數(shù)據(jù)來源:Web of Science 文獻出版時間:2015-01—2017-03 檢索時間:2017-04-11
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物43Measuring the atlantic meridional overturningcirculation at 26 degrees NMcCarthy, G. D.;Smeed, D. A.;Johns, W. E.; et al.Progress in Oceanography2015, 130: 91-11138Infectious diseases affect marine fisheries andaquaculture economicsLafferty, Kevin D.;Harvell, C. Drew;Conrad, Jon M.; et al.Annual Review of MarineScience2015, 7: 471-496 36 Mediterranean Sea large-scale low-frequency ocean variability and water mass formation rates from 1987 to 2007: A retrospective analysis Pinardi, Nadia; Zavatarelli, Marco; Adani, Mario; et al. Progress in Oceanography 2015, 132(SI): 318-33234Improved sea level record over the satellitealtimetry era (1993-2010) from the ClimateChange Initiative projectAblain, M.;Cazenave, A.;Larnicol, G.; et al.Ocean Science2015, 11(1): 67-82 33 Diet of worms emended: An update of polychaete feeding guilds Jumars, Peter A.; Dorgan, Kelly M.; Lindsay, Sara M. Annual Review of Marine Science 2015, 7: 49733Microbial responses to the deepwater horizonoil spill: From coastal wetlands to the deep seaKing, G. M.;Kostka, J. E.;Hazen, T. C.; et al.Annual Review of MarineScience2015, 7: 377-401 33 Zooplankton fecal pellets, marine snow, phytodetritus and the ocean’s biological pump Turner, Jefferson T. Progress in Oceanography 2015, 130: 205-24832Satellite observations of mesoscale eddy-inducedekman pumpingGaube, Peter;Chelton, Dudley B.;Samelson, Roger M.;et al.Journal of PhysicalOceanography2015, 45(1): 104-132 31 Tropical sea surface temperatures for the past four centuries reconstructed from coral archives Tierney, Jessica E.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Anchukaitis, Kevin J.; et al. Paleoceanography 2015, 30(3): 226-25229Continued increases in arctic ocean primaryproductionArrigo, Kevin R.;van Dijken, Gert L.Progress in Oceanography2015, 136(SI): 60-70
Oncology 腫瘤學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物4342Cancer statistics, 2015Siegel, Rebecca L.;Miller, Kimberly D.;Jemal, AhmedinCA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians2015, 65(1): 5-293195Global cancer statistics, 2012Torre, Lindsey A.;Bray, Freddie;Siegel, Rebecca L.; et al.CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians2015, 65(2): 87-108 2325 Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide: Sources, methods and major patterns in GLOBOCAN 2012 Ferlay, Jacques; Soerjomataram, Isabelle; Dikshit, Rajesh; et al. International Journal of Cancer 2015, 136(5): E359-E3861696Cancer statistics, 2016Siegel, Rebecca L.;Miller, Kimberly D.;Jemal, AhmedinCA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians2016, 66(1): 7-30 509 Cancer statistics in China, 2015 Chen, Wanqing; Zheng, Rongshou; Baade, Peter D.; et al. CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2016, 66(2): 115-132397Nivolumabversuschemotherapyinpatientswith advanced melanoma who progressedafter anti-CTLA-4 treatment (CheckMate037): A randomised, controlled, open-label,phase 3 trialWeber, Jeffrey S.;D'Angelo, Sandra P.;Minor, David; et al.L ancet Oncology2015, 16(4): 375-384 321 Immune checkpoint blockade: A common denominator approach to cancer therapy Topalian, Suzanne L.; Drake, Charles G.; Pardoll, Drew M. Cancer Cell 2015, 27(4): 450-461292Activityandsafetyofnivolumab,ananti-PD-1 immune checkpoint inhibitor, forpatients with advanced, refractory squamousnon-small-cell lung cancer (CheckMate 063):A phase 2, single-arm trialRizvi, Naiyer A.;Mazieres, Julien;Planchard, David;et al.L ancet Oncology2015, 16(3): 257-265 284 Pooled analysis of long-term survival data from phase II and phase III trials of ipilimumab in unresectable or metastatic melanoma Schadendorf, Dirk; Hodi, F. Stephen; Robert, Caroline; et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2015, 33(17): 1889276Afatinibversuscisplatin-basedchemotherapyfor EGFR mutation-positive lungadenocarcinoma (LUX-Lung 3 and LUX-Lung 6): Analysis of overall survival datafrom two randomised, phase 3 trialsYang, James Chih-Hsin;Wu, Yilong;Schuler, Martin; et al.L ancet Oncology2015, 16(2): 141-151
Ophthalmology 眼科
Zika virus infection Ventura, Bruna V.; et al. 2016, 79(1): 1-363Comparison of ranibizumab and bevacizumab forneovascular age-related macular degenerationaccording to LUCAS treat-and-extend protocolBerg, Karina;Pedersen, Terje R.;Sandvik, Leiv; et al.Ophthalmology2015, 122(1): 146-152 62 Ocular findings in infants with microcephaly associated with presumed zika virus congenital infection in salvador, brazil Freitas, Bruno de Paula; de Oliveira Dias, Joao Rafael; Prazeres, Juliana; et al. Jama Ophthalmology 2016, 134(5): 529-53557Retinal microglia: Just bystander or target fortherapy?Karlstetter, Marcus;Scholz, Rebecca;Rutar, Matt; et al.Progress in Retinal and EyeResearch2015, 45: 30-57
Optics 光學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物5 73Single-junction polymer solar cells with highefficiency and photovoltageHe, Zhicai;Xiao, Biao;Liu, Feng; et al.Nature Photonics2015, 9(3): 174-179352Electro-optics of perovskite solar cellsLin, Qianqian;Armin, Ardalan;Nagiri, Ravi ChandraRaju; et al.Nature Photonics2015, 9(2): 106-112 282 Small-molecule solar cells with efficiency over 9% Zhang, Qian; Kan, Bin; Liu, Feng; et al. Nature Photonics 2015, 9(1): 35-41223Efficient inverted polymer solar cells employingfavourable molecular orientationVohra, Varun;Kawashima, Kazuaki;Kakara, Takeshi; et al.Nature Photonics2015, 9(6): 403 219 Lasing in direct-bandgap GeSn alloy grown on Si Wirths, S.; Geiger, R.; von den Driesch, N.; et al. Nature Photonics 2015, 9(2): 88-92147Broadband nonlinear optical response inmulti-layer black phosphorus: An emerginginfrared and mid-infrared optical materialLu, S. B.;Miao, L. L.;Guo, Z. N.; et al.Optics Express2015, 23(9): 11183-11194 136 Cryogenic optical lattice clocks Ushijima, Ichiro; Takamoto, Masao; Das, Manoj; et al. Nature Photonics 2015, 9(3): 185-189135Efficient polymer solar cells employing anon-conjugated small-molecule electrolyteOuyang, Xinhua;Peng, Ruixiang;Ai, Ling; et al.Nature Photonics2015, 9(8): 520 129 High-efficiency dielectric huygens’ surfaces Decker, Manuel; Staude, Isabelle; Falkner, Matthias; et al. Advanced Optical Materials 2015, 3(6): 813-820116Mechanically exfoliated black phosphorus as anew saturable absorber for both Q-switchingand mode-locking laser operationChen, Yu;Jiang, Guobao;Chen, Shuqing; et al.Optics Express2015, 23(10): 12823-12833
