Zhiqiang Shen?Jie Lu?Min Hua?Xiaoqin Tang?Xingle Qu?Jingli Xue?Jiangping Fang
A population,the most basic unit of community structure and function,is one of the most important levels used for analysis in ecology.Population structure and spatial distribution patterns,the two main topics of concern among ecologists,have become the focus of ecological research in recent years(Somanathan and Borges 2000;Didier and Porter 2003;Miyadokoro et al.2003).Plant population structure is created by the integrated effects of individual plant viability and the external environment.The study of plant population structure provides more than an understanding of the development and evolutionary trends of a population;it can also allow the analysis of the relationship between the population and the external environment while determining the status of a population in a community(Stewart 1989).
The spatial distribution pattern of a plant population refers to spatial distribution for the individual,which is caused by the mutually integrated effects of its own characteristics,interspeci fi c relationships and environmental conditions(Greig-Smith 1983;Dale 1999).To a certain extent,distribution re fl ects the relationship among populations and habitats as well as the status and role of an individual within the community(Arista 1995).Knowledge of distribution provides important and signi fi cant information related to ecological processes of plant populations as well as intra-and interspeci fi c relationships(Getzin et al.2008;Wiegand et al.2007).The study of the spatial patterns of plant populations not only includes a quantitative description of population structure,but also allows the prediction of the dynamic development trends of both populations and communities.In addition,a knowledge of plant distribution will allow researchers to analyze the type of spatial distribution pattern of a population and reasons for its formation;it will also allow the development of appropriate protective measures designed to promote the ecological restoration of a population,such as provide guidance for supplemental seedling or selective cutting(Borchsenius et al.2004).Therefore,the study of plant population structure and spatial distribution patterns has very important scienti fi c signi fi cance in illuminating ecological and biological characteristics of plant populations;this knowledge also helps in the understanding of the laws controlling variations in population dynamics and the relationship of plant distribution to the environment,as well as to the factors controlling population formation,stability,and ecological succession(Johnson 1997;Harper 1977).
Quercus aquifolioidesis endemic and widely distributed in the southeastern part of the Tibetan and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateaus.This evergreen tree reaches heights of 20 m and mainly grows on sunny hillsides at elevations of 2000–4500 m within mountain pine(Pinus densata)forest.Q.aquifolioides,a dominant and widely distributed species in this region,plays important ecological roles by enriching biodiversity and helping to conserve soil and water.Therefore,previous research related to the populations ofQ.aquifolioides,have mainly focused on topics such as forest soil(Yang and Zhao 2013),physiological and reproductive characteristics of the species(Wang et al.2009;Li et al.2009),and the morphological structure of this species and its relationship with the environment(Li et al.2006;Zhou et al.2015).Some scholars have also conducted a related study onQ.aquifolioidespopulations on the Tibetan Plateau(Song et al.2004;Duan et al.2008;Zhu et al.2014;Chen et al.2015).However,no known comprehensive reports have analyzed the variations in the population structure and spatial distribution patterns ofQ.aquifolioideson Sejila Mountain.Knowing the spatial distribution ofQ.aquifolioidesand its spatial correlation at different stages of growth would establish a scienti fi c basis for the sustainable use and recovery of local forest resources.The goals of our study were(1)to analyze the structural dynamics ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations;(2)to study the spatial pattern dynamics of the populations at different ecological stages and to reveal their related spatial association;and(3)to discuss the in fl uence of the biological characteristics of the species and related environmental factors on the population.
Study site
The study area,located on Sejila Mountain in eastern Bayi District,Tibet Autonomous Region(Tibet),China,is part of the Nyainqentanglha Mountains.This watershed lies between the Nyang River Basin and Parlung Zangbo River.This region features steep mountains with a mean slope of 28°and a mean elevation of 3540 m.Vegetation changes from low to high elevation transitioning mainly from deciduous broad-leaved forest to mountainous temperate coniferous forest,subalpine dark coniferous boreal forest,boreal alpine shrub,and ultimately to grass meadow.The study site(29°38′29′′N,94°42′02′′E;Fig.1)features a humid and semi-humid subalpine cool climate with distinct wet and dry seasons.Rain falls frequently in spring and summer with a rainy season generally from April to October.Autumn and winter are often windy and dry.The mean annual precipitation,relative humidity,and temperature are about 800 mm,64%,and-1.8°C,respectively.The mean temperatures in January and July as well as the minimum and maximum temperatures during the year are-7.8,9.8,-31.6,and 24.0°C,respectively.The mainly brown and acid brown soil has an average thickness of 60 cm with obvious humi fi cation(Wang and Zhang 2011;Wang et al.2012).The dominant trees in the study area areQ.aquifolioides,Betula utilis,Abies georgeivar.smithii,B.platyphylla,andPicea likiangensisvar.linzhiensis.The shrub layer is composed mainly of species such asRhododendron nyingchiense,Sorbus rehderiana,Rosa sericeavar.omeiensis,Lonicera lanceolata,Lonicera inconspicua,andRhododendron hirtipes.The herbaceous layer mainly includes species such asParasenecio quinquelobus,Sinopodophyllum hexandrum,Ainsliaea latifolia,Vicia tibetica,Fragaria moupinensis,Oxalis acetosella,andCircaea alpina.
