Location: Oslo, Norway
Time: February—April 2019
Host: https://startfortalents.net
Program: OsloCall - Cultural Center for Norvegian Waterfront
Design Team
Chief Architect: ZHU Wenyi
Team Member: YUE Yang, BIAN Yizhi
圖1 / Figure 1“奧斯陸天梯”設計構思Concept of Oslo Ladder
圖2 / Figure 2“奧斯陸天梯”具有地理中心的潛質Oslo Ladder as Geographic Center of the City Center
圖3 / Figure 3從市政廳看“奧斯陸天梯”A View of Oslo Ladder from Oslo City Hall
圖4 / Figure 4從奧斯陸歌劇院和“條形碼”街區(qū)方向看“奧斯陸天梯”A View of Oslo Ladder from Oslo Opera House and Barcode Project
圖6 / Figure 6作為濱水建筑的“奧斯陸天梯”O(jiān)slo Ladder as a Waterfront Building
圖7 / Figure 7公共空間最大化的“奧斯陸天梯”O(jiān)slo Ladder Maxmizing Publicity
圖5 / Figure 5從胡夫島方向看“奧斯陸天梯”A View of Oslo Ladder from Hoved island
圖8 / Figure 8“奧斯陸天梯”作為一種水景建筑新類型Oslo Ladder as a New Typology of Waterscape
Oslo is the capital of Norway in the Nordic countries, and its famous waterfront harbor is also home to a variety of pioneer architectures. The competition site is selected in the active port waterfront, south to the pier, and north to the old town building such as the Defense Museum. From the perspective of the old town of Oslo, the location is in the geographical center of the water and land area in the center of Oslo. The competition requires participants to complete the design of the Norwegian Waterfront Cultural Center. Proposal “Oslo Ladder” (Fig. 1) submited by ZHUWENYI Atelier was explored in the context of echoing the old city space, focusing on waterfront accessibility and creating unique spaces.
First, the excellent location has the potential for urban landmarks. The proposal “Oslo Ladder” is 84m high, taking into account the visual experience from the northwest direction of the City Hall,the Opera House in the north and the “barcode”project in the northeast, and the Hoved island from the south across the sea (Figure 2—5). At the same time, the city observation desk at the top of the“Oslo Ladder” provides citizens and visitors with an opportunity to 360° - overlook the entire city(Figure 6).
Second, the site is isolated from the east, west and south by the buildings on the dock, and there is no direct water. The function of the building is the waterfront cultural center. How to design the waterfront cultural center in the site where is “not waterfront”? This is a design challenge for architects. Looking like a sloping ladder, the “Oslo Ladder” leverages the southern storage building on the dock to create an unique landscape with new and old buildings. More importantly, the “Oslo Ladder”mega - structure with a length of 168m, a width of 21m and a height of 84m extends along the natural fabric of the dock space to the south, making the building directly “waterfront”. The Norwegian Waterfront Cultural Center is worthy of its name.
Third, the Norwegian Waterfront Cultural Center is a kind of highly public building. The “Oslo Ladder” attempts to maximize the publicity of the building. Its smallest footprint creates the largest possible ground plaza with a 30° angle of inclination that makes the roof of the building a terrace square facing the old town, connecting the ground plaza to the terrace plaza. Inside the building, all kinks of function rooms are cleverly combined with the terraces and the city observation decks,and a diagonal cable car is placed indoors for all to the city observation decks (Figure 7).
The proposal “Oslo Ladder” attempts to explore and present the spirit of the Oslo waterfront, and on this basis create a new typology of the waterscape(Figure 8).