In Denmark, people stand on chairs and jump off together as the clock strikes midnight, literally leaping into the new year. The Danes also throw plates at their friends homes during the night-the more shards you find outside your door in the morning the more popular you are said to be.
Spanish, in turn, eat a dozen grapes before the stroke of midnight, each fruit meaning a month that will either be sweet or sour.
在希臘,人們會(huì)在新年前一天的晚上關(guān)掉電燈,一起吃vasilopita. 這是一種甜面包,里面藏了一枚硬幣。面包由一家之主切開(kāi),分給家庭成員吃。誰(shuí)吃到了藏著硬幣的那塊,誰(shuí)就會(huì)在來(lái)年交上好運(yùn)。
In Greece, families celebrate New Years Eve by switching off the lights at midnight and sharing a vasilopita. It is sweet bread which contains a coin hidden in it.The bread is cut by the head of household and shared among family members. Whoever received the piece with the hidden coin is assured good luck in the coming year.