1.what words have the most letters in it?( )
2.what has hands but no feet,have face but no eyes,tells but doesnt talk?( )
3.what can run but never walks,has a mouth but never talks,has a head but neverweeps,has a bed but never sleeps.( )
4.what goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening.
( )
5.from what number can one take half and leave nothing?( )
6.what is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?( )
7.what has teeth but cant eat?( )
8.where does afternoon always come before morning?( )
9.what rises in the morning and waves all day?( )
1 O.what can you swallow than can also swallow you?( )
letters:信件。 weep:流淚。
dirty:弄臟的。 wave:飄揚,搖擺。
swallow:吞,咽。 clean:干凈的。