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Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse-patient communication among the staff nurses

2021-03-01 08:53:26ShivaniJhanviShikshaMonikaRahulBisht
Nursing Communications 2021年1期

Shivani,Jhanvi,Shiksha,Monika,Rahul Bisht

1Nursing Fourth Year Students, Faculty of Nursing, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana; 2Faculty of Nursing, SGT University,Gurugram,Haryana.

Abstract Introduction: The therapeutic nurse patient relationship is viewed as central or foundational to the practice of nursing.Such relationship not only improve patients' physical and emotional state but also facilitate their adjustments to their illness, ease pain and can ultimately lead to a good health experience. Methodology:The pre experimental one group pre test post test study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse- patient communication among the staff nurses working in SGT Hospital,Haryana.Total 30 study participants were selected by convenient sampling technique and Data were collected by using a structured knowledge questionnaire.Result:The findings of the study revealed that half of the participants 50% had average and poor knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication in the pre test.Similarly, the post test scores depicted that majority (63%) had average knowledge and 37% had good knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.Most of the demographic variable was not significantly associated with level of pre knowledge of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.Only staff nurses years of experience P=0.021 were found to statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance.There was significant difference between the knowledge of staff nurses before and after the implementation of structured teaching programme (t = 11.844, P = 0.0001). Conclusion: It was concluded that structured teaching programme was effective strategy which can help to increase their knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

Keywords:Structured teaching programme,Structured knowledge questionnaire


Nurse should make an close expedition with the patient and caregivers from the prodigy of birth to the conundrum of the last day of life.It is important to develop therapeutic nurse patient communication in this journey.Therapeutic nurse patient communication are specific responses that uplift expression of ideas or feelings and transfer the nurse's acceptance, love and esteem.There are two requirements for therapeutic nurse patient communication.Nurse patient communication must be aimed at conserve the right of self esteem of both individuals.The nurse patient communication of comprehension should come before any suggestion or advice giving[1].

Therapeutic nurse patient communication involves the interpersonal communication between the nurse, client and family members.This nurse patient communication is intended to help the client and family members.The skills required in therapeutic nurse patient communication are elegant and far many than those required in general interpersonal interaction,and mastering of therapeutic communication techniques that helps the nurse recognize the client condition better.Sound interpersonal interaction skills for the nurse are of great significance and important for effective therapeutic communication[2].

Materials and methods

Pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design with objective to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.Study participants of 30 staff nurses working in SGT Hospital,Gurugram and Haryana were selected.After explaining about research study the consent was taken from study participants and data were collected by using structured knowledge questionnaire (r = 0.99) related to therapeutic nurse patient communication.

Data analysis

The analysis was based on the objectives stated in the study.After coding of data, master sheet was prepared with the responses given by the participants.Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for the data analysis.


Personal profile variable of staff nurses(Table 1)

Assessment of level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication in pre and post test(Table 2)

Table 1:Personal profile variable of staff nurses(N=30)

The pretest scores displayed in the Table 2 depicts that half of the participants 50% had average and poor knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

Similarly, the post test scores depicted that majority(63%) had average knowledge and 37% had good knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation andrange of knowledge scores of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication(Table 3).

Table 2:Assessment of level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication in pre and post test(N=30)

Table 3:Mean,Median,Mode,Standard deviation and range of knowledge scores of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication(N=30)

Data depicted in Table 3 shows that the pretest knowledge score range is 9, whereas mean pre test knowledge score is 8.33 against the maximum possible score of 26.

The pre test median and standard deviation score is 8.50 and 2.309 respectively.Post test knowledge score range is 12.The median and standard deviation post test knowledge scores are 17.00 and 2.708 respectively.

Mean, standard deviation, mean difference,standard deviation of difference, standard error of difference, ‘t'value, degree of freedom and P value of gain pre to post test knowledge score of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication(Table 4)

Figure 1: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation and Range of knowledge scores of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

Table 4: Mean, standard deviation, mean difference, standard deviation of difference, standard error of difference,‘t' value,degree of freedom and p value of gain pre to post test knowledge score of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.(N=30)

The data presented in Table 4 shows that the mean difference between the pre test and post test score was 8.33.This indicates that the planned teaching programme has helped the knowledge score in post test.To find significance of the gain in knowledge score from pre to post test, paired ‘t'test was compared and obtained value of ‘t' = 11.844 was found significant 0.05 level.

Hence, the finding does not support the null hypothesis (1H0) and the research hypothesis 1H supported.This indicates that staff nurses have significantly gained knowledge with regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication after planned teaching programme.

Findings related to association of level of knowledge scores of staff nurses with their selected demographic variables(Table 5).

