Faculty of Economic Mathematics,University of Economics and Law,Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam Vietnam National University,Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam E-mail:phuongl@uel.edu.vn
Abstract Let 0<α,β
Key words Higher fractional order system;integral system;general nonlinearity;method of moving spheres;classification of solutions
≥2 be an integer,α,β
be real numbers satisfying 0<α,β<n
∞))be two nonnegative functions.We study the semilinear elliptic systemand the related integral system
Throughout this paper,we study nonnegative solutions of(1.1)in classical sense.That is,we call(u,v
)a nonnegative solution of(1.1)ifu,v
)veri fies(1.1)point wise,whereε>
0 is arbitrarily small.Moreover,(u,v
)is called trivial if(u,v
0).In their pioneering article[2],Chen,Li and Ou introduced the method of moving planes in integral forms and used it to establish the radial symmetry of any nonnegative solution to the integral equation
Hence they solved an open problem posed by Lieb[3]regarding the best constant in a Hardy-Little wood-Sobolev inequality.Later,Chen and Li[4]extended this result to the integral system
The first purpose of our paper is to classify nonnegative solutions of system(1.2)with more general nonlinearitiesf
.Our monotonicity conditions onf
are similar to those in[9].However,we do not assumef,g
.To overcome the difficulty caused by weaker assumptions,we introduce some new ideas.We also use the method of moving spheres instead of moving planes to obtain the explicit forms of the solutions more easily.Our result,therefore,improves and uni fies both results in[7]and[9].To state our first result,we denoteTheorem 1.1
Let 0<α,β<n
∞))be two nonnegative functions such thatfor somec
0 andx
∈R.Moreover,for allx
∈R.Remark 1.2
The assumption thatf
)is increasing int
)is increasing ins
is to ensure that the system is non-degenerate.This non-degeneracy assumption was proposed in[4]and was also used in[9].Without this assumption,system(1.2)may contain two unrelated equations such asand henceu,v
may not have the same symmetric center in such a case.Remark 1.3
For the simplicity of the presentation,we only consider systems of two equations in this paper.However,our method can be extended to integral systems with more equations as in[9].Next,we discuss the classification of nonnegative classical solutions of elliptic system(1.1).We first mention the case of a single equation.Several authors have contributed to a classification result stated that every nonnegative classical solution to the critical semilinear elliptic equation
must assume the form
Some analogous results were established for system(1.1).Using the classical moving plane method,Guo and Liu[8]classified all nonnegative solutions of(1.1)whenα
=2 andf,g
satisfy some monotonicity conditions.Later,a fractional counterpart result was derived by Li and Ma[21]using the direct method of moving planes.More precisely,Li and Ma assumed that(u,v
)is a nonnegative solution of(1.1)and?0<α,β<
),Theorem 1.4
Assume thatf
satisfy all assumptions of Theorem 1.1 and one of the following conditions holds:Assume that(u,v
)is a nonnegative nontrivial classical solution of system(1.1).ThenAs a consequence of Theorem 1.4,we consider a situation where we can deduce the explicit forms off
)is nondecreasing ins
and increasing int
)is increasing ins
and nondecreasing int
,(iii)For everyi
,there existp
such thatf
)is nonincreasing in each variable,(iv)For everyi
,there existq
such thatg
)is nonincreasing in each variable.Assume that(u,v
(R)is a nonnegative nontrivial solution of system(1.2).Thenfor somec
0 andx
∈R.Moreover,for all(s,t
0 satisfyThe same conclusion also holds for every nonnegative nontrivial classical solution(u,v
)of system(1.1)if we further assume that(B1),(B2),(B3)are satis fied.Remark 1.6
Theorem 1.5 extends[7,Theorem 4]to the caseα
.Some special cases of the last statement of Theorem 1.5 were previously proved in[8](whenα
=2)and[21](when 0<α,β<
2).In particular,Theorem 1.5 can be applied to the system
We can state the following corollary of Theorem 1.5,which improves[5,22,29].
Assume that(u,v
)is a nonnegative nontrivial classical solution of system(1.7).Thenand(u,v
)assumes the formThe remainder of this paper is organized as follows:in Section 2,we use the method of moving spheres to prove Theorem 1.1.In Section 3,we establish the equivalence between system(1.1)and system(1.2),then Theorem 1.4 follows immediately.The last section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.5,which is concerned with a special case,wheref
can be explicitly derived.Throughout this paper,we denote byB
)the ball of radiusR>
0 with centerx
∈R.For brevity,we will writeB
(0).We also useC
to denote various positive constants whose values may change from place to place.To prove Theorem 1.1,we employ the method of moving spheres in integral forms.It is different from the moving plane method used by other authors we mentioned in the introduction section.The method of moving spheres was introduced by Li and Zhu[30].Lately,Li and Zhang[31]and Li[32]improved Li and Zhu’s two calculus key lemmas.An advantage of this method is that it can immediately yield the explicit form of solutions to elliptic equations satisfying certain conformal invariance and the nonexistence to elliptic equations with subcritical exponent.Hence it is not necessary to prove the symmetry of solutions beforehand as in the method of moving planes.
Since we do not assume thatf,g
are differentiable,we cannot use the mean value theorem to obtain integral estimates as in[4,9].Our new idea is to exploit the following inequality in our later estimation:Lemma 2.1
Assume thatf
satis fies(A1).Then for allt
0 ands>
0,we haveSimilarly,for allt>
0 ands
0,we haveIn what follows,let(u,v
(R)be a nonnegative nontrivial solution of system(1.2).Then,it follows thatu
are positive.For anyx
0,we denote bythe inversion ofx
}about the sphere?B
).Then,we de fine the Kelvin transform ofu
with respect to?B
)byWe also de fine
We will use the method of moving spheres in integral forms to prove the following proposition:
Proposition 2.2
For anyx
∈R,the setis not empty.Moreover,ifλ
=0 inB
}.Since system(1.2)is invariant by translations,it suffices to prove Proposition 2.2 forx
=0.For the sake of simplicity,we will drop the subscriptx
in the notations whenx
=0.That is,we will writeWe first remark that(u
)satis fies,for allx
∈R{0},Indeed,using the first equation in(1.2),we have
for anyx
∈R{0},where we have used the following identities in the last line:The second equation in(2.1)can be obtained in the same way.
Next,for eachλ>
0,we denoteWe prove key integral estimates which will be used in the proof of Proposition 2.2.
Lemma 2.3
If 0<λ<λ
,then there existsC>
0,which depends onλ
but is independent ofλ
,such thatProof
Let anyx
{0}.From the first equation in(1.2),we haveSimilarly,from the first equation in(2.1),we obtain
Combining the above two formula,we derive
Combining this with(2.2)and(2.3),we obtain
Using Lemma 2.1,we have
),then from the above inequality,we haveTherefore,in both cases,we have,for anyy
{0},From(2.4),(2.3)and(2.5),we deduce
The second inequality can be derived in a similar way.
Proof of Proposition 2.2
As mentioned before,we only need to prove the proposition forx
=0.Step 1
(Start dilating the sphere?B
from nearλ
=0)In this step,we prove that Γ/=?,that is,forλ>
0 sufficiently small,Indeed,sinceu
are continuous and positive,there existsε
1)small enough,such thatStep 2
(Dilate the sphere?B
outward to the limiting position)Step 1 provides us a starting point to dilate the sphere?B
from nearλ
=0.Now we dilate the sphere?B
outward as long as(2.6)holds.LetIn this step,we show that
By contradiction,we assumeλ
/≡0 inB
are continuous with respect toλ
,we already haveU
≥0 inB
{0}.From(2.4),we haveThis impliesU
0 inB
{0}.Then using a similar reasoning,we haveV
0 inB
{0}.Next,we claim that there existsC>
0 andη>
0 such thatIndeed,from(2.8)and Fatou’s lemma,we have
Hence forx
is sufficiently small,we haveU
is chosen smaller if necessary,we also haveV
.This proves(2.9).From(2.9),and the continuity and positivity ofU
,we can find a constantC>
0 such thatSinceu
are uniformly continuous on an arbitrary compact set,there existsρ
)such that,for anyλ
),Therefore,for anyλ
),However,this contradicts the de finition ofλ
and(2.7)is proved.This completes the proof of Proposition 2.2.
To obtain explicit forms of all nonnegative solutions of(1.2),we need the following calculus lemma:
Lemma 2.4
(See Appendix B in[32])Letn
∈R andw
(R).For everyx
0,we de finefor allx
}.Then,we have the following:(i)If for everyx
∈R,there existsλ
∞such that(ii)If for everyx
for some constantC
∈R.Remark 2.5
If case(i)of Lemma 2.4 happens,then a direct computation yieldsWe are ready to prove the main result in this section,namely,Theorem 1.1.
Proof of Theorem 1.1
There are three cases.Case 1
There existx
∈Rsuch thatλ
=∞,we have,for anyλ>
0,This implies that,for anyλ>
0,Due to the arbitrariness ofλ>
0,we must haveOn the other hand,sinceλ
∞,we may use Proposition 2.2 to getThis indicates that
The contradiction between(2.11)and(2.12)indicates that Case 1 cannot happen.
Case 2
For everyx
∈R,the critical scaleλ
=∞.By Lemma 2.4(ii)and the positivity ofu
,we have(u,v
)for some constantsC
0.This is absurd since positive constant functions do not satisfy(1.2).Case 3
For everyx
∈R,the critical scaleλ
∞.From Proposition 2.2,we have
Using Lemma 2.4(i)and Remark 2.5,we deduce that(u,v
)must assume the form(see(37)in[33]).Using(2.13),we obtain
Hence,we deduce
This completes the proof of Theorem 1.1.
We exploit the ideas in[2]to establish the equivalence of systems(1.1)and(1.2).Then,we prove Theorem 1.4 in this section.
Proposition 3.1
∞))be two nonnegative functions and assume that either assumption(B1),(B2)or(B3)of Theorem 1.4 is satis fied.Suppose that(u,v
)is a nonnegative classical solution of(1.1),then(u,v
)is also a nonnegative solution of(1.2),and vice versa.Proof
Suppose that(u,v
)is a nonnegative classical solution of(1.1).Then,(u,v
)satis fies the super polyharmonic propertywhere「t
?denotes the smallest integer which is not smaller thant
.Indeed,such the property was proved in[15,Theorem 1.1]if(B1)holds,in[26,Theorem 2]if (B2)holds and in[26,Theorem1]if(B3)holds.
=0 and we can go directly to Case 2 below.Hence,in deriving form ulae(3.1)below,we may assumen
≥3.We observe thatu
is a nonnegative solution of the equation??u
)in R.For anyR>
0,letFrom the maximum principle,we have
for anyR>
0.For each fixedx
→∞,we obtainRemark thatu
satis fies??u
in R.HenceFrom the Liouville theorem for harmonic functions,we can deduce thