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2019-07-16 06:24:00雨果迪亞斯HugoDiaz孫夢琪
國際人才交流 2019年7期

文/雨果·迪亞斯(Hugo Diaz) 譯/孫夢琪




實際上,一開始我沒有選擇去往石家莊。 但河北省與美國艾奧瓦州存在姐妹城市關系,而我選擇了艾奧瓦州的得梅因,所以我最終留在了石家莊。
















即使上網的問題解決了,但這只意味著是時候開始處理下一問題了,這是個沒完沒了的過程。上網買票需要銀行賬戶。我那時還沒有銀行賬戶。因為復雜的文件工作——我還在等待批準,仍然需要向銀行提交一些補充文件。所以我當時只能現金交易。這意味著我當時要進行更仔細的計劃和預算工作。我需要計劃出足夠的現金以供花銷,但又不要太多。當時很少有地方能接受信用卡或儲蓄卡消費,對于這件事我記得我腦子里有過少許的抱怨。我在當時即使有銀行卡也可能用不了,所以,我有沒有賬戶也就不那么重要了。幸好,如今我們有了微信和智能手機。[雨果·迪亞斯(Hugo Diaz),特立尼達和多巴哥國籍,畢業(yè)于德雷克大學的精算學專業(yè),并取得了工商管理學士學位,現任石家莊貝思國際英語學校副校長]

Blink and you’ll miss the construction of a new mall,apartment complex or some other building. Turn your back, and when you face the city again you’ll find an entire new metro system and expanded highways. Take a nap, and by the time you wake up, you might think you’re in a new city.

It’s crazy that people here call Shijiazhuang a small city, whereas in the US this would rank as a fairly large city. Sometimes it is scary how quickly things have moved and it feels as though I’ve been completely left behind. At other times I’m filled with unlimited optimism due to so many potential opportunities here.To paraphrase an old joke-Shijiazhuang only has three types of buildings; buildings that are currently under construction; buildings that were just constructed and freshly demolished lots where construction is about to begin!


Technically I didn’t choose Shijiazhuang. I chose Des Moines, Iowa and ended up in Shijiazhuang due to the sister state relationship between Hebei province and Iowa.

I didn’t choose to be a teacher. I chose to find a practical way to support myself in China for a year and ended up teaching English because my university afforded me this golden opportunity to explore this attractive culture and country.

I didn’t chose to be nervous during my first class; like many things in life, it just happened.

I thought I was well prepared for class, I knew exactly what I wanted to cover, I knew what I wanted to say to the students, and I had notes that I could refer to. I was not nervous, which was a surprise to me; well atleast I was not nervous as yet. I decided to try to get to class early so that I could hopefully meet some of the students before class began. I figured 15 to 20 minutes early would be sufficient. Wrong! I got there at 7:40(class was not scheduled to begin until 8:00), but every single student was already there. This threw me off, and I suddenly started to feel a bit uneasy with the sudden hush that came over the class, followed by a few gasps and then murmuring. I looked up at the class, and at least 90% of the students were just staring at me in awe.I quickly looked down, and proceeded to take my notes out of my bag. Basically I aimlessly shuf fl ed through my notes, trying to look like I was busy. I noticed that my hands were shaking, and it is likely that a few students sitting towards the front of the class also noticed this.I looked at the time, 7:50. I was beginning to regret getting to class early, what in the world was I supposed to do to kill ten minutes?

Thus began my life in China as a teacher, but instead of concluding this story, perhaps I should backtrack a bit.


When I first arrived in China, my flight landed in Beijing. It was already night and so I didn’t get to see much. I just remembered eating some noodles at a small restaurant somewhere that looked a bit shady to my inexperienced eyes. A sight that stuck in my mind from that day was a bunch of young shirtless guys sitting around drinking some beers while smoking. Maybe it wasn’t the best first impression that China could have given me, but for some reason this made me feel a little more comfortable. I really had no idea what to expect before I got here, and these people just out relaxing and enjoying themselves allayed my fears that this would be a place where people were too burdened to enjoy life.