Ornithology 鳥類學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物21Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil bythe Brazilian ornithological records committeePiacentini, Vitor de Q.;Aleixo, Alexandre;Agne, Carlos Eduardo;et al.R evista Brasileira De Ornitologia2015, 23(2): 91-29818Nest predation research: Recent findings andfuture perspectivesIbanez-Alamo, J. D.;Magrath, R. D.;Oteyza, J. C.; et al.Journal of Ornithology2015, 156(1): S247-S262 18 Timing of migration and residence areas during the non-breeding period of barn swallows Hirundo rustica in relation to sex and population Liechti, Felix; Scandolara, Chiara; Rubolini, Diego; et al. Journal of Avian Biology 2015, 46(3): 254-26518Full-annual-cycle population models formigratory birdsHostetler, Jeffrey A.;Sillett, T. Scott;Marra, Peter P.Auk2015, 132(2): 433-449 18 Regional and seasonal flight speeds of soaring migrants and the role of weather conditions at hourly and daily scales Vansteelant, W. M. G.; Bouten, W.; Klaassen, R. H. G.; et al. Journal of Avian Biology 2015, 46(1): 25-3916New insights into New World biogeography:An integrated view from the phylogeny ofblackbirds, cardinals, sparrows, tanagers,warblers, and alliesBarker, F. Keith;Burns, Kevin J.;Klicka, John; et al.Auk2015, 132(2): 333-348 14 High juvenile mortality during migration in a declining population of a long-distance migratory raptor Oppel, Steffen; Dobrev, Vladimir; Arkumarev, Volen; et al. Ibis 2015, 157(3): 545-55714A review of the impacts of corvids on birdproductivity and abundanceMadden, Christine F.;Arroyo, Beatriz;Amar, ArjunIbis2015, 157(1): 1-16 13 Responses of male Greater Prairie-Chickens to wind energy development Winder, Virginia L.; Gregory, Andrew J.; McNew, Lance B.; et al. Condor 2015, 117(2): 284-29612Urban residents’ perceptions of birds in theneighborhood: Biodiversity, cultural ecosystemservices, and disservicesBelaire, J. Amy;Westphal, Lynne M.;Whelan, ChristopherJ.; et al.C ondor2015, 117(2): 192-202
Orthopedics 骨科
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物53Outcome of a combined anterior cruciateligament and anterolateral ligamentreconstruction technique with a minimum2-year follow-upSonnery-Cottet, Bertrand;Thaunat, Mathieu;Freychet, Benjamin;et al.American Journal of SportsMedicine2015, 43(7): 1598-160553The biomechanical function of theanterolateral ligament of the kneeParsons, Erin M.;Gee, Albert O.;Spiekerman, Charles; et al.American Journal of SportsMedicine2015, 43(3): 669-674 51 Current evidence on risk factors for knee osteoarthritis in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis Silverwood, V.; Blagojevic-Bucknall, M.; Jinks, C.; et al. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2015, 23(4): 507-51549A cadaveric study of the anterolateralligament: Re-introducing the lateralcapsular ligamentCaterine, Scott;Litchfield, Robert;Johnson, Marjorie; et al.Knee Surgery SportsTraumatology Arthroscopy2015, 23(11): 3186-3195 48 The anterolateral ligament: An anatomic, radiographic, and biomechanical analysis Kennedy, Mitchell I.; Claes, Steven; Fuso, Fernando Augusto Freitas; et al. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2015, 43(7): 1606-161543Prevalence of femoroacetabular impingementimaging findings in asymptomatic volunteers:A systematic reviewFrank, Jonathan M.;Harris, Joshua D.;Erickson, Brandon J.; et al.Arthroscopy-the Journal ofArthroscopic and Related Surgery2015, 31(6): 1199-1204 33 Scaffold-based cartilage treatments: with or without cells? A systematic review of preclinical and clinical evidence Kon, Elizaveta; Roffi, Alice; Filardo, Giuseppe; et al. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2015, 31(4): 767-77532Degenerative cervical myelopathyepidemiology, genetics, and pathogenesisNouri, Aria;Tetreault, Lindsay;Singh, Anoushka; et al.Spine2015, 40(12): E675-E693 32 Rotator cuff repair published evidence on factors associated with repair integrity and clinical outcome McElvany, Matthew D.; McGoldrick, Erik; Gee, Albert O.; et al. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2015, 43(2): 491-50031Length change patterns in the lateral extra-articular structures of the knee and relatedreconstructionsKittl, Cristoph;Halewood, Camilla;Stephen, Joanna M.; et al.American Journal of SportsMedicine2015, 43(2): 354-362
Otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻咽喉
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物93C linical practice guideline (Update): AdultsinusitisRosenfeld, Richard M.;Piccirillo, Jay F.;Chandrasekhar, SujanaS.; et al.Otolaryngology-Head and NeckSurgery2015, 152(S2): S1-S3951Synaptopathy in the noise-exposed and agingcochlea: Primary neural degeneration inacquired sensorineural hearing lossKujawa, Sharon G.;Liberman, M. CharlesHearing Research2015, 330(SI): 191-199 48 Clinical practice guideline: Allergic rhinitis Seidman, Michael D.; Gurgel, Richard K.; Lin, Sandra Y.; et al. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2015, 152(S1): S1-S4341Cost of adult chronic rhinosinusitis: Asystematic reviewSmith, Kristine A.;Orlandi, Richard R.;Rudmik, LukeLaryngoscope2015, 125(7): 1547-1556 39 Diagnostic criteria for Meniere’s disease Lopez-Escameza, Jose A.; Carey, John; Chung, Won-Ho; et al. Journal of Vestibular Research-Equilibrium & Orientation 2015, 25(1): 1-729International consensus statement on allergyand rhinology: RhinosinusitisOrlandi, Richard R.;Kingdom, Todd T.;Hwang, Peter H.; et al.International Forum of Allergy& Rhinology2016, 6(SI): S22-S209 27 Dynamics of cochlear synaptopathy after acoustic overexposure Liberman, Leslie D.; Liberman, M. Charles Jaro-Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 2015, 16(2): 205-21927The influence of food texture and liquidconsistency modification on swallowingphysiology and function: A systematic reviewSteele, Catriona M.;Alsanei, WoroudAbdulrahman;Ayanikalath, Sona; et al.Dysphagia2015, 30(1): 2-26 25 Does time to endoscopic sinus surgery impact outcomes in Chronic Rhinosinusitis? Prospective findings from the national comparative audit of surgery for nasal polyposis and chronic rhinosinusitis Hopkins, C.; Rimmer, J.; Lund, V. J. Rhinology 2015, 53(1): 10-1724Improvement of cognitive function aftercochlear implantation in elderly patientsMosnier, Isabelle;Bebear, Jean-Pierre;Marx, Mathieu; et al.Jama Otolaryngology-Head &Neck Surgery2015, 141(5): 442-450
Paleontology 古生物學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物31Tropical sea surface temperatures for the pastfour centuries reconstructed from coral archivesTierney, Jessica E.;Abram, Nerilie J.;Anchukaitis, KevinJ.; et al.Paleoceanography2015, 30(3): 226-25221Pollen and macroremains from Holocenearchaeological sites: A dataset for the under-standing of the bio-cultural diversity of theItalian landscapeMercuri, AnnaMaria; Allevato,Emilia; Arobba,Daniele; et al.Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology2015, 218(SI): 250-266 21 Strap: An R package for plotting phylogenies against stratigraphy and assessing their stratigraphic congruence Bell, Mark A.; Lloyd, Graeme T. Palaeontology 2015, 58(2): 379-38921Dicranoptycha osten sacken, 1860 (Diptera,Limoniidae) from the earliest CenomanianBurmese amberKania, Iwona;Wang, Bo;Szwedo, JacekCretaceous Research2015, 52: 522-530 19 Descent toward the Icehouse: Eocene sea surface cooling inferred from GDGT distributions Inglis, Gordon N.; Farnsworth, Alexander; Lunt, Daniel; et al. Paleoceanography 2015, 30(7): 1000-102019Carbon and strontium isotope stratigraphy of theUpper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Campanian)shallow-water carbonates of southern Italy:Chronostratigraphic calibration of largerforaminifera biostratigraphyFrijia, Gianluca;Parente, Mariano;Di Lucia, Matteo;et al.C retaceous Research2015, 53: 110-139 19 Changes in marine productivity and redox conditions during the Late Ordovician Hirnantian glaciation Zhou, Lian; Algeo, Thomas J.; Shen, Jun; et al. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2015, 420: 223-23417Reconstructing climate change and ombrotrophicbog development during the last 4000 years innorthern Poland using biotic proxies, stableisotopes and trait-based approachLamentowicz, M.;Galka, M.;Lamentowicz, L.;et al.Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology2015, 418: 261-277 16 Palynology of Aptian and upper Albian (Lower Cretaceous) amber-bearing outcrops of the southern margin of the Basque-Cantabrian basin (Northern Spain) Barron, Eduardo; Peyrot, Daniel; Pedro Rodriguez-Lopez, Juan; et al. Cretaceous Research 2015, 52: 292-31215What drove sea-level fluctuations during themid-Cretaceous greenhouse climate?Wendler, Jens E.;Wendler, I.Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology2016, 441(SI): 412-419
