克麗絲特爾?德科斯塔 陳嘉儀 吳棋
Coffees offer us a way to look at our relationship to the larger world and see that sometimes our choices are not really our own, to think about how brands and larger market forces can help create what appear to be stable icons in our lives.咖啡為我們提供了一個視角,讓我們觀察自身與廣闊世界的關(guān)系,明白選擇并非總是由我們自己做主,并思考品牌和更大的市場力量如何能幫助我們創(chuàng)造出生活中那些看上去經(jīng)久不衰的文化符號。
The idea of the morning person aside, morning commuters seem to fall into one of two categories: the Caffeinated and the Un-caffeinated—the latter category being those who intend to consume coffee, but haven’t quite gotten their morning java1 yet. And they’re easily recognizable as such. The Caffeinated are bright-eyed and engaged with the day’s events already—they’re reading their morning papers, or checking email, or reading for pleasure. They’re sometimes armed with travel mugs2 or Ventis3 from their coffee shop of choice. They rattle4 the ice in the clear plastic beverage cups from mobile vendors5 on summer days. They walk a little faster in the early hours having long left last night behind.
This is not the case for the Un-caffeinated. This group sleeps through the AM commute both on the commuter trains and the subway. They’re bleary eyed. Materials they intended to review lie unattended in their laps while they linger in the previous night. They walk more slowly up the stairs and are more irritable when you hurry them along—or hurry by them. They stroll, they trudge6, they linger.
Only grown ups drink coffee
Anthropologist William Roseberry reports that coffee drinkers would have been hard pressed to find specialty coffee in the United States in the 1970s—most of the coffee in the groceries came in cans, “the roasts were light and bland,” and the decaf7 versions were terrible. Coffee drinking had been on a decline.
Waning8 consumer interest was compounded by frost in Brazil in 1975, which drove the price of the beans higher. Consumer groups called for a boycott—they would not pay more for bland coffee. The market grew even smaller at the onset of the 1980s when coffee growers and retailers realized that the current 20-29 year old generation had little interest in coffee, which they associated with their parents and grandparents. This group preferred “soft drinks”. So-called “coffeemen” didn’t know what to make of them.
The “me” generation
For the coffee industry to survive, it needed a new marketing strategy. Kenneth Roman, Jr., the president of Ogilvy and Mather9, one of the PR firms? that supported Maxwell House10, made a suggestion: emphasize quality, value, and image by creating segmented products11 to increase appeal. The consumer was changing, and coffee-players needed to pay attention:
We are entering the “me” generation. The crucial questions “me” oriented customers will ask, of all types of products, are: “What’s in it for me? Is the product ‘me’? Is it consistent with my lifestyle? Does it fill a need? Do I like how it tastes? What will it cost me? Is it necessary? Can I afford it? Is it convenient to prepare? How will it affect my health?”
Coffees are a naturally diverse product; their value is derived from where they are grown, size and texture of the bean, and how they are processed and roasted. Once traded, they can be blended with coffees from other places to produce complex aromas and tastes that mark each brand as distinctive.
To emphasize value, quality, the consumer needed to be made more aware about what made coffee worth the price. And so the specialty coffee was born. The vision was a type of coffee to appeal to every person, including flavored coffees for the “soft drink generation.” Coffee for the aficionados12, the penny-counters, those on-the-go13, and certainly the senior community who were already strong supporters.
The office brew
People drink coffee because it means something to them: a flavor for everyone, a style for every lifestyle—we have methodically been taught to socialize over coffee, to look for a boost in productivity from this drink.
If you live in a large urban center like New York City, there is a demand for productivity at all hours. The office coffee machine serves two purposes: it’s a convenience for you, the coffee drinker, but it’s also a productivity booster for employers who want employees to get down to work when they arrive. We consume coffee as a means of performing the tasks we need to complete in the setting of the workplace. We use it to ward off14 boredom and fatigue. Perhaps there is a sense that carrying coffee or having it nearby confers15 the idea of productivity also. So not only are we drinking it to get us through the day’s activities, but we have it with us to seem like we’re busy and productive during times when we’re not actually working—it could almost be classified as a status symbol16.
Coffee: It’s personal
Over the years, coffee drinking seems to have moved farther away from the social activity that it initially appears to be. While people still frequent coffee houses for leisure activities, it’s far more likely to see a variety of folks working on laptops or reading, or doing some other form of productive work at coffee houses. The number who are there solely for social purposes seems very small.
We’re identified by the brand that we drink, by the coffee houses we frequent, and by the process by which the beans are grown and harvested. We tout17 words such as “Free-Trade” and organic. It is all about “me.” But as Roseberry concludes, these connections have been carefully structured by the market:
That is to say, my newfound freedom to choose and the taste and discrimination I cultivate, have been shaped by traders and marketers responding to a long-term decline in sales with a move toward market segmentation along class and generational lines ... we exercise those choices in a world of structured relationships, and part of what those relationships structure (or shape) is both the arena18 and the process of choice itself.
Coffees offer us a way to look at our relationship to the larger world and see that sometimes our choices are not really our own. The “me” that we have come to emphasize may be less personal than we realize.
咖啡為我們提供了一個視角,讓我們觀察與廣闊世界的關(guān)系,明白選擇并非總是由我們自己做主。我們所強(qiáng)調(diào)的“自我” ,也許并非我們想象的那樣完全屬于我們自己。