還有親屬關(guān)系的詞,用作稱呼時也大寫首字母,例如:Where is Mother? Is Teacher back?wasn’t going to let me play no matter how much I practiced at home.Lee was the star player and I was the7)bench warmer.That’s just how it was.I put on the shorts and hurried downstairs.
1) seat [si?t] n.(褲子的)后襠
2) scream [skri?m] v.尖叫,喊叫著說出
3) roll one’s eyes 翻白眼
4) tap [t?p] v.輕叩,輕拍,輕踏
5) stomp [st?mp] v.重踏
6) shrug [?r?g] v.聳肩
7) bench warmer 候補球員
The rest of the team was already on the court doing warm-ups when we got there.Coach was tapping his foot and looking at his watch.He looked like an older8)version of Lee.
“It’s Rob’s fault,” Lee said as he hurried to join the others on the court.Coach9)glared at me as I took my seat on the bench.
The first half of the game went like it usually did.Lee scored basket after basket and10)racked up point after point.We were11)beating the pants off the other team.
The second half started and that’s when things started to go wrong.Sam, one of our best players, missed an easy basket.Lee had the ball stolen from him.The other team was starting to catch up.
Then Lee12)tripped and fell hard.He didn’t jump back up.The players and coaches gathered around.When the group13)parted,Coach helped Lee to the bench.He wasn’t putting any weight on his right foot.
“Are you okay?” I asked him.
“Yeah,” Lee answered, “Just14)twisted my ankle.”
Coach looked around, searching the crowd.He sighed.“Okay, Rob,” he said.“You’re the only other player we have.15)Take Lee’s place.”
My heart raced.I couldn’t take Lee’s place.The only reason I was on the team was the Parks and16)Recreation Department said Coach had to let anyone join.I’d never played in a real game before.
“Go on, Rob,” Coach pointed.“Get out there.”
I17)swallowed hard and stepped onto the court.“Please don’t let me18)mess up,” I thought.I followed as my team ran from one side of the court to the other.
The other team scored a few more baskets.The score was tied and there were only a few minutes left in the game.The other team had the ball and their best player was running toward me.He lost control of it right in front of me.
“Get it, Rob!” Lee screamed from the bench.
I19)grabbed it.I looked for someone to pass it to.No one was close enough.
“Try for the basket!” Lee yelled.
I ran down the court, concentrating on my20)dribble.I didn’t want to mess up.This was my chance to show Coach I really had been practicing.The other team tried to21)block me.I22)weaved one way and then the other,not really sure what I was doing.23)Avoiding blocks wasn’t something I could practice by myself.
Suddenly, I was under the basket.If I could make the24)shot, we’d win the game.I closed my eyes and imagined I was practicing in my25)driveway.No crowd.No other team...Just me and the26)hoop.I jumped and released the ball.
“Please make it,” I said.“Please make it.”
27)Swish! The crowd cheered.I’d done it!I’d won the game! Then I heard the laughter.Just a few28)chuckles at first but soon everyone was laughing.I looked around.What was so funny?
They were all looking at me.I looked down.My borrowed shorts were around my ankles.My face turned red as I29)scrambled to pull them up.My team30)gathered around me, blocking out the laughing crowd, as they congratulated me.Even Lee31)limped onto the court.
“Good job, little bro,” he said.“You won the game.That’s all that matters.”
He was right, I did win the game.But more important, I32)proved I could do it.If I wanted something bad enough, all I had to do was practice.I just wish I could have done it with my pants on.
8) version ['v????n] n.版本
9) glare [gle?] v.怒目而視,瞪眼
10) rack up 獲勝,擊倒
11) beat the pants off <口>遠遠勝過
12) trip [trIp] v.絆倒,失足
13) part [pα?t] v.分散,分別
14) twist [twIst] v.扭傷
15) take one’s place 取代某人的位置
16) recreation [rekrI'eI?n] n.娛樂,消遣
17) swallow ['sw?l??] v.(表示緊張)咽下口水
18) mess up 搞砸,陷入困境
19) grab [gr?b] v.抓住,掠奪
20) dribble ['drIbl]n.(籃、足球等)帶(球),運(球)
21) block [bl?k] v.阻擋,封鎖
22) weave [wi?v] v.迂回前進
23) avoid [?'v?Id] v.避免,避開
24) shot [??t] n.(球)上籃,投籃,射門
25) driveway ['draIvweI] n.車道
26) hoop [hu?p] n.籃圈
27) swish [swI?] n.嗖嗖聲, 颯颯聲, 咻咻聲
28) chuckle [t??kl] n.咯咯的笑聲
29) scramble ['skr?mbl] v.急忙做某事,倉促行動
30) gather ['g?e?] v.聚集
31) limp [lImp] v.跛行,一瘸一拐地走
32) prove [pru?v] v.證明