Parasitology 寄生物學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物235First report of autochthonous transmission of Zikavirus in BrazilZanluca, Camila;Andrade de Melo,Vanessa Campos;Pamplona Mosimann,Ana Luiza; et al.Memorias do InstitutoOswaldo Cruz2015, 110(4): 569-572153Dynamics and stabilization of the human gutmicrobiome during the first year of lifeBackhed, Fredrik;Roswall, Josefine;Peng, Yangqing; et al.Cell Host & Microbe2015, 17(5): 690-703 125 Diet dominates host genotype in shaping the murine gut microbiota Carmody, Rachel N.; Gerber, Georg K.; Luevano, Jesus M., Jr.; et al. Cell Host & Microbe 2015, 17(1): 72-84116The dynamics of the human infant gut microbiomein development and in progression toward type 1diabetesKostic, Aleksandar D.;Gevers, Dirk;Siljander, Heli; et al.Cell Host & Microbe2015, 17(2): 260-273 112 Research in mosquito control: Current challenges for a brighter future Benelli, Giovanni Parasitology Research 2015, 114(8): 2801-2805101A mouse model of Zika virus pathogenesisLazear, Helen M.;Govero, Jennifer;Smith, Amber M.; et al.Cell Host & Microbe2016, 19(5): 720-730 100 Plant-mediated biosynthesis of nanoparticles as an emerging tool against mosquitoes of medical and veterinary importance: A review Benelli, Giovanni Parasitology Research 2016, 115(1): 23-3489Plant-borne ovicides in the fight against mosquitovectors of medical and veterinary importance: Asystematic reviewBenelli, GiovanniParasitology Research2015, 114(9): 3201-3212 84 Estimating the global burden of endemic canine rabies Hampson, Katie; Coudeville, Laurent; Lembo, Tiziana; et al. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 2015, 9(4): e000370977Zika virus infection and stillbirths: A caseof hydrops fetalis, hydranencephaly andfetal demiseSarno, Manoel;Sacramento, Gielson A.;Khouri, Ricardo; et al.Plos Neglected TropicalDiseases2016, 10(2): e0004517
Pathology 病理學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物185The 2016 world health organization classificationof tumors of the central nervous system: AsummaryLouis, David N.;Perry, Arie;Reifenberger, Guido;et al.Acta Neuropathologica2016, 131(6): 803-820129The2014InternationalSocietyofUrologicalPathology (ISUP) consensus conference ongleason grading of prostatic carcinomadefinition of grading patterns and proposal for anew grading systemEpstein, Jonathan I.;Egevad, Lars;Amin, Mahul B.; et al.American Journal of SurgicalPathology2016, 40(2): 244-252 121 Memorial sloan kettering-integrated mutation profiling of actionable cancer targets (MSKIMPACT) a hybridization capture-based nextgeneration sequencing clinical assay for solid tumor molecular oncology Cheng, Donavan T.; Mitchell, Talia N.; Zehir, Ahmet; et al. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 2015, 17(3): 251-26486How informative is the mouse for human gutmicrobiota research?Thi Loan Anh Nguyen;Vieira-Silva, Sara;Liston, Adrian; et al.Disease Models & Mechanisms2015, 8(1): 1-16 81 ATRX and IDH1-R132H immunohistochemistry with subsequent copy number analysis and IDH sequencing as a basis for an “integrated”diagnostic approach for adult astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma and glioblastoma Reuss, David E.; Sahm, Felix; Schrimpf, Daniel; et al. Acta Neuropathologica 2015, 129(1): 133-14656College of american pathologists’ laboratorystandards for next-generation sequencingclinical testsAziz, Nazneen;Zhao, Qin;Bry, Lynn; et al.Archives of Pathology &Laboratory Medicine2015, 139(4): 481-493 56 Tissue and cellular tropism, pathology and pathogenesis of Ebola and Marburg viruses Martines, Roosecelis Brasil; Ng, Dianna L.; Greer, Patricia W.; et al. Journal of Pathology 2015, 235(2): 153-17453The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress inhuman pathologyOakes, Scott A.;Papa, Feroz R.Annual Review of Pathology:Mechanisms of Disease2015, 10: 173-194 51 The emerging picture of autism spectrum disorder: Genetics and pathology Chen, Jason A.; Penagarikano, Olga; Belgard, T. Grant; et al. Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease 2015, 10: 11149MALDI imaging mass spectrometry: Currentfrontiers and perspectives in pathology researchand practiceAichler, Michaela;Walch, AxelLaboratory Investigation2015, 95(4): 422-431
Pediatrics 兒科學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物74Vascular anomalies classification:Recommendations from the internationalsociety for the study of vascular anomaliesWassef, Michel;Blei, Francine;Adams, Denise; et al.Pediatrics2015, 136(1): E203-E21472Benefits of strict rest after acute concussion:A randomized controlled trialThomas, Danny George;Apps, Jennifer N.;Hoffmann, Raymond G.;et al.Pediatrics2015, 135(2): 213-223 70 Risk factors for exclusive E-cigarette use and dual E-cigarette use and tobacco use in adolescents Wills, Thomas A.; Knight, Rebecca; Williams, Rebecca J.; et al. Pediatrics 2015, 135(1): E43-E5165Prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivitydisorder: A systematic review andmeta-analysisThomas, Rae;Sanders, Sharon;Doust, Jenny; et al.Pediatrics2015, 135(4): E994-E1001 64 Progression to traditional cigarette smoking after electronic cigarette use among US adolescents and young adults Primack, Brian A.; Soneji, Samir; Stoolmiller, Michael; et al. Jama Pediatrics 2015, 169(11): 1018-102359Adolescent pregnancy, birth, and abortionrates across countries: Levels and recenttrendsSedgh, Gilda;Finer, Lawrence B.;Bankole, Akinrinola; et al.Journal of Adolescent Health2015, 56(2): 223-230 55 Sex/gender differences and autism: Setting the scene for future research Lai, Meng-Chuan; Lombardo, Michael V.; Auyeung, Bonnie; et al. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2015, 54(1): 11-2454Intestinal microbiota development in pretermneonates and effect of perinatal antibioticsArboleya, Silvia;Sanchez, Borja;Milani, Christian; et al.Journal of Pediatrics2015, 166(3): 538-544 54 Major depression in the national comorbidity survey-adolescent supplement: Prevalence, correlates, and treatment Avenevoli, Shelli; Swendsen, Joel; He, Jian-Ping; et al. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2015, 54(1): 37-4451Antibiotic exposure in infancy and risk ofbeing overweight in the first 24 months of lifeSaari, Antti;Virta, Lauri J.;Sankilampi, Ulla; et al.Pediatrics2015, 135(4): 617-626
