And in one of San Diegos biggest parks, you can find Christians, Hari Krishnas, and Muslims, handing out pamphlets, defending their religious views, and looking for converts. Recently a group of atheists has set up camp nearby to proselytize as well.
Stroll through the plaza of Balboa Park and youll pass an assortment of musicians, face painters and religious groups spreading their beliefs. But youll also see a table draped with a large blue banner that says: Relax, Hell Does Not Exist. Approach and youll hear conversations like this.
Kid: If youre an atheist, you dont believe in heaven or hell.
Rob Hudson (San Diego Coalition of Reason): That doesnt even make any sense. Who in their right mind would choose to go to hell?
Kid: No one will go to hell unless you choose not to believe in God.
Thats Rob Hudson talking to some kids who strolled by. He spends every Saturday at the booth and seems to thrive on religious arguments.
Woman: The Bible lines up with everything in history perfectly.
Rob: No, it doesnt.
Woman: Yes.
Rob: I studied history.(to reporter) Its actually kind of fun because instead of just giving the same argument back every single time, you like to mix it up a little bit.
San Diego Coalition of Reason opened this booth to support the atheist community and to evangelize non-belief to religious people. Jim Eliason, one of the Coalition of Reason members, says theyve actually had de-conversions at the booth, but with people already questioning their beliefs.
Jim Eliason: Even if they come up to you beforehand and they tell you very stridently that theyre a believer and theyre a Christian, probably what theyre doing is that theyre trying to see if you can give them any new information.
More often, religious people try to convert the atheists. On a recent Saturday, Valentine Ilin was walking by with four of his kids. Ilin is a Baptist and decided to give the atheists a message. So he led his family in a song.
Ilins: (singing) The precious, precious name of Jesus.
Many religions seek converts, but why would atheists care whether other people believe in God? Debbie Allen, the Coalition of Reason director, says they think the world would be better off with less dogma.
Debbie Allen: I think there are some good tenets within some religions that point people in the right direction, but when youre talking about a faith that is unwilling to change or grow, that this is the right way and there is no other way, those people are at risk of continuing practices that are detrimental to other human beings.
She also hopes the booth will break down stereotypes.
Debbie: Atheists are not necessarily strange or bad, but a lot of people of faith never meet someone that would be out about being an atheist.
Allen says everyone, atheists included, can benefit from meeting people with different beliefs or a lack of belief, and shes happy to have that interaction happen at the atheist booth. San Diego is one of several cities with this kind of atheist outreach, but its only one of a few places with a booth thats open every weekend.