Fig.1 Location of the study site
Plot establishment and surveys
In June to August,2015,we established a single 1 ha(100 m×100 m) fi xed monitoring sample plot.The southwest corner of plot was set as the origin.Data tallying information related toQ.aquifolioidesin the quadrat were collected,Use 205-type tree diameter tape(Jiejia Co.Ltd.Shenyang,China),IMPULSE-200LR type laser altimeter,diastimeter(Leaves Qiao Technology Co.Ltd.Beijing,China)or steel tape and tape(Kanghong measuring Co.Ltd.Shangqiu,China)respectively for measuring and recording the tree diameter at breast height(DBH),tree heightand plants geographicalcoordinates (x,y)(Table 1).
Classi fi cation of the population by DBH
Under the same environmental conditions,trees of the same age class and DBH responded consistently to those conditions(Frost and Rydin 2000);therefore,the DBH of trees was used during data analysis to replace the age classes.Based on a combination of life history characteristics ofQ.aquifolioidesand fi eld survey data,we divided theQ.aquifolioidestrees in the study area into the following DBH classes:Class I,DBH<5 cm;Class II,DBH 5 to<10 cm;Class III,DBH,10 to<15 cm;…Class IX,DBH 40 to<45 cm,creating nine size classes(I–IX).The data related to the number of trees for each diameter class were measured in each plot.According to the diameter class characteristics and data,we divided theQ.aquifolioidespopulations on Sejila Mountain into three age groups,namely:saplings(Class I–II),medium-(Class III–VI),and large-sized trees(Class VII–IX).
Table 1 Number of trees,tree height,diameter at breast height(DBH)of saplings,mediumand large-sized trees at the sampling sites
We developed a static life table forQ.aquifolioidespopulations on Sejila Mountain.This was done using a combination of comprehensive survey plots data and the number ofQ.aquifolioidesindividuals in different age classes,using the static life table method(Harcombe 1987;Cui et al.2011).
The population survival rate could be shown using a survival curve showing variations in age to re fl ect the population dynamics(Armesto et al.1992).Deevey(1947)divided survival into three types:type I survival curves are convex,indicating that only a few individuals died before reaching the natural age of physiological longevity,showing a low level of early mortality;type II survival curves are diagonal,with the same mortality rate for each age group;type III survival curves are concave,representing higher mortality of young individuals while mortality decreased gradually over time.A survival curve is a valid interpretation of a static life table,which is one of the main methods of studying population dynamics,and the analysis of these curves could provide a deeper understanding of population dynamics(Stewart 1989;Díaz et al.2000).The survival curve ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations on Sejila Mountain was based on diameter class on the abscissa and the natural logarithm of survival amount on the ordinate axis.
We used the Ripley’s L Function to analyze the plant populations(Ripley 1977).The value^K(r)re fl ects the distribution pattern of plant populations in space(Formula 1):
whereAis plot size;nis the number of plants in the plot,uijis the distance between theith andjth subject trees,andris the spatial scale.Whenuij≤r,Ir=1,orIr=0,iis the center of the circle,uijis the radius of the circle,the value of the areaAis the ratio to the entire circle,and could be a correction factor of boundary effects.In practical application,we simpli fi ed Formula(1)as Formula(2),using(r)to replace(r):
In order to improve the accuracy of spatial distribution pattern analysis,we used a stochastic Monte Carlo simulation with 1000 replicates to obtain a 99%con fi dence envelope.The maximum and minimum values of(r)were in the upper and lower envelope curve of the coordinate values.Withras the abscissa,the lower envelope of the ordinate was plotted.We used data from the practical distribution of the population to obtain values of(r)at different scales.An aggregate distribution would be plotted above the envelope curve,a uniform distribution would be plotted below the envelope curve and a random distribution is within the envelope curve(Wiegand and Moloney 2004).
