Host: Sir Ken Robinson is considered one of the prominent voices of education today. Producer Aurora Velez met him in Paris to talk about talents, innovation and educational challenges.
Aurora: Sir Ken Robinson, in your latest book, The Element, you talk about our talents. Is the school killing them? In which way?
Robinson: Well, schools sometimes ignore them, I would say. Part of the argument of the book is that we all have very different talents, and they show themselves in all sorts of different areas. You know, for some people, it may be science or mathematics; for other people it may be dance or music. I always think of human talents like the Earths natural resources. You know, they may be there, but you may never discover them. They may be buried. You may have to work hard to find them. And schools tend to focus on a very narrow idea of ability, you know, particularly a certain sort of academic work, so its why students at school spend most of their time writing and sitting down. And Im not saying those things arent important, but theyre not the whole of human talent, and so schools often ignore young peoples real talent. You know, I think that…that we do need a revolution in education, so the change is beginning to happen, and I think itll get faster.
Aurora: Are…are the teachers helping on that or not?
Robinson: Well, some are, and…and some arent. Its a very complicated system. There are a lot of people in education who have been in this for a very long time, and they dont necessarily see the need for change and dont necessarily feel very well-equipped to bring the change about even if they were to understand it. So I think there is a big generational shift that will happen. I think as this generation of young people moves through the system, you may well find that the whole context will have changed and…and theyll have, you know, a different set of attitudes and energies to bring to this shift.
Robinson: Creativitys putting your imagination to work, and sometimes its an individual effort and sometimes it involves collaboration. It almost always involves being influenced by other peoples ideas one way or another. I think that the, theres a huge op…a huge area for innovation—how we organize schools internally. I mean, for example, most schools are still organized by subjects, they divide the day up into small bits, you know, to 40 or 50 minutes, and they ring a bell every 50 minutes. I mean, theyd just be demoralized. It would…youd never get anything done. But we do it in schools all the time. So I think if you organize schools or learning communities around the nature of the tasks that youre asking people to do, you…youd see a very different kind of dynamic. I mean sometimes you want to spend all day working on a project, and sometimes you just need 15 minutes to do something in particular. At the moment its all organized around the schedule, and we try to fit everything else into it.
Aurora: Yeah.
Robinson: Tests and drugs and rock-n-roll, isnt it? Well, Im not saying tests are bad. Ive never said that. Im not saying that people shouldnt be made to work hard. I think thats really important. I mean, the problem is where testing becomes the purpose of it all. Im, what have, Im not critical of there being data like this, just that people obsess about it, and it becomes the purpose of the exercise.