Peripheral Vascular Disease 外周血管疾病
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物1895Heart disease and stroke statistics: 2015 update a reportfrom the american heart associationMozaffarian, Dariush;Benjamin, Emelia J.;Go, Alan S.; et al.Circulation2015, 131(4): E29-E322520Heart disease and stroke statistics: 2016 update a reportfrom the american heart associationMozaffarian, Dariush;Benjamin, Emelia J.;Go, Alan S.; et al.Circulation2016, 133(4): E38-E360 201 Cardiovascular, bleeding, and mortality risks in elderly medicare patients treated with dabigatran or warfarin for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation Graham, David J.; Reichman, Marsha E.; Wernecke, Michael; et al. Circulation 2015, 131(2): 157-1641852015Americanheartassociation/Americanstrokeassociation focused update of the 2013 guidelines forthe early management of patients with acute ischemicstroke regarding endovascular treatment a guideline forhealthcare professionals from the american heartassociation/american stroke associationP owers, William J.;Derdeyn, Colin P.;Biller, Jose; et al.S troke2015, 46(10): 3020-3035 163 Guidelines for the management of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage a guideline for healthcare professionals from the american heart association/american stroke association Hemphill, J. Claude, III; Greenberg, Steven M.; Anderson, Craig S.; et al. Stroke 2015, 46(7): 2032-2060141Executive summary: Heart disease and stroke statistics-2016 update a report from the American heartassociationMozaffarian, Dariush;Benjamin, Emelia J.;Go, Alan S.; et al.Circulation2016, 133(4): 447-454 128 Molecular basis of cardioprotection signal transduction in ischemic pre-, post-, and remote conditioning Heusch, Gerd Circulation Research 2015, 116(4): 674-699100Part 8: Post-cardiac arrest care 2015 american heartassociation guidelines update for cardiopulmonaryresuscitation and emergency cardiovascular careCallaway, Clifton W.;Donnino, Michael W.;Fink, Ericka L.; et al.Circulation2015, 132(18): S465-S482 99 Drug-coated balloon versus standard percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for the treatment of superficial femoral and popliteal peripheral artery disease 12-month results from the IN. PACT SFA randomized trial Tepe, Gunnar; Laird, John; Schneider, Peter; et al. Circulation 2015, 131(5): 49598Gut microbiota-dependent trimethylamine N-oxide(TMAO) pathway contributes to both developmentof renal insufficiency and mortality risk in chronickidney diseaseTang, W. H. Wilson;Wang, Zeneng;Kennedy, David J.; et al.Circulation Research2015, 116(3): 448-455
Pharmacology & Pharmacy 藥理學和藥學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物212The re-emergence of natural products fordrug discovery in the genomics eraHarvey, Alan L.;Edrada-Ebel, RuAngelie;Quinn, Ronald J.Nature Reviews DrugDiscovery2015, 14(2): 111-1291 97Experimental design and analysis and theirreporting: New guidance for publication inBJPCurtis, Michael J.;Bond, Richard A.;Spina, Domenico; et al.British Journal ofPharmacology2015, 172(14): 3461-3471 169 Nanomedicine in cancer therapy: Challenges, opportunities, and clinical applications Wicki, Andreas; Witzigmann, Dominik; Balasubramanian, Vimalkumar; et al. Journal of Controlled Release 2015, 200: 138-157163The concise guide to pharmacology 2015/16:EnzymesAlexander, Stephen P. H.;Fabbro, Doriano;Kelly, Eamonn; et al.British Journal ofPharmacology2015, 172(24): 6024-6109 162 Implementing guidelines on reporting research using animals (ARRIVE etc.): New requirements for publication in BJP McGrath, John C.; Lilley, Elliot British Journal of Pharmacology 2015, 172(13): 3189-3193160Natural products as sources of new drugsfrom 1981 to 2014Newman, David J.;Cragg, Gordon M.Journal of Natural Products2016, 79(3): 629-661 160 Peptide therapeutics: Current status and future directions Fosgerau, Keld; Hoffmann, Torsten Drug Discovery Today 2015, 20(1): 122-128146The concise guide to pharmacology 2015/16:G protein-coupled receptorsAlexander, Stephen P. H.;Davenport, Anthony P.;Kelly, Eamonn; et al.British Journal ofPharmacology2015, 172(24): 5744-5869 132 The history and future of targeting cyclin-dependent kinases in cancer therapy Asghar, Uzma; Witkiewicz, Agnieszka K.; Turner, Nicholas C.; et al. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2015, 14(2): 130-146125Combination cancer immunotherapy and newimmunomodulatory targetsMahoney, Kathleen M.;Rennert, Paul D.;Freeman, Gordon J.Nature Reviews DrugDiscovery2015, 14(8): 561-584
Physics, Applied 應用物理學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物733Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 45)Green, Martin A.;Emery, Keith;Hishikawa, Yoshihiro;et al.Progress in Photovoltaics2015, 23(1): 1-9573Single-junction polymer solar cells with highefficiency and photovoltageHe, Zhicai;Xiao, Biao;Liu, Feng; et al.Nature Photonics2015, 9(3): 174-179 476 Single-junction polymer solar cells exceeding 10% power conversion efficiency Chen, Jingde; Cui, Chaohua; Li, Yanqing; et al. Advanced Materials 2015, 27(6): 1035-1041402Science and technology roadmap forgraphene, related two-dimensional crystals,and hybrid systemsFerrari, Andrea C.;Bonaccorso, Francesco;Fal’ko, Vladimir; et al.Nanoscale2015, 7(11): 4598-4810 379 Polymeric photocatalysts based on graphitic carbon nitride Cao, Shaowen; Low, Jingxiang; Yu, Jiaguo; et al. Advanced Materials 2015, 27(13): 2150-2176359The role of graphene for electrochemicalenergy storageRaccichini, Rinaldo;Varzi, Alberto;Passerini, Stefano;et al.Nature Materials2015, 14(3): 271-279 352 Electro-optics of perovskite solar cells Lin, Qianqian; Armin, Ardalan; Nagiri, Ravi Chandra Raju; et al. Nature Photonics 2015, 9(2): 106-112322Lead halide perovskite nanowire lasers withlow lasing thresholds and high quality factorsZhu, Haiming;Fu, Yongping;Meng, Fei; et al.Nature Materials2015, 14(6): 636 313 Properties of Cu(In, Ga)Se2solar cells with new record efficiencies up to 21.7% Jackson, Philip; Hariskos, Dimitrios; Wuerz, Roland; et al. Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 2015, 9(1): 28-31295Bioinspired structural materialsWegst, Ulrike G. K.;Bai, Hao; Saiz,Eduardo; et al.Nature Materials2015, 14(1): 23-36
Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical 原子,分子和化學物理
