成志薇 張雯潔 梁蕓 高珊珊
張楚悅 ?李錦篷 ?朱正宇??陶悅??殷渭清??吳至高??丁寶寶 ?蔣心怡 ?呂柏?zé)??翁婧雯 ?王嘉祿
Scene 1
Shopkeeper: Breakfast time! Here is a bowl of cereal for you.Here you are!
Jack: Me first!
Rory: Me first!
Terry: Hungry, hungry!
Shopkeeper: Eat quickly! It ' s time to open the shop.
( The shopkeeper goes to unlock the door. )
Rory: Is anybody coming?
Goldy: How do I look?
Jack: Too keen. We all look too keen.
Mango: It ' s terrible just waiting!
Terry: Nobody ' s coming!
Rory: I want an owner!
Goldy: I want one!
Terry: Want one! Want one!
Shopkeeper: Calm down, everyone.
Terry: Why? Do they like calm? I can do calm. Look at me!
Jack: Cet washed. They like clean and tidy.
Goldy: I washed.I'm clean! Look how my shoes shine!
Jack: Don ' t be timid.
Mango: Don ' t they like timid?
Jack: No. They like it if you rush up(沖上去) and say hello.
Rory: Hello, hello, hello!
Shopkeeper: Don ' t worry. I' m sure someone will come soon.
(Picky Dog comes in. )
Shopkeeper: Welcome! As you can see, I have many fineowners for you to choose.
Picky Dog: No, too big. No, too small. No, too hairy.
Terry: Hello, hello, hello!
Picky Dog: Too noisy, too skinny(骨瘦如柴的 )... No, I don ' tlike the ears. Just look at those legs! I' m sorry. None of these will do.
Shopkeeper: Oh, that' s a shame (羞愧 ). Thank you forcoming, though.
Mango: He ' s gone.
Goldy: I don ' t mind. Who cares!
Scene 3
(Soft Dog and Fit Dog enter. )
Shopkeeper: Let me show you around. I' m sure you' ll findsomeone that you like!
Soft Dog: Aaah! They are all so cute. I just love this one! Oh,but that one over there is darling!
Terry: Slie likes me!
Soft Dog: Oh! This one is so fluffy(毛茸茸的 )!
Mango: She likes me better!
Terry: She wanted me first!
Soft Dog: Goodness! Those two are fighting. Ihate fighting. What if I choose someone and then I findout they ' re rough(野蠻的 )? Can I bring them back?
Shopkeeper: No, I'm sorry.
Soft Dog: Hmmm... I ' ll think about it.
Shopkeeper: How about you, gentleman?
Fit Dog: i want a fit one. Can this one run? Can this one jump? Canthis one swim?
Shopkeeper: Umm... I'm not sure.
Fit Dog: Boys are fitter than girls, of course. I only want a boy. Lookat them. What a feeble(虛弱的 ) bunch!
(Soft Dog and Fit Dog leave. )
( Fierce Dog enters. )
Shopkeeper: Come in! We have many fine owners here.
Fierce Dog: Well, who' s going to be the lucky one? You have totreat me well. These are the rules: First, four meals a day. Second, neverclean my teeth. Third, I sleep on your bed_
Mango: Don ' t choose me!
Rory: Don ' t choose me!
Terry: Don ' t choose me!
Mango: Has he gone?
Terry: I was so scared!
Mango: I want someone to play with.
Rory: i want someone to love me.
Shopkeeper: Someone perfect will come along. You just have tobe patient(耐心的 ) .
Scene 5
(Pooch enters. )
Pooch: Hello, I' m pooch. I' m looking for a boy, or a girl, I don' tmind. I promise I' d look after him or her and take him or her for a walkevery day. I' d stand guard all night tokeep away bad dreams. And I promisenot to jump up at the table, or putmuddy (泥濘的 ) paw (爪子) prints onthe bed. And...
Everyone: Choose me! Chooseme!...
(The End)