I only spent a few groggy jet-lagged hours in Beijing before departing for Shijiazhuang at an unholy hour the following morning. The entire drive to Shijiazhuang resembled some kind of murky half-remembered dream;I hardly talked, but rather just stared out the window observing the surroundings. There was way too much to take in and properly process, further complicated by my still depleted mind and body which both still seemed to be stuck back in the states and hadn’t caught up with the reality of our current location as yet. The only certainly was that this felt incomplete and rushedand I knew I wanted to revisit Beijing whenever the opportunity arose.

That opportunity came quickly enough, because about a month later was the National Holiday.


A Chinese friend, Figo, and I decided to travel to Beijing.We had to buy our train tickets 10 days in advance.There were extra police on hand at the train station to deal with the crowds that gathered and anxiously pushed to buy tickets. What was already a perilously volatile situation was inexplicably aggravated by the sudden announcement that there would be a 20 minute break.My instant, knee-jerk inner monologue was as follows:"Seriously?! Why do all of the workers need to take a break at the same time? Wouldn’t some kind of labor rotation, allowing them to do this in intelligent shifts so that service wouldn’t come to a complete halt, be much better?" There might have been a very reasonable explanation for this, such as some kind of system failure,glitch or who knows what, but don’t bother trying to use rationality to reason with an impatient, hot, bothered and cramped person who has been fighting off others in line for such a long time. In such a heightened state of affairs, the only thing you can say to make someone happy is that you have resumed work, and even then their anger will not immediately or completely subside.During this time no tickets were sold and we just had to stand there to avoid losing our place in line. It was hot and sticky with all the people standing around in such uncomfortably close proximity. During this intermission I could hear people around me cursing and clearly everyone was unhappy with this. Another foreign teacher who was with us was quite annoyed at some of the people who tried to walk right past us and cut into the line up ahead. I really don’t blame him for that as it was indeed irritating. I remember that he said he was ready to “get physical” with someone if anyone tried to walk by him again. I think he must have felt bad when I didn’t really say anything to support or validate his visceral fury, but that’s just me. I don’t complain much, and at times I don’t talk much, I just silently observe and try to make sense of what is going on around me.

Figo and I got our tickets for Beijing, but unluckily the other teacher didn’t get the tickets he wanted due tounexpected price changes. He didn’t buy them at that point because the price was much higher than he had originally anticipated. As he was also supposed to be buying tickets for the group of people who would be traveling with him, he couldn’t make the decision to purchase the tickets as he wasn’t sure if everyone else would reimburse him or still want to go if they knew the “new” price. He called around a bit and the other members of his travel group said they would come to the train station to check things out and make a new decision together. He took a deep theatrical breath and stepped out of line. The anger and frustration on his face were now gone. However, I’ve seen this kind of reaction before when a person becomes aware that they have reached their limit and that the next unhappy occurrence will be met with unbridled fury. Once the others arrived, Figo and I quickly left - not a moment too soon.

It’s possible, for example, with the train station example that there were other options that we just were not aware of-for example the smaller train ticket offices that I now know to be scattered around the city, but I don’t know if they existed back then. I haven’t fact checked, but I seriously doubt there were online booking options available at that time. Also, the people I knew didn’t have much experience with all this technology,it was quite common that students didn’t have laptops.Smartphones? Forget about it, many students didn’t even have those regular old school phones! So, basically,even if online systems existed, we didn’t know about it and we would have totally struggled to use it. The most likely outcome would be that we would spend countless hours trying to figure out how things worked, fruitlessly conclude that we couldn’t complete the transaction, and in the end still need to go to the train station to endure those terrible lines.

One problem solved, but that only means it’s time to start working on the next problem in the endless line. Bank account? Didn’t have one as yet, because of the complicated paper work—I was still waiting for approval and some supplemental documents still needed to be submitted to the bank. So it was all cash.That meant more careful planning and budgeting.Needed to take enough cash to cover costs, but not too much. I remember mildly complaining in my mind about how few places seemed to accept “plastic”anyway. So whether I had an account or not didn’t seem to matter much. Today we have the wechat ecosystem and smartphones.

Going to a Movie去看電影
Train Station火車站
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