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物337Advances in molecular quantum chemistrycontained in the Q-Chem 4 program packageShao, Yihan;Gan, Zhengting;Epifanovsky, Evgeny;et al.Molecular Physics2015, 113(2): 184-215131ff14SB: Improving the accuracy of protein sidechain and backbone parameters from ff99SBMaier, James A.;Martinez, Carmenza;Kasavajhala, Koushik;et al.Journal of Chemical Theoryand Computation2015, 11(8): 3696-3713 109 Emergence of hysteresis and transient ferroelectric response in organo-lead halide perovskite solar cells Chen, Hsin-Wei; Sakai, Nobuya; Ikegami, Masashi; et al. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2015, 6(1): 164-169102How important is the organic part of lead halideperovskite photovoltaic cells? Efficient CsPbBr3cellsKulbak, Michael;Cahen, David;Hodes, GaryJournal of Physical ChemistryLetters2015, 6(13): 2452-2456 94 Modeling anomalous hysteresis in perovskite solar cells van Reenen, Stephan; Kemerink, Martijn; Snaith, Henry J. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2015, 6(19): 3808-381486Temperature-and component-dependentdegradation of perovskite photovoltaicmaterials under concentrated sunlightMisra, Ravi K.;Aharon, Sigalit;Li, Baili; et al.Journal of Physical ChemistryLetters2015, 6(3): 326-330 83 Complex refractive index spectra of CH3NH3PbI3perovskite thin films determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectrophotometry Loeper, Philipp; Stuckelberger, Michael; Niesen, Bjoern; et al. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2015, 6(1): 66-7181The bright future of unconventional sigma/-holeinteractionsBauza, Antonio;Mooibroek, Tiddo J.;Frontera, AntonioChemphyschem2015, 16(12): 2496-2517 79 Ferroelectric domain wall induced band gap reduction and charge separation in organometal halide perovskites Liu, Shi; Zheng, Fan; Koocher, Nathan Z.; et al. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2015, 6(4): 693-69978Capacitive dark currents, hysteresis, andelectrode polarization in lead halide perovskitesolar cellsAlmora, Osbel;Zarazua, Isaac;Mas-Marza, Elena; et al.Journal of Physical ChemistryLetters2015, 6(9): 1645-1652
Physics, Condensed Matter 凝聚態(tài)物理
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物4 76Single-Junction polymer solar cells exceeding 10%power conversion efficiencyChen, Jingde;Cui, Chaohua;Li, Yanqing; et al.Advanced Materials2015, 27(6): 1035-1041379Polymeric photocatalysts based on graphitic carbonnitrideCao, Shaowen;Low, Jingxiang;Yu, Jiaguo; et al.Advanced Materials2015, 27(13): 2150-2176 359 The role of graphene for electrochemical energy storage Raccichini, Rinaldo; Varzi, Alberto; Passerini, Stefano; et al. Nature Materials 2015, 14(3): 271-279322Lead halide perovskite nanowire lasers with lowlasing thresholds and high quality factorsZhu, Haiming;Fu, Yongping;Meng, Fei; et al.Nature Materials2015, 14(6): 636 313 Properties of Cu(In, Ga)Se2solar cells with new record efficiencies up to 21.7% Jackson, Philip; Hariskos, Dimitrios; Wuerz, Roland; et al. Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 2015, 9(1): 28-31295Bioinspired structural materialsWegst, Ulrike G. K.;Bai, Hao;Saiz, Eduardo; et al.Nature Materials2015, 14(1): 23-36 292 Nanocrystals of cesium lead halide perovskites (CsPbX3, X = Cl, Br, and I): Novel optoelectronic materials showing bright emission with wide color gamut Protesescu, Loredana; Yakunin, Sergii; Bodnarchuk, Maryna I.; et al. Nano Letters 2015, 15(6): 3692-3696265Giant switchable photovoltaic effect in organometaltrihalide perovskite devicesXiao, Zhengguo;Yuan, Yongbo;Shao, Yuchuan;et al.Nature Materials2015, 14(2): 193-198 255 Perovskite solar cells: From materials to devices Jung, Hyun Suk; Park, Nam-Gyu Small 2015, 11(1): 10-25209An electron acceptor challenging fullerenes forefficient polymer solar cellsLin, Yuze;Wang, Jiayu;Zhang, Zhiguo; et al.Advanced Materials2015, 27(7): 1170-1174
Physics, Fluids & Plasmas 物理,流體與等離子體
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物95Lagrangian coherent structuresHaller, GeorgeAnnual Review of Fluid Mechanics2015, 47: 137-16291Multivariate weighted complex networkanalysis for characterizing nonlineardynamic behavior in two-phase flowGao, Zhongke;Fang, Pengcheng;Ding, Meishuang;et al.Experimental Thermal and FluidScience2015, 60: 157-164 82 Overview of the JET results Romanelli, F.; Abhangi, M.; Abreu, P.; et al. Nuclear Fusion 2015, 50(10): 10400152Contemporary particle-in-cell approachto laser-plasma modellingArber, T. D.;Bennett, K.;Brady, C. S.;et al.Plasma Physics and ControlledFusion2015, 57(11): 113001 46 Drop impact on a solid surface Josserand, C.; Thoroddsen, S. T. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 2016, 48: 365-39146Direct numerical simulation of turbulentchannel flow up to Re-tau approximateto 5200Lee, Myoungkyu;Moser, Robert D.Journal of Fluid Mechanics2015, 774: 395-415 44 Dissipation in turbulent flows Vassilicos, J. Christos Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 2015, 47: 95-11443Pilot-wave hydrodynamicsBush, John W. M.Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics2015, 47: 269-292 41 Plasma for cancer treatment Keidar, Michael Plasma Sources Science & Technology 2015, 54(3): 03300141Pinning and gas oversaturation imply stablesingle surface nanobubblesLohse, Detlef;Zhang, XuehuaPhysical Review E2015, 91(3): 031003
Physics, Mathematical 數(shù)學物理
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物147An introduction to PYTHIA 8.2Sjostrand, Torbjorn;Ask, Stefan;Christiansen, Jesper R.;et al.Computer PhysicsCommunications2015, 191: 159-177129Retrieve the Bethe states of quantum integrablemodels solved via the off-diagonal BetheAnsatzZhang, Xin;Li, Yuan-Yuan;Cao, Junpeng; et al.Journal of StatisticalMechanics-Theory andExperiment2015, P05014 97 Chimera states: Coexistence of coherence and incoherence in networks of coupled oscillators Panaggio, Mark J.; Abrams, Daniel M. Nonlinearity 2015, 28(3): R67-R8780A method based on the Jacobi tauapproximation for solving multi-termtime-space fractional partial differentialequationsB hrawy, A. H.;Zaky, M. A.Journal of ComputationalPhysics2015, 281: 876-895 73 micrOMEGAs4.1: Two dark matter candidates Belanger, G.; Boudjema, F.; Pukhov, A.; et al. Computer Physics Communications 2015, 192: 322-32955CheckMATE: Confronting your favourite newphysics model with LHC dataDrees, Manuel;Dreiner, Herbert K.;Kim, Jong Soo; et al.Computer PhysicsCommunications2015, 187: 227-265 51 On many-body localization for quantum spin Chains Imbrie, John Z. Journal of Statistical Physics 2016, 163(5): 998-104849Strong scaling of general-purpose moleculardynamics simulations on GPUsGlaser, Jens;Trung Dac Nguyen;Anderson, Joshua A.;et al.Computer PhysicsCommunications2015, 192: 97-107 46 Partition functions of N = (2, 2) gauge theories on S-2 and vortices Benini, Francesco; Cremonesi, Stefano Communications in Mathematical Physics 2015, 334(3): 1483-152741Pinning and gas oversaturation imply stablesingle surface nanobubblesLohse, Detlef;Zhang, XuehuaPhysical Review E2015, 91(3): 031003
Physics, Multidisciplinary 綜合物理
