Be Organic, Be Smart, Be Bioprincipled
World Architectureis not known for taking interest in floral projects. In fact, we seldom publish projects that bare even remote resemblances to flowery plants. Our editing team has always taken a firm stand against any building that tries to mimic the shape of a living thing. Therefore, it might appear to our long-time readers that something has changed in our taste in this issue, for we are publishing unapologetically floral projects in batches.
Something has changed indeed, not in our taste, but in our mind. We have been waiting for a truly revolutionary idea about future sustainable cities for a long, long time. And now, with the arrival of the Bioprincipled Cities concept, we are closer than ever to that.
Same as anyone from the field of architecture and urban planning, we have lived through cycles of hypes and moans about technological advancements in green buildings and cities. Facing the issues caused by industrialisation, generations of people have tried to restore the genuinely organic model of the pre-industrial cities in our modern lives. Yet time and again, things were proved to be easier said than done. On one hand, innovative concepts from the brilliant minds have been too utopian to engage, be it Ebenezer Howard's Garden City of the 1890s or Alice Waters' Edible Schoolyard of the 1990s. On the other hand, mass adopted technological solutions are all based on industrial processes, thus resolving issues somewhere but creating deficits elsewhere. It almost seemed certain that we could only resort to the self-sustained frugal life-style of the traditional Chinese intellectuals living in their farms, sacrificing all modern comfort and convenience, to make the human habitat sustainable again.
Fortunately, there is now the concept of Bioprincipled Cities. What makes it unique is that all the solution packages it advocates is based on bio-processes, not industrial processes. And driving the changes in the core, there is life sciences, not traditional engineering. It addresses the city as one metabolic entity, the same way we address the ecology of a jungle or an island. It focuses on material cycles and energy cycles that are mobilised by natural, biobased actions. It deems public spaces as productive fields and climatic buffers. It regards buildings as a living colony of symbiotic creatures, therefore can be energy positive and self-refreshed. It takes the argument that human beings are part of nature rather than alien to it. As Alan Weisman puts it, the nature world would probably miss us if it is ever without us again.
For architects and urbanists, the idea of Bioprincipled Cities is opening up a complete set of new possibilities. With the traditional naturalartificial dichotomy getting more and more blurred, numerous gaps can be now bridged. We can now imagine a new hybridity consisting of both inorganic and organic, both consuming and producing, both fabricated and grown, both decaying and recycling, both performing and readapting. Combined with modern IT infrastructure, we now are truly able to minimise the industrial footprint of our cities. What we see deep under the floral projects published in this issue is not an aesthetics of exuberance, but an ethics of organisms.
With Bioprincipled Cities, we will live more organic and smarter lives.
Our special thanks to Professor Joachim von Braun for his pioneering work in global bioeconomy and for his support to this issue.