The data in Table 5 depicts that the staff nurses knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication not found to be having any significance association with their selected demographic variable, except for the association of years of experience at 0.05 level of significance.

Table 5:Findings related to association of level of knowledge scores of staff nurses with their selected demographic variables(N=30)


Findings related to selected demographic variable

More than half (53%) of the participants of the total samples were in the age group between 21-25 years of age and less than half of the participants were in the age group between 26-30 years of age.

Approximately one third (40%) of the participants were male and almost two third (60%) of the participants were female.

Every two third (63%) of the participants were having diploma in Nursing (GNM), almost every fifth(17%) of participants were having post basic B.Sc.Nursing and furthermore it was observed that(20%)of the participants were having B.Sc.Nursing.

Majority (80%) of the participants were having 1-4 years of experience and almost every fifth(17%)of the participants were having 5-8 years of experience.

Almost one four (23%) of the participants have attended a special course in therapeutic communication and (77%) of the participants didn't attended any course in therapeutic communication.

These study findings were supported by the study conducted by Jaklein R.Younis , Sohair M.Mabrouk1 and Fawzia F.Kamal with qualifications, the highest percentage of the study subjects (66.7%)had a nursing diploma, the majority of studied sample (80.3%) had more than three years of experience and the highest percentage of the studied sample (87.1%) did not attend any communication courses[3].

Findings related to level of knowledge of the staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication

The findings of the study reveled that half of the participants 50% had average and poor knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

Similarly, the post test scores depicted that majority(63%) had average knowledge and 37% had good knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

The mean knowledge scores in pretest were 8.33 and in post test was 16.67.This evidenced that there was a significant increase in the scores of the post test when compared to pretest.

Findings related to effectiveness of planned teaching programme

Mean difference between the pre test and post test was 8.33 ±3.85.This indicates that the planned teaching programme has helped to increase knowledge score in post test.Paired ‘t' test was computed to find the significant gain in knowledge score from pre to post test, and obtained value of t = 11.844 was found significant at 0.05 level.In the present study planned teaching programme significantly increase the knowledge of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

These study findings were supported by the study conducted by Jaklein R.Younis, Sohair M.Mabrouk1,Fawzia F.Kamal there was a highly statistically significant difference among total knowledge scores of studied sample regarding their pre & post test where p<.001.Also, the results revealed that Mean ± SD of total knowledge scores at post test (6.11 ± 1.50) were higher than Mean±SD at pre test(3.09±0.94)[4].

Findings related to association between level of knowledge with their selected demographic variable

There was not much found to be having significant association between the level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication with selected demographic variable viz,age, gender and special course in therapeutic communication,except years of experience(0.021,P>0.05)

Nursing implication

Nursing education

1.In service and continuing education programs should be organized for nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication to update their knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

2.Nursing curriculum should be updated and therapeutic nurse patient communication related topics should be integrated at different levels to impart adequate knowledge to the future nurses.

Nursing practice

Health education is an important aspect of nursing practice.For effective health education nurse should gain and understanding of therapeutic nurse patient communication and its techniques.

Nursing administration

1.Nursing administrator should take the initiative in organizing in service and continuing educational programs for nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

2.Appropriate teaching material or methodology regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication need to be prepared and make them available for nurses in health settings to provide information regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

Nursing research

1.The research study was conducted at one institution.A repeat of the research study in a different setting is important to substantiate the results.It might be fascinating to investigate whether the beliefs and views of the professional nurses are applied in the clinical environment.

2.Research on nurse ' s knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication should be carried out continuously to assess the knowledge and practices reading therapeutic nurse patient communication.

Strength of the study

This study can act as a baseline data for other studies related to therapeutic nurse patient communication related studies in India.


The following limitations in this study are worth noting: 1.The size of the sample was small.Hence, it restricted the generalization; 2.The study duration was limited;3.The samples were drawn only from the SGT Hospital, Gurugram so the wider generalization was limited; 4.Only knowledge was assessed and no attempt was made to identify other attributes like attitude and practices.


The present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication by using convenient sampling technique.The mean knowledge scores in pretest were 8.33 and in post test was 16.67.This evidenced that there was a significant increase in the scores of the post test when compared to pretest.

Mean difference between the pre test and post test was 8.33 ± 3.85.This indicates that the planned teaching programme has helped to increase knowledge score in post test.Paired ‘t'test was computed to find the significant gain in knowledge score from pre to post test, and obtained value of t = 11.844 was found significant at 0.05 level.In the present study planned teaching programme significantly increase the knowledge of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.

There was not much found to be having significant association between the level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication with selected demographic variable viz,age, gender and special course in therapeutic communication,except years of experience(0.021,P>0.05)

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