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物787Observation of gravitational waves from a binaryblack hole mergerAbbott, B. P.;Abbott, R.;Abbott, T. D.;et al.Physical Review Letters2016, 116(6): 061102360Experimental discovery of weyl semimetal TaAsLv, B. Q.;Weng, H. M.;Fu, B. B.; et al.Physical Review X2015, 5(3): 031013 319 Weyl semimetal phase in noncentrosymmetric transition-metal monophosphides Weng, Hongming; Fang, Chen; Fang, Zhong; et al. Physical Review X 2015, 5(1): 011029296Joint analysis of BICEP2/keck array and planckdataAde, P. A. R.;Aghanim, N.;Ahmed, Z.; et al.Physical Review Letters2015, 114(10): 101301 249 Advanced virgo: A second-generation interferometric gravitational wave detector Acernese, F.; Agathos, M.; Agatsuma, K.; et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2015, 32(2): 024001207Advanced LIGOAasi, J.;Abbott, B. P.;Abbott, R.; et al.Classical and Quantum Gravity2015, 32(7): 074001 202 Observation of the chiral-anomaly-induced negative magnetoresistance in 3D weyl semimetal TaAs Huang, Xiaochun; Zhao, Lingxiao; Long, Yujia; et al. Physical Review X 2015, 5(3): 031023186Direct measurement of the exciton bindingenergy and effective masses for charge carriersin organic-inorganic tri-halide perovskitesMiyata, Atsuhiko;Mitioglu, Anatolie;Plochocka, Paulina;et al.Nature Physics2015, 11(7): 582 181 Discovery of a Weyl fermion state with Fermi arcs in niobium arsenide Xu, Su-Yang; Alidoust, Nasser; Belopolski, Ilya; et al. Nature Physics 2015, 11(9): 748179Combined measurement of the higgs boson massin pp collisions at root s=7 and 8 TeV with theATLAS and CMS experimentsAad, G.;Abbott, B.;Abdallah, J.; et al.Physical Review Letters2015, 114(19): 191803
Physics, Nuclear 核物理
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物148The LHC diphoton resonance and dark matterMambrini, Yann;Arcadi, Giorgio;Djouadi, AbdelhakPhysics Letters B2016, 755: 426-432116Composite models for the 750 GeV diphotonexcessHarigaya, Keisuke;Nomura, YasunoriPhysics Letters B2016, 754: 151-156 99 LHCb detector performance Aaij, R.; Adeva, B.; Adinolfi, M.; et al. International Journal of Modern Physics A 2015, 30(7): 153002291Search for lepton-flavour-violating decays ofthe Higgs bosonKhachatryan, V.;Sirunyan, A. M.;Tumasyan, A.; et al.Physics Letters B2015, 749: 337-362 89 Review of particle physics particle data group Patrignani, C.; Agashe, K.; Aielli, G.; et al. Chinese Physics C 2016, 40(10): 10000185Scenarii for interpretations of the LHC diphotonexcess: Two Higgs doublets and vector-likequarks and leptonsAngelescu, Andrei;Djouadi, Abdelhak;Moreau, GregoryPhysics Letters B2016, 756: 126-132 84 750 GeV diphoton resonance in a top and bottom seesaw model Kobakhidze, Archil; Wang, Fei; Wu, Lei; et al. Physics Letters B 2016, 757: 92-9681Search for diphoton resonances in the massrange from 150 to 850 GeV in pp collisionsat root s=8 TeVKhachatryan, V.;Sirunyan, A. M.;Tumasyan, A.;et al.Physics Letters B2015, 750: 494-519 74 Singlet scalar resonances and the diphoton excess McDermott, Samuel D.; Meade, Patrick; Ramani, Harikrishnan Physics Letters B 2016, 755: 353-35762Interpreting the 750 GeV diphoton excess inminimal extensions of Two-Higgs-DoubletmodelsBadziak, MarcinPhysics Letters B2016, 759: 464-470
Physics, Particles & Fields 物理,粒子和場
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物249Advanced virgo: A second-generationinterferometric gravitational wave detectorAcernese, F.;Agathos, M.;Agatsuma, K.; et al.Classical and Quantum Gravity2015, 32(2): 024001207Advanced LIGOAasi, J.;Abbott, B. P.;Abbott, R.; et al.Classical and Quantum Gravity2015, 32(7): 074001 160 Parton distributions for the LHC run II Ball, Richard D.; Bertone, Valerio; Carrazza, Stefano; et al. Journal of High Energy Physics 2015, 4: 40150Parton distributions in the LHC era: MMHT 2014PDFsHarland-Lang, L. A.;Martin, A. D.;Motylinski, P.; et al.European Physical Journal C2015, 75(5): 204 148 The LHC diphoton resonance and dark matter Mambrini, Yann; Arcadi, Giorgio; Djouadi, Abdelhak Physics Letters B 2016, 755: 426-432121What is the gamma gamma resonance at 750GeV?Franceschini, Roberto;Giudice, Gian F.;Kamenik, Jernej F.;et al.Journal of High Energy Physics2016, 3: 144 116 Composite models for the 750 GeV diphoton excess Harigaya, Keisuke; Nomura, Yasunori Physics Letters B 2016, 754: 151-156115Background model systematics for the FermiGeV excessCalore, Francesca;Cholis, Ilias;Weniger, ChristophJournal of Cosmology andAstroparticle Physics2015, 3: 38 107 Precise determination of the mass of the Higgs boson and tests of compatibility of its couplings with the standard model predictions using proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV Khachatryan, V.; Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; et al. European Physical Journal C 2015, 75(5): 212106New parton distribution functions from a globalanalysis of quantum chromodynamicsDulat, Sayipjamal;Hou, Tiejiun;Gao, Jun; et al.Physical Review D2016, 93(3): 033006
Physiology 生理學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物313Melatonin: An ancient molecule that makesoxygen metabolically tolerableManchester, Lucien C.;Coto-Montes, Ana;Boga, Jose Antonio; et al.Journal of Pineal Research2015, 59(9): 403-41988Magnesium in man: Implications for healthand diseasede Baaij, Jeroen H. F.;Hoenderop, Joost G. J.;Bindels, Rene J. M.Physiological Reviews2015, 95(1): 1-46 63 Store-operated calcium channels Prakriya, Murali; Lewis, Richard S. Physiological Reviews 2015, 95(4): 1383-143661The mitochondrial permeability transitionpore: Channel formation by F-atp synthase,integration in signal transduction, and rolein pathophysiologyBernardi, Paolo;Rasola, Andrea;Forte, Michael; et al.Physiological Reviews2015, 95(4): 1111-1155 61 The reward positivity: From basic research on reward to a biomarker for depression Proudfit, Greg Hajcak Psychophysiology 2015, 52(4): 449-45957Neuronal reward and decision signals: Fromtheories to dataSchultz, WolframPhysiological Reviews2015, 95(3): 853-951 55 Functions of melatonin in plants: A review Arnao, Marino B.; Hernandez-Ruiz, Josefa Journal of Pineal Research 2015, 59(2): 133-15055TGF-beta/Smad signaling in renal fibrosisMeng, Xiaoming;Tang, Patrick Mingkuen;Li, Jun; et al.Frontiers in Physiology2015, 6: 82 49 The validity of consumer-level, activity monitors in healthy adults worn in freeliving conditions: A cross-sectional study Ferguson, Ty; Rowlands, Alex V.; Olds, Tim; et al. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2015, 12: 4249Lysosomal physiologyXu, Haoxing;Ren, DejianAnnual Review ofPhysiology2015, 77: 57-80
Plant Sciences 植物科學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物160Natural products as sources of new drugs from1981 to 2014Newman, David J.;Cragg, Gordon M.Journal of Natural Products2016, 79(3): 629-661111Mycorrhizal ecology and evolution: The past,the present, and the futurevan der Heijden,Marcel G. A.; Martin,Francis M.; Selosse,Marc-Andre; et al.N ew Phytologist2015, 205(4): 1406-1423 81 A metacalibrated time-tree documents the early rise of flowering plant phylogenetic diversity Magallon, Susana; Gomez-Acevedo, Sandra; Sanchez-Reyes, Luna L.; et al. New Phytologist 2015, 207(2): 437-45377A robust CRISPR/Cas9 system for convenient,high-efficiency multiplex genome editing inmonocot and dicot plantsMa, Xingliang;Zhang, Qunyu;Zhu, Qinlong; et al.Molecular Plant2015, 8(8): 1274-1284 76 An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV Byng, James W.; Chase, Mark W.; Christenhusz, Maarten J. M.; et al. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 2016, 181(1): 1-2072An updated classification of OrchidaceaeChase, Mark W.;Cameron, Kenneth M.;Freudenstein, John V.;et al.Botanical Journal of theLinnean Society2015, 177(2): 151-174 69 Targeted mutagenesis, precise gene editing, and site-specific gene insertion in maize using cas9 and guide RNA Svitashev, Sergei; Young, Joshua K.; Schwartz, Christine; et al. Plant Physiology 2015, 169(2): 931-94568A worldwide phylogenetic classification of thePoaceae (Gramineae)Soreng, Robert J.;Peterson, Paul M.;Romaschenko,Konstantin; et al.Journal of Systematics andEvolution2015, 53(2): 117-137 64 Fungal effectors and plant susceptibility Lo Presti, Libera; Lanver, Daniel; Schweizer, Gabriel; et al. Annual Review of Plant Biology 2015, 66: 513-54563Strigolactones, a novel carotenoid-derivedplant hormoneAl-Babili, Salim;Bouwmeester, Harro J.Annual Review of PlantBiology2015, 66: 161-186
