国产日韩欧美一区二区三区三州_亚洲少妇熟女av_久久久久亚洲av国产精品_波多野结衣网站一区二区_亚洲欧美色片在线91_国产亚洲精品精品国产优播av_日本一区二区三区波多野结衣 _久久国产av不卡



2020-04-11 09:31劉成韓冉汪曉璐宮文萍程敦公曹新有劉愛峰李豪圣劉建軍
中國農(nóng)業(yè)科學 2020年7期




(山東省農(nóng)業(yè)科學院作物研究所/農(nóng)業(yè)部黃淮北部小麥生物學與遺傳育種重點實驗室/小麥玉米國家工程實驗室,濟南 250100)



1 小麥族分類


2 小麥遠緣雜交現(xiàn)狀


3 小麥-近緣植物異染色體系創(chuàng)制情況


4 近緣植物抗病基因向栽培小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況



4.1 抗條銹病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況


表1 小麥近緣植物抗條銹病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況

4.2 抗葉銹病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況


4.3 抗稈銹病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況


表2 小麥近緣植物抗葉銹病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況

表3 小麥近緣植物抗桿銹病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況

4.4 抗白粉病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況


表4 小麥近緣植物抗白粉病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況

4.5 抗赤霉病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況


4.6 其他抗病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況


表5 小麥近緣植物抗赤霉病基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況

表6 小麥近緣植物抗麥瘟病等基因向小麥轉(zhuǎn)移情況

—表示基因已命名但無文獻發(fā)表(McIntosh R A與Worland A K,私人通訊)

—indicates that the gene has been designated but no reference published (MCINTOSH R A and WORLAND A K, private communication)

5 小麥近緣植物抗病基因的利用

在小麥遠緣雜交種質(zhì)應用方面,對世界小麥育種做出突出貢獻的當屬小麥-黑麥1RS·1BL易位系。1RS染色體上由于含和等基因,受到了廣大育種工作者的普遍青睞[14,203-206],國外育種家們利用該易位系及其衍生系作親本,育成了山前麥、高加索、無芒一號和洛夫林13等高產(chǎn)抗病小麥,被全世界幾十個國家作為骨干親本應用,育成了一大批優(yōu)異小麥新品種[207-210],在推動小麥品種的更新?lián)Q代中發(fā)揮了重要作用[203,211-212]。除了1RS·1BL易位系,國外育種家們還培育出了含1RS·1AL易位系的Amigo等品種,并以此為骨干親本,培育出了含該易位系的Zhytnytsa、Nota和Duma[203]、Columbia、Etude和Rastavitsa[213]、TAM107、TAM303、TAM305、AG Robust、Fannin、N96L9970[214-216]和Helami-105等小麥新品種/系[217],在美國、墨西哥和歐洲等國家推廣應用。近年來,國際玉米小麥改良中心(CYMMYT)以該易位系為親本育成了CM409和CM451等一批小麥新品種/系(劉彩云,私人通訊)。


除含1RS染色質(zhì)的育種材料外,含、和的小麥-偏凸山羊草2NS/2AS易位系對世界小麥育種也做出了突出貢獻。以該易位系為抗源育成的Mace(還含和)[225-226]、Jagger、Madsen、Overley、SY Gold、Trident、EGA Eaglehawk和Espada等小麥品種在美國、澳大利亞和歐洲等國家推廣應用[225-229]。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),源自中國10余個省份69個小麥品種中的49%含該易位系[230]。此外,據(jù)報道,川育18、川麥25和川麥39等[231]、新麥19、濟麥20、濟麥21和師欒02-1[232]、蘭考906、西農(nóng)739、陜872和小偃216等品種/系[233]含有該易位系。近期研究發(fā)現(xiàn),濟麥20和濟麥21中不含但中麥175中含有等基因,然而已對中國當前葉銹生理小種表現(xiàn)為感病[234]。此外,在澳大利亞、歐洲和中國的條銹抗性已經(jīng)完全或部分喪失[228,235-236]。因此,今后在育種中應減少對該易位系的利用。



6 結(jié)論與展望




致謝:堪薩斯州立大學Friebe B教授、德克薩斯農(nóng)工生命研究和推廣中心Liu SY教授、北達科他州立大學Cai XW教授、悉尼大學Zhang P博士和李建波博士、阿德萊德大學Dundas I博士、John Innes Centre的Griffiths S研究員、CYMMYT劉彩云博士后、烏克蘭國家種子與品種調(diào)查中心Motsnyi I研究員、電子科技大學楊足君教授、中國農(nóng)業(yè)科學院張錦鵬研究員、西北農(nóng)林科技大學王長有教授、魯東大學崔法教授、山東農(nóng)業(yè)大學鮑印廣教授在不同國家小麥品種所含外源染色質(zhì)信息搜集中給予的大力幫助,在此表示感謝。

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Research Progress of Wheat Wild Hybridization, Disease Resistance Genes Transfer and Utilization

LIU Cheng, HAN Ran, WANG XiaoLu, GONG WenPing, CHENG DunGong, CAO XinYou, LIU AiFeng, LI HaoSheng, LIU JianJun

(Crop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Wheat Biology and Genetic Improvement in the North Huang-Huai River Valley, Ministry of Agriculture/National Engineering Laboratory for Wheat and Maize, Jinan 250100)

Wheat alien species are vast reservoir of diversity for disease and pest resistance as well as stress tolerance, which are excellent gene sources for wheat breeding. Through wide hybridization, the genes of alien species could be transferred to wheat to create wheat-alien chromosome lines such as amphiploids or partial amphiploids, additions, substitutions and translocation lines. These genetic stocks could be utilized to study chromosome behavior and genome evolution, mapping genes, and diversifying the genetic basis of wheat for diseases and pest resistance, as well as yield and quality improvement. In order to understand the progress of wheat wide hybridization and useful gene transfer from alien species to wheat, in this paper, the classification of the tribe Triticeae, the definition and significance of wheat wide hybridization, alien transfers progress from species belonging to genera,,,,,,,,andto wheat have been summarized and discussed. To date, the official designated genes originated from wheat alien species include 17 stripe rust resistance genes, 35 leaf rust resistance gens, 30 stem rust resistance genes, 41 powdery mildew resistance genes, 3 Fusarium head blight-resistance genes, one wheat blast resistance gene, one Septoria tritici blotch resistance genes, one Septoria nodorum blotch resistance gene, 4 tan spot resistance genes, 2 eyespot resistance genes, one wheat spindle streak mosaic virus resistance gene, 2 wheat streak mosaic virus resistance genes and 2 cereal yellow dwarf resistance genes. Names and the chromosomal locations of these disease resistance genes were inducted. Moreover, the utilization of these genes in wheat breeding has also been reviewed and summarized. In the history of world wheat breeding, disease resistant germplasms such as wheat-rye 1RS·1BL translocation, 1RS·1AL translocation and wheat-2NS/2AS translocation have made outstanding contributions. However, this only benefited from the utilization of a few disease resistant genes. Compared to the number of the designated genes, relatively few disease-resistant genes have been used in wheat breeding. In this paper, the limiting factors for the underutilization are discussed. Suggestions on how to use these disease-resistant genes in the future are put forward. Meanwhile, the cloned disease-resistant genes from wheat alien species are listed. The methods of cloning these genes and the possible research hotspots in the future are also analyzed. It is believed that the development and application of wheat-wild species translocation lines without genetic drag may be an important driving force for material innovation and variety breeding in the future.

wheat; wild hybridization; chromosome line; disease resistance gene; derived varieties






(責任編輯 李莉)