Multivariate point pattern analysis provides a descriptive analysis of different relationships among different populations(Formula 3):
wheren1,n2represent individuals at different growth stages,Iandjare individual 1 and individual 2,respectively.Other abbreviations follow formula(1).We simpli fi ed Formula(3)as Formula(4):
Population structure
The individuals of theQ.aquifolioidespopulation were mainly aggregated into Classes I–VI,which included 94.3% of all individuals,with many fewer individuals in Classes VII–IX(Fig.2).Although the number of individuals in Classes I and II was less than that of Class III,the total number of individuals in Classes I and II was greater than in Classes IV–IX.The diameter class structure of the studied population was an atypical‘pyramid’type,with the population classi fi ed as an expanding population.However,growth was limited and the population had a tendency to stabilize.An analysis of the tree height structure indicated that relatively few individuals were less than 5 m tall,while individuals with heights up to 10 m were most common(206 individuals,accounting for 56% of the population).Few individuals were taller than 20 m,accounting for only 2.4% of the population.That is,the number of saplings was limited with larger quantities of medium-sized trees and a small number of large-sized trees in the plots;this fi nding was consistent with the results of the analysis of diameter class structure.Q.aquifolioidesshowed a growth-oriented pattern in the study area,but growth was limited;a tendency was observed for the population to stabilize,so regeneration of the population could be promoted by the planting of supplemental seedlings.
Fig.2 Diameter class and height distribution of Q.aquifolioides populations.Size class de fi nitions based on diameter at breast height(DBH):Class I,DBH<5 cm;Class II,DBH 5 to<10 cm;Class III,DBH,10 to<15 cm;… Class IX,DBH 40 to<45 cm,creating nine size classes(I–IX)
When checking fi eld survey data ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations,we found that the data for age classes I and II changed;the measurement of survival for those classes was smaller than that of age classes II and III.At the same time,because the number of individuals in age Class V exceeded that of Class I,the smoothing zone for the age classes I–V was determined.Based on the assumptions of the speci fi c life table,the age composition of the studied population was stable.The proportion of different ages was stable and unchanged,af fi rming age classes I–V,calculating section survival numbers:the average(class mid-value)=T/n=319/5≈64.According to the difference between the maximum and minimum survival numbers,namely,(79–45=34),the count by was 4 and the difference between the survival number of adjacent age groups was 34/4≈9.Thus,after smoothing correction to giveax,we prepared a speci fi c life table ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations(Table 2).
As can be seen from the static life table ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations on Sejila Mountain,the mortality rate increased with increasing age.This indicates the biological characteristics of the population as well as intraspeci fi c competition were major factors affecting their growth and development.The lowest mortality rate was in Class I,only 0.11,and might have occurred because this age class of individuals had less competition than other individuals.With increasing age,intraspeci fi c competition increased and mortality rates rose;these results could show there were some de fi ciencies in the availability of the seedling bank for age Class I.Planting seedlings would be necessary to ensure the sustainable development of the population.Age classes V–VII had higher mortality because of the intraspeci fi c competition for the resources(space,sunlight,etc.)over time;Age Class VIII experienced the highest mortality becauseQ.aquifolioidespopulations enter into the age where physiological death frequently occurs.Life expectancy of theQ.aquifolioidespopulations continued to show a constant decreasing trend with increasing tree age,which depended mainly on the biological characteristics of their own populations.This indicated that natural growth and regeneration ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations on Sejila Mountain was relatively stable.
The survival curve ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations on Sejila Mountain was close to Deevey type I;age classes I–V had a higher survival rate,and then the survival rate decreased with increasing age(Fig.3).Among them,theself-thinning effect caused by intraspeci fi c competition was the main reason leading to a decline in the survival rate for age classes VI–IX.
Table 2 Static life table of Q.aquifolioides populations
Figure 4 shows the distribution of individuals in theQ.aquifolioidespopulations on SejilaMountain in the 100 m×100 m fi xed standard plot.Figure 4 shows that the density and spatial distribution ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations in the different growth stages had large differences.The medium-sized trees were most frequent and had the densest populations with 221 individuals ha-1.Samplings were the second most dense with 121 individuals ha-1.The distribution of large-sized trees was far less dense than the density of saplings and medium-sized trees with about 21 individuals ha-1.