Polymer Science 高分子科學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物107Recent progress in shape memory polymer:New behavior, enabling materials, andmechanistic understandingZhao, Qian;Qi, H. Jerry;Xie, TaoProgress in Polymer Science2015, 49-50: 79-12089Polymer-matrix nanocomposite membranesfor water treatmentYin, Jun;Deng, BaolinJournal of Membrane Science2015, 479: 256-275 83“Click”-inspired chemistry in macromolecular science: Matching recent progress and user expectations Espeel, Pieter; Du Prez, Filip E. Macromolecules 2015, 48(1): 2-1481Recent advances in membrane distillationprocesses: Membrane development,configuration design and application exploringWang, Peng;Chung, TaishungJournal of Membrane Science2015, 474: 39-56 80 Fouling and its control in membrane distillation: A review Tijing, Leonard D.; Woo, Yun Chul; Choi, June-Seok; et al. Journal of Membrane Science 2015, 475: 215-24479Photoinduced metal-free atom transfer radicalpolymerization of acrylonitrilePan, Xiangcheng;Lamson, Melissa;Yan, Jiajun; et al.Acs Macro Letters2015, 4(2): 192-196 78 Shape memory polymers: Past, present and future developments Hager, Martin D.; Bode, Stefan; Weber, Christine; et al. Progress in Polymer Science 2015, 49-50: 3-3374Biomedical applications of hydrogels: Areview of patents and commercial productsCalo, Enrica;Khutoryanskiy,Vitaliy V.European Polymer Journal2015, 65(SI): 252-267 74 Visible light sensitive photoinitiating systems: Recent progress in cationic and radical photopolymerization reactions under soft conditions Xiao, Pu; Zhang, Jing; Dumur, Frederic; et al. Progress in Polymer Science 2015, 41: 32-6669Recent advances in green hydrogels fromlignin: A reviewThakur, Vijay Kumar;Thakur, Manju KumariInternational Journal of BiologicalMacromolecules2015, 72: 834-847
Primary Health Care 初級衛(wèi)生保健
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物28General practitioners recognizing alcoholdependence: A large cross-sectional studyin 6 european countriesRehm, Juergen;Allamani, Allaman;Della Vedova, Roberto;et al.Annals of Family Medicine2015, 13(1): 28-3226Geographic and specialty distribution of USphysicians trained to treat opioid use disorderRosenblatt, Roger A.;Andrilla, C. Holly A.;Catlin, Mary; et al.Annals of Family Medicine2015, 13(1): 23-26 19 Efficacy and acceptability of pharmacological treatments for depressive disorders in primary care: Systematic review and network meta-analysis Linde, Klaus; Kriston, Levente; Ruecker, Gerta; et al. Annals of Family Medicine 2015, 13(1): 69-7918A systematic review of parent and clinicianviews and perceptions that influenceprescribing decisions in relation to acutechildhood infections in primary careLucas, Patricia J.;Cabral, Christie;Hay, Alastair D.; et al.Scandinavian Journal ofPrimary Health Care2015, 33(1): 11-20 18 Help seeking for cancer ‘a(chǎn)larm’ symptoms: A qualitative interview study of primary care patients in the UK Whitaker, Katriina L.; Macleod, Una; Winstanley, Kelly; et al. British Journal of General Practice 2015, 65(631): E96-E10517Obesity statisticsSmith, Kristy Breuhl;Smith, Michael SethPrimary Care2016, 43(1): 121 17 BEACH program update Britt, Helena; Miller, Graeme Australian Family Physician 2015, 44(6): 411-41417More comprehensive care among familyphysicians is associated with lower costsand fewer hospitalizationsBazemore, Andrew;Petterson, Stephen;Peterson, Lars E.; et al.Annals of Family Medicine2015, 13(3): 206-213 17 An early look at rates of uninsured safety net clinic visits after the affordable care act Angier, Heather; Hoopes, Megan; Gold, Rachel; et al. Annals of Family Medicine 2015, 13(1): 10-1616Integrating behavioral health and primary care:Consulting, coordinating and collaboratingamong professionalsCohen, Deborah J.;Davis, Melinda;Balasubramanian, Bijal A.;et al.Journal of the AmericanBoard of Family Medicine2015, 28(S1): S7-S17
Psychiatry 精神病學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物145Epidemiology of DSM-5 alcohol use disorderresults from the national epidemiologic surveyon alcohol and related conditions IIIGrant, Bridget F.;Goldstein, Rise B.;Saha, Tulshi D.; et al.Jama Psychiatry2015, 72(8): 757-766136Mortality in mental disorders and globaldisease burden implications a systematicreview and meta-analysisWalker, ElizabethReisinger; McGee,Robin E.; Druss,Benjamin G.Jama Psychiatry2015, 72(4): 334-341 115 Sub-chronic psychotomimetic phencyclidine induces deficits in reversal learning and alterations in parvalbumin-immunoreactive expression in the rat Abdul-Monim, Z.; Neill, J. C.; Reynolds, G. P. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2016, 30(11): 198-205105Oxytocin enhances processing of positiveversus negative emotional information inhealthy male volunteersDi Simplicio, M.;Massey-Chase, R.;Cowen, P. J.; et al.Journal of Psychopharmacology2016, 30(11) 105 Alzheimer’s disease risk genes and mechanisms of disease pathogenesis Karch, Celeste M.; Goate, Alison M. Biological Psychiatry 2015, 77(1): 43-51101What is the impact of mental health-relatedstigma on help-seeking? A systematic reviewof quantitative and qualitative studiesClement, S.;Schauman, O.;Graham, T.; et al.Psychological Medicine2015, 45(1): 11-27 95 Identification of a common neurobiological substrate for mental illness Goodkind, Madeleine; Eickhoff, Simon B.; Oathes, Desmond J.; et al. Jama Psychiatry 2015, 72(4): 305-31593Large-scale network dysfunction in majordepressive disorder a meta-analysis ofresting-state functional connectivityKaiser, Roselinde H.;Andrews-Hanna,Jessica R.;Wager, Tor D.; et al.Jama Psychiatry2015, 72(6): 603-611 93 Annual research review: A meta-analysis of the worldwide prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents Polanczyk, Guilherme V.; Salum, Giovanni A.; Sugaya, Luisa S.; et al. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2015, 56(3): 345-36589From prediction error to psychosis: Ketamineas a pharmacological model of delusionsCorlett, P. R.;Honey, G. D.;Fletcher, P. C.Journal of Psychopharmacology2016, 30(11): 238-252
