TANG Rui,CHEN Long,2
(1. School of Mathematics,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,China; 2. School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Panzhihua University,Panzhihua 617000,China)
Abstract: This paper aims at the calculation of the fourth power mean of the generalized three-term exponential sums modulo p,an odd prime. By using some properties of the classical Gaussian sums and characteristical sums,we give some exact formulae and asymptotic formulae for it.
Keywords: Generalized three-term exponential sum; Characteristical sum; Fourth power mean; Asymptotic formula
Letq≥3 be an integer. For any integermandn,the two-term exponential sumG(k,h,m,n;q) is defined as
where as usual,e(y)=e2πiy,kandnare positive integers withk>h.This sum plays an essential role in the research of analytic number theory. Plenty of classical problems are closely related to it. Whenk=pis an odd prime,it is closely related to Fourier analysis on finite fields. Many researchers had researched the properties ofG(k,h,m,n;q) and obtained many interesting results[1-11]. For instance,Zhang and Zhang[2]proved that for any odd primepwith (p,n)=1,we have the identity
They[4]also obtained that
In this paper,we mainly consider the computational problem of the fourth power mean of the generalized three-term exponential sum and Kloosterman sum
wherekis a positive integer,pis an odd prime. The main tool is some properties of the Gauss sum to compute (1) for gcd(k,p-1)=1,2,3,4 whenk=3,4 and give the exact calculating formulae and asymptotic formula when gcd(k,p-1) be an odd prime. We will prove the following results
Theorem1.1Letpbe an odd prime with gcd (n,p-1)=1 . Then
Theorem1.2Letpbe an odd prime withgcd(n,p-1)=2. Then
Theorem1.3Letpbe an odd prime with gcd(n,p-1)=3,integerrwithr3≡1(modp) andr?1(modp). Then we have the following identity
Theorem1.4Letpbe an odd prime with gcd(n,p-1)=4 and integerrwithr2≡-1(modp). Then we have the following identity
At first,we introduce some properties of the Gauss sum modulop. Letχbe a character defined modulop,χ0is the principal character modulop,then
By the orthogonality relations for Dirichlet characters,we have
The Gauss sum of a Dirichlet character modulopis
Letχbe a primitive character modp,we have
Ifχis a real primitive character modp,then
Ifχis an-th character modp,then for any integermwith (m,p)=1 we have
Letaandbbe two integer and gcd(2a,N)=1,we have
Lemma2.1Letpbe a prime with 3|(p-1),integerrwithr3≡1(modp) andr?1(modp),then
ProofAccording to the properties of the reduced residue system modp,ifbpass through a reduced residue system modp,thena=br2anda=a-2-1also pass through a reduced residue system modp. We obtain
This proves the lemma.
Lemma2.2Letpbe a prime with 3|(p-1),integerrwithr3≡1(modp) andr?1(modp),then
ProofAccording to the properties of the reduced residue system modp,ifcpass through a reduced residue system modp,thencralso pass through a reduced residue system modpandr2+r+1≡0(modp). Thus we obtain
From the properties of Gauss sum we know that
From the properties of the reduced residue system modp,we have
the thirth part and fourth parts of (2).Then,from the properties of Gauss sum,we get
This proves the lemma.
Lemma2.3Letpbe an odd prime with 4|(p-1),integerrwithr2≡-1(modp),then
ProofAccording to the properties of the reduced residue system modp,ifbpass through a reduced residue system modp,thena=b-1also pass through a reduced residue system modp. From the properties of Gauss sum we know that
Then,from the orthogonality of the characters modp,we obtain that
Lemma2.4Letpbe an odd prime with 4|(p-1),integerrwithr2≡-1(modp),then we have
ProofAccording to the properties of the reduced residue system modp,ifapass through a reduced residue system modp,thenb=4-1a-1also pass through a reduced residue system modp.From the properties of Guass sums and reduced system,we obtain
The proof is end.
ProofofTheorem1.1By the orthogonality of characters modp,we obtain
This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.1.
ProofofTheorem1.2By the orthogonality of characters modp,we obtain
This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.2.
ProofofTheorem1.3By the orthogonality of characters modp,we obtain
According to Lemma 2.2,we can calculate the second part and third part of (3) as follows.
According to Lemma 2.3,we focus on the fourth part of (3),which is equal to
This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.3.
ProofofTheorem1.4Let 1,r,r3,-1 be different root ofx4≡1(modp). By the orthogonality of characters modp,we obtain
According to Lemma 2.3,we can calculate the sum of the second and the third part of equation (4) as follows.
According to Lemma 2.4,we can obtain the fourth part of equation (4) as follows.
This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.4.
ProofofTheorem1.5Letdbe the smallest positive integer such thatrd≡1(modp). By the orthogonality of characters modp,we obtain
Then we focus on the second part of (5). By the method similar to Lemma 2.3,we obtain
The rest of the proof is similar to the proofs of Theorem 1.1~Theorem 1.4,except the proof of the last part of (5). By orthogonality of characters modp,we know
In what follows we calculate the second part of (6) the rest parts can be done in the same way. From the properties of Gauss sum and residues system,we know the second part is
Hence,the last part of (4) is
This finishes the proof.
Corollary3.2Letpis a prime with 3|(p-1),integerrwithr3≡1(modp) andr?1(modp),then
Corollary3.3For any primep,we have the following asymptotic formula
Corollary3.5Letpis a prime with 4|(p-1),integerrwithr2≡-1(modp),then
Corollary3.6For any primep,such that the following asymptotic formula
On the other hard,we can only obtain the asymptotic formula for Theorem 1.5.
ConjectureWe leave the following conjecture :letpbe an odd prime andgcd(n,p-1)=dis a fixed positive integer. If 2|d,then we have the asymptotic formula