30-year-old, live in Nanjing,English teacher
Online shopping stimulates my consumption, but I decided to restrain this trend
I've been in China for more than 5 years.Online shopping is convenient and I used to buystuff on online platform very frequently, sincemany international brands can be found on thesame platform. I mean, when I lie down on my bedand browse my phone, I just buy a lot of thingsunconsciously. However, those goods may notbe that useful, since sometimes they are impulseexpenditures, which mean I buy things withoutthinking twice. For instance, once I bought a mug,and the pattern on it was cute, but after I received it,the workmanship did not meet my expectations. Inaddition, the after-sales process also usually takesseveral days, so I think it's more straight forward tobuy those goods in the shopping malls. And now Ionly use internet to buy things when it's needed.