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2018-06-27 09:47:32張俊嶺
城市軌道交通研究 2018年6期



地鐵乘客在上下車時有可能接觸到列車車體或站臺門門體。為有效規(guī)避乘客觸電風險,站臺門門體需進行絕緣設計。目前,各地地鐵運營部門均按照站臺門對地絕緣電阻值不少于0.5 MΩ的標準進行驗收。站臺門對地絕緣多采用站臺門門體的上下立柱連接幾個絕緣墊作為技術手段。然而,這是不能絕對保證達到絕緣要求的。而且,站臺門門體的安裝精度及使用壽命會受到土建及裝修等配合工程的相互作用,繼而影響到門體的絕緣效果。此外,地鐵正式開通運營后,站臺門門體在實際運行過程中還會受到空氣、溫度及濕度變化,以及雜散電流腐蝕等影響,其絕緣阻值也會不斷下降。


1 站臺門門體絕緣方案

1.1 站臺門門體結構



1.2 絕緣材料性能要求









1.3 絕緣層實施方案

1.3.1 門體貼膜加裝絕緣層方案



1.3.2 門體噴涂絕緣涂料



1.3.3 門體涂刷絕緣涂料


1.3.4 使用效果比較


2 施工及運營對絕緣層的影響

2.1 施工對絕緣層的影響



2.2 運營對絕緣層的影響




3 最優(yōu)方案實例分析


3.1 新型絕緣涂層材料


3.1.1 涂層材料的基本性能技術參數(shù)


表1 涂層材料參數(shù)表

3.1.2 涂層材料特殊性能分析


(1)附著力:涂層附著力為12.2 MPa,即粘結力達到122 kg/cm2,所以涂層在正常的運營使用過程中不會脫落,與金屬門體粘結為一體。

(2)耐磨性:涂層耐磨性指數(shù)為0.003 G。該指數(shù)測試時采用500 G橡膠砂輪以50 r/min轉速運轉10 min后再計算磨損量的測試方式。而絕緣涂層在實際使用時一般只有乘客觸碰或衣物摩擦??梢?,新型絕緣涂層材料耐磨性能優(yōu)異,完全滿足站臺門門體絕緣層的耐磨性需求。



3.2 工程化試驗





在工程化試驗中,門體絕緣涂層有效減少了門體表面的泄漏電流,增加了門體絕緣電阻。地鐵運營1 a之后,絕緣層的電阻值均大于100 MΩ,絕緣性能較剛加裝完成時保持一致;絕緣層沒有任何損壞,更沒有脫層起皮現(xiàn)象,其外觀效果與剛施工完一樣透亮。

3.3 工程化試驗結論


4 結語


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[2] 饒美婉.城市軌道交通站臺門新型整體式絕緣設計方案[J].城市軌道交通研究,2016(3): 27.

[3] 王凱,倪少權,陳釘均,等.地鐵運營模式在城際鐵路的應用研究 [J].交通運輸工程與信息學報,2016(2): 2.

[4] 陳韶章.地下鐵道站臺屏蔽門系統(tǒng)[M].北京:科學出版社,2005.

[5] 孫增田,李華,程強.屏蔽門接軌保護及絕緣保護必要性分析[J].城市軌道交通研究,2006(8): 44.

[6] 葉宏,凌人. 屏蔽門門體絕緣及站臺絕緣的探討[J]. 現(xiàn)代城市軌道交通,2012(6):27.


(Continued from Commentary)

science and technology of high-speed trains, the introduction stage of high-speed train manufacturing technologies, the digestion, absorption and innovation stage of the imported technologies, and the researching and manufacturing stage of China Standard EMU trains.

