defend? ?v.
hold? ?v.
attend? ?v.
deserve? ?v.
rely? ?v.
absorb? ?v.
bound? ?v.
accelerate? ?v.
appoint? ?v.
obtain? ?v.
dip? ?v.
commit? ?v.
howl? ?v.
bleed? ?v.
confirm? ?v.
apologise? ?v.
sniff? ?v.
weep? ?v.
star? ?n.
forward? ?n.
guard? ?n.
referee? ?n.
court? ?n.
association? ?n.
league? ?n.
title? ?n.
centre? ?n.
average? ?n.
motivation? ?n.
tie? ?n.
steak? ?n.
generation? ?n.
popularity? ?n.
half? ?n.
coach? ?n.
quarter? ?n.
nature? ?n.
hit? ?n.
boxing? ?n.
angle? ?n.
collision? ?n.
sock? ?n.
sneaker? ?n.
vest? ?n.
bounce? ?n.
tournament? ?n.
interval? ?n.
belly? ?n.
circuit? ?n.
boundary? ?n.
suspension? ?n.
cheek? ?n.
pulse? ?n.
bandage? ?n.
blanket? ?n.
ambulance? ?n.
teamwork? ?n.
scar? ?n.
gymnasium? ?n.
pole? ?n.
basis? ?n.
version? ?n.
talented? ?adj.
valued? ?adj.
awesome? ?adj.
various? ?adj.
entire? ?adj.
immediate? ?adj.
outstanding? ?adj.
selfish? ?adj.
instant? ?adj.
nationwide? ?adj.
parallel? ?adj.
adequate? ?adj.
abrupt? ?adj.
typical? ?adj.
slim? ?adj.
stout? ?adj.
controversial? ?adj.
dizzy? ?adj.
considerate? ?adj.
live? ?adv.
aside? ?adv.
in the history of
grow up
with an average of
all the time
if necessary
be rude to
be used to (sth)
draw sbs attention to
take possession of
be based on