Psychology 心理學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物101What is the impact of mental health-relatedstigma on help-seeking? A systematic reviewof quantitative and qualitative studiesClement, S.;Schauman, O.;Graham, T.;et al.Psychological Medicine2015, 45(1): 11-2794The cognitive neuroscience of workingmemoryD’Esposito, Mark;Postle, Bradley R.Annual Review of Psychology2015, 66: 115-142 93 Annual research review: A meta-analysis of the worldwide prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents Polanczyk, Guilherme V.; Salum, Giovanni A.; Sugaya, Luisa S.; et al. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2015, 56(3): 345-36586The science of mind wandering: Empiricallynavigating the stream of consciousnessSmallwood, Jonathan;Schooler, Jonathan W.Annual Review of Psychology2015, 66: 487-518 68 Knowing your own heart: Distinguishing interoceptive accuracy from interoceptive awareness Garfinkel, Sarah N.; Seth, Anil K.; Barrett, Adam B.; et al. Biological Psychology 2015, 104: 65-7461The reward positivity: From basic researchon reward to a biomarker for depressionProudfit, Greg HajcakPsychophysiology2015, 52(4): 449-459 61 The nucleus accumbens: An interface between cognition, emotion, and action Floresco, Stan B. Annual Review of Psychology 2015, 66: 25-5256Motivation and cognitive control: Frombehavior to neural mechanismBotvinick, Matthew;Braver, ToddAnnual Review of Psychology2015, 66: 83-113 56 Beyond simple models of self-control to circuit-based accounts of adolescent behavior Casey, B. J. Annual Review of Psychology 2015, 66: 295-31951Robust speech perception: Recognize thefamiliar, generalize to the similar, and adaptto the novelKleinschmidt, Dave F.;Jaeger, T. FlorianPsychological Review2015, 122(2): 148-203
Psychology, Applied 應用心理學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物38An inconvenient truth: Arbitrary distinctionsbetween organizational, mechanical turk, andother convenience samplesL anders, Richard N.;Behrend, Tara S.Industrial and OrganizationalPsychology-Perspectives onScience and Practice2015, 8(2): 142-16437Bayesian estimation and inference: A user’sguideZyphur, Michael J.;Oswald, Frederick L.Journal of Management2015, 41(2): 390-420 36 Recovery from job stress: The stressordetachment model as an integrative framework Sonnentag, Sabine; Fritz, Charlotte Journal of Organizational Behavior 2015, 36(1): S72-S10329Trust in automation: Integrating empiricalevidence on factors that influence trustHoff, Kevin Anthony;Bashir, MasoodaHuman Factors2015, 57(3): 407-434 28 Do perceived autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching relate to physical education students’ motivational experiences through unique pathways? Distinguishing between the bright and dark side of motivation Haerens, Leen; Aelterman, Nathalie; Vansteenkiste, Maarten; et al. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 2015, 16: 26-3626Virtual teams research: 10 years, 10 themes,and 10 opportunitiesGilson, Lucy L.;Maynard, M. Travis;Young, Nicole C. Jones;et al.Journal of Management2015, 41(5): 1313-1337 26 State of science: Mental workload in ergonomics Young, Mark S.; Brookhuis, Karel A.; Wickens, Christopher D.; et al. Ergonomics 2015, 58(1): 1-1726How are we doing after 30 years? A meta-analytic review of the antecedents andoutcomes of feedback-seeking behaviorAnseel, Frederik;Beatty, Adam S.;Shen, Winny; et al.Journal of Management2015, 41(1): 318-348 25 Getting rid of performance ratings: Genius or folly? A debate Adler, Seymour; Campion, Michael; Colquitt, Alan; et al. Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice 2016, 9(2): 219-25224Correlational effect size benchmarksBosco, Frank A.;Aguinis, Herman;Singh, Kulraj; et al.Journal of Applied Psychology2015, 100(2): 431-449
Psychology, Biological 生物心理學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物68Knowing your own heart: Distinguishinginteroceptive accuracy from interoceptiveawarenessGarfinkel, Sarah N.;Seth, Anil K.;Barrett, Adam B.;et al.Biological Psychology2015, 104: 65-7461The reward positivity: From basic research onreward to a biomarker for depressionProudfit, Greg HajcakPsychophysiology2015, 52(4): 449-459 42 The NIMH research domain criteria initiative: Background, issues, and pragmatics Kozak, Michael J.; Cuthbert, Bruce N. Psychophysiology 2016, 53(3): 286-29730Cognition does not affect perception: Evaluatingthe evidence for “top-down” effectsFirestone, Chaz;Scholl, Brian J.Behavioral and Brain Sciences2016, 39: e229 30 Gastrointestinal microbiota in children with autism in Slovakia Tomova, Aleksandra; Husarova, Veronika; Lakatosova, Silvia; et al. Physiology & Behavior 2015, 138: 179-18725Norepinephrine ignites local hotspots ofneuronal excitation: How arousal amplifiesselectivity in perception and memoryMather, Mara;Clewett, David;Sakaki, Michiko; et al.Behavioral and Brain Sciences2016, 39: e200 24 Adolescent alcohol exposure: Are there separable vulnerable periods within adolescence? Spear, Linda Patia Physiology & Behavior 2015, 148(SI): 122-13024Chimpanzees copy dominant andknowledgeable individuals: Implicationsfor cultural diversityKendal, Rachel;Hopper, Lydia M.;Whiten, Andrew;et al.Evolution and Human Behavior2015, 36(1): 65-72 23 The cultural evolution of prosocial religions Norenzayan, Ara; Shariff, Azim F.; Gervais, Will M.; et al. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2016, 39(e1)23It’s not too late: The onset of the frontocentralP3 indexes successful response inhibition inthe stop-signal paradigmWessel, Jan R.;Aron, Adam R.Psychophysiology2015, 52(4): 472-480
Psychology, Clinical 臨床心理學
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物1 01What is the impact of mental health-relatedstigma on help-seeking? A systematic reviewof quantitative and qualitative studiesClement, S.;Schauman, O.;Graham, T.; et al.Psychological Medicine2015, 45(1): 11-2783The economic burden of adults with majordepressive disorder in the united states (2005and 2010)Greenberg, Paul E.;Fournier, Andree-Anne;Sisitsky, Tammy; et al.Journal of Clinical Psychiatry2015, 76(2): 155 65 How do mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction improve mental health and wellbeing? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mediation studies Gu, Jenny; Strauss, Clara; Bond, Rod; et al. Clinical Psychology Review 2015, 37: 1-1246The epidemiology and global burden ofautism spectrum disordersBaxter, A. J.;Brugha, T. S.;Erskine, H. E.; et al.Psychological Medicine2015, 45(3): 601-613 42 A systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise interventions in schizophrenia patients Firth, J.; Cotter, J.; Elliott, R.; et al. Psychological Medicine 2015, 45(7): 1343-136141Brief alcohol interventions for adolescentsand young adults: A systematic review andmeta-analysisTanner-Smith, Emily E.;Lipsey, Mark W.Journal of Substance AbuseTreatment2015, 51: 1-18 40 Burnout-depression overlap: A review Bianchi, Renzo; Schonfeld, Irvin Sam; Laurent, Eric Clinical Psychology Review 2015, 36: 28-4140The body appreciation scale-2: Itemrefinement and psychometric evaluationTylka, Tracy L.;Wood-Barcalow,Nichole L.Body Image2015, 12: 53-67 38 Updated meta-analysis of classical fear conditioning in the anxiety disorders Duits, Puck; Cath, Danielle C.; Lissek, Shmuel; et al. Depression and Anxiety 2015, 32(4): 239-25336A review and analysis of the use of ‘habit’ inunderstanding, predicting and influencinghealth-related behaviourGardner, BenjaminHealth Psychology Review2015, 9(3): 277-295