Fig.3 Survival curve of the Q.aquifolioides populations.Size class de fi nitions based on diameter at breast height(DBH):Class I,DBH<5 cm;Class II,DBH 5 to<10 cm;Class III,DBH,10 to<15 cm;… Class IX,DBH 40 to<45 cm,creating nine size classes(I–IX)
Figure 5 showsQ.aquifolioidespresented an aggregated distribution with a trend for a random distribution among saplings,medium-to large-sized trees.Saplings on a scale of 0–33 m showed an aggregated distribution,and on a scale of0–7 m,the aggregation intensity gradually increased;however,on a scale of 8–33 m,the aggregation intensity gradually weakened.On a scale of 34–50 m,the saplings showed a random distribution;on a scale of 0–29 m,medium-sized trees showed an aggregated distribution and aggregation intensity gradually increased;however,on a scale of 30–50 m medium-sized trees showed a random distribution,while on a scale of 10–29 m the aggregation intensity of medium-sized trees was signi fi cantly stronger than that of saplings;on a scale of 20–30 m large-sized trees showed an aggregated distribution,but at other scales they showed a random distribution.
From the spatial association analysis ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations on Sejila Mountain at the different age classes(Fig.6),we found no correlations among saplings,medium-,and large-sized trees at scales smaller than 0–5 m,while a signi fi cant and negative association was observed on scales of 6–50 m.Here,strong competition existed between saplings,medium-trees,and large-sized trees,while there were no obvious associations between mediumtrees and large-sized trees in any of the scales.
Fig.4 Spatial distribution points of Q.aquifolioides individuals in a population.P entire population,S saplings,diameter at breast height(DBH)<10 cm;M medium-sized trees,DBH 10 to<30 cm;L large-sized trees,DBH 30 to<45 cm
Fig.5 Spatial distribution pattern of Q.aquifolioides at different developmental stages.S saplings,diameter at breast height(DBH)<10 cm;M medium-sized trees,DBH 10 to<30 cm;L large-sized trees,DBH 30 to<45 cm.Thin dashed lines indicate function value(L(r));Black lines indicate the upper and lower limits of the 99% con fi dence interval.Points above the upper limit of the interval stand for a clumped distribution,points within the interval stand for a random distribution,and points below the lower limit of the interval stand for a regular distribution
The study of population structure is conducive to understanding regeneration types within a community and allows further speculation on the development trend of a community(Condit et al.2000);diameter class structure may affect the spatial patterns of plant populations.To a certain extent,diameter class structure re fl ected the living conditions of the population,while at the same time the height of the individuals within the plant population may re fl ect the status of the individual in the vertical structure of the community(Frost and Rydin 2000;Ma and Zu 2000;Lan et al.2012).In the present study,the individualQ.aquifolioidespopulationsweremainly aggregated in Classes I–VI that accounted for 94.3% of all individuals;fewer individuals were found in Classes VII–IX.However,the number of individuals in classes I and II were less than that of Class III,the total number of individuals in classes I and II was also greater than in classes IV–IX.The population was expanding so that the diameter class structure formed an atypical‘pyramid’type.The population growth was limited and exhibited a tendency to become stable.Based on tree height structure,there was a limited number of saplings,larger quantities of medium-sized trees,and a small number of large-sized trees;this fi nding was consistent with the results of diameter class structure.In terms of diameter class structure,theQ.aquifolioidespopulation was growth-oriented,but growth was limited.The ability for natural regeneration and diffusion was rather weak.There was a tendency for the population to become stable,so we could promote regeneration of the population by planting supplemental seedlings.In addition,seedling survival could be stimulated through the use of selective cutting of medium-and larger-sized trees.This would allow for increased regeneration of the population.
The life table and survival curve characteristics of the population represent the combined effects of a species’own characteristics,interspeci fi c relationships,and the effects of environmental conditions(Crawley 1986;Skoglund and Verwijst 1989).Mortality increased constantly with an increaseinageforQ.aquifolioidespopulations,sothatClass I had the lowest mortality rate.This occurred because seedlings grew in the community substratum with less competition among individuals;seedlings mutually helped each other to use resources so that the community improved the ability of individuals to survive.At the same time,the numberof seedling present inthe community was quite low;additional seedlings were needed to ensure the sustainable development of the population,even though the entire population was experiencing stable growth.Mortality increased gradually with increasing age,mainly because intraspeci fi c competition caused an enhanced self-thinning effect.The natural age of physiological death was the main cause of mortality of large-sizedQ.aquifolioidestrees.Life expectancy ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations exhibited a constant decreasing trend with increasing age that depended on the biological characteristics of each population.That is,mortality was low for young tree and high forolder trees making the survival curve ofQ.aquifolioidespopulations on Sejila MountainclosetoDeevey typeI.Thehighdeath ratelaterin lifeoccurred becauseindividualswere affected by intra-and interspeci fi c competition for light,moisture,nutrients,and space;so that selection intensity increased,leading to an increasing death rate(Cheng 2010).
Fig.6 Spatial correlation of Q.aquifolioides at different developmental stages.S saplings,diameter at breast height(DBH)<10 cm;M medium-sized trees,DBH 10 to<30 cm;L large-sized trees,DBH 30 to<45 cm.Thin dashed lines indicate the function value(L1,2(r));Black lines indicate the upper and lower limits of the 99%con fi dence interval.Points above the upper limit of the interval indicate a positive association,points within the interval indicate no spatial association,and points below the lower interval indicate a negative association
The spatial distribution patterns of plant populations are extremely important to revealing the dynamics of a population and predicting the development of populations and communities(Wu et al.2002).Some researchers believe that young trees have a tendency to form an aggregated distribution in order to improve their survival rates(Condit et al.2000).As the ages of trees increases,their individual ability to withstand external stressors increases,causing them to tend to take on a uniform or random distribution(Condit et al.2000).The results of the present study were basically consistent with this concept.As saplings grew to become large-sized trees,the spatial pattern of the population was basically transformed from an aggregated to a random distribution.Saplings and medium-sized trees exhibited an intense aggregated distribution at small scales,while large-sized trees showed a random distribution.The aggregated distribution of saplings was caused by uneven seed germination and limited early seedling survival(Grubb 1977;Harms et al.2000).Canopy gaps(Nicotra et al.2008),soil(Hall et al.2004),and terrain(He et al.1977)may lead to an aggregated distribution of saplings.Saplings took advantage of favorable resources and formed clusters of trees that improved their chances of survival;meanwhile,large-sized trees were randomly distributed based on intraspeci fi c competition that mainly resulted in self-thinning of the population(Condit et al.2000).
The spatial association of different age classes of the population should be analyzed to understand the reproduction and spatial diffusion characteristics of the population(Zhang et al.2013).Intraspeci fi c links refer to the mutual association of the spatial distribution within a single species in different age classes,which could re fl ect the mutualistic relationship among individuals within populations(Wang et al.2010).Some authors believe that among individual plants with a similar body size,a stronger positive association among individuals would be conducive to the stable development of the population.Conversely,a stronger negative association with more intense intraspeci fi c competition would not be conducive to the development of smaller individuals;these factors would affect the natural regeneration of an entire population(Zhang et al.2005;You et al.2010).In the present study,strongly negative associations were found among saplings,medium-,and large-sized trees ofQ.aquifolioidesat larger scales because the presence of medium-and large-sized trees resulted in an intense inhibition of regeneration for saplings.With the ability of saplings to deal with external stressors increasing and the demands for space,soil,moisture,and nutrients;competition among different age classes will increase constantly over time(Song et al.2010).Medium-and large-sized trees exhibited essentially no association because the medium-and large-sized trees outcompeted saplings leading to some death of saplings.This infraspeci fi c competition also increased the distance between medium-and large-sized trees,reducing competition among them.This may also occur because the medium-and large-sized trees had an independent ability to withstand environmental stressors,so that their mutual dependence was greatly reduced,leading to decreasing association with the change of aggregation intensity.This was bene fi cial to the sound development of entireQ.aquifolioidespopulations.
Q.aquifolioidesis an important component of vegetation on Sejila Mountain,Tibet,China and plays extremely important roles in protecting biodiversity and in conserving water and soil.The present study addresses the population structure and spatial distribution patterns of this species;correctly understanding the population structure change and the relationship between the population and the environment is important.In the future,the mutualistic association betweenQ.aquifolioidesand other plant populations should be studied in more depth.The goal would be to reveal the mechanisms involved in the maintenance of the plant population and the relationships betweenQ.aquifolioidesand other species as well as the entire community.
AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank all those who provided helpful suggestions and critical comments on the manuscript.We also thank San Gao for providing a critical revision of the English.Zhiqiang Shen performed research and wrote the paper.Xiaoqin Tang,Jie Lu and Zhiqiang Shen designed the experiments.Zhiqiang Shen,Min Hua,Xingle Qu,Jiangping Fang and Jingli Xue collected and analyzed the data.We also thank LetPub(www.letpub.com)for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript.
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Journal of Forestry Research2018年2期