The first stage started in "The 8th Five-year Plan" period. During "The 9th Five-Year Plan" period, researching and manufacturing of the high-speed train core components and overall-technology researching of high-speed trains were completed and the core technologies of high speed trains were mastered. On the basis of the above scientific research results, the developing, testing and verifying tasks of the whole high-speed train were carried out during "The 10th Five-year Plan" period. At this stage, the core technologies of high-speed trains grew out of nothing. Its landmark achievements were "China′s Star" and "Pioneer" EMU trains. On September 10, 2002, the highest test speed of "Pioneer" EMU train reached 292.0 km/h. On November 27, 2002, 2M+3T short-marshalling of "China′s Star" EMU train reached the highest test speed of 321.5 km/h. On December 20, 2002, 2M+9T long-marshalling of "China′s Star" EMU train reached the maximum test speed of 305.9 km/h. On the basis of the successful development of the "Pioneer" EMU train, the development of power-distributed high-speed EMU trains of 300 km/h in China was started.

Tackling key problems in science and technology at the first stage cultivated a complete talent team of China in all respects of high speed trains′ theoretical researching, high speed trains′ designing, manufacturing, inspecting and testing etc. At the technical level, the core technologies′ being mastered laid a foundation for the industrialization of the key components of AC drive traction system, computer-control braking system, high-speed gearbox, aluminum-alloy vehicle body, dense coupler, air spring and etc. Meanwhile, all kinds of detect equipment were founded, making detection technology reach the world′s advanced level.

The second stage that started in 2003 introduced high-speed train manufacturing technologies. Thus, the localization of the high-speed trains of "Harmony" CRH1, 2, 3, 5 series was realized, significantly improving railway transportation capacity and passengers′ travel quality, making manufacturing enterprise′s manufacturing ability, level and quality control have a qualitative leap and forming the localization capacity and the industrialization structure. Meanwhile, more comprehensive and deepening understandings for standards, technology, maintenance and application of high-speed trains were achieved. The problems existing at this stage were as follows. The core technologies were controlled by foreign investors, which were enslaved to others. The EMU train models of different technical platforms were too many. There were more than 20 models and the technical platforms and the standard systems were not uniform. For the development of EMU trains, there was lack of perfect top-level designs.

The third stage is the stage of digestion, absorption and innovation for the imported technologies. Its landmark achievements were "Harmony" CRH380 series high-speed trains that were successfully developed in 2010. The deficiencies of the second stage had been improved somewhat at this stage.

The fourth stage, that is, the researching and manufacturing stage of China Standard EMU trains, was begun in 2012. This stage based on the forward design, got rid of the situation of core technologies′ being enslaved to others, set up the standard system of China′s high speed trains, and founded the completely independent technology platforms of China′s high-speed trains. It was the milestone of China′s high-speed train technology development. Its landmark achievement was that "Renaissance" high-speed EMU train with the highest operating speed of 350 km/h commenced commercial operation.

The great significance of developing China Standard EMU trains is as follows. Firstly, China′s EMU sustaining innovation technology platform has been founded. Secondly, the technical standard systems of EMU which adapts to our country′s situation have been formed. Thirdly, China has had the intellectual property rights of high-speed trains. Fourthly, the world-class "producing-studying-researching-applying" innovation teams have been cultivated. Thus, China′s high-speed train technique level′s continuously lying in the world′s advanced rank would be ensured.

Currently, high speed train technologies and its new-type trains are constantly emerging all over the world. For example, there are Germany′s fourth generation Velaro-D high-speed train and the ICE 4 high-speed train, France′s fourth generation new-type AGV high-speed train that adopts permanent-magnet motor traction and is distributed-power, and Japan′s Shinkansen E5, E6 high-speed trains, etc. China is now speeding up to develop China′s new generation intelligent high-speed rail trains, and they will be put into trial operation on Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway line that will be opened in 2019. We must continue to innovate in the technical aspects of high-speed trains. Only this can ensure that we continue to be in the first square team to keep up with the world′s advanced level and to achieve the higher goal of leading technology.

(This paper is the summary of the author′s keynote speech at "2018 Urban Rail Transit Development Forum and The Academic Forum of 20th anniversary ofUrbanMassTransitMagazine′s Starting Publication" on the May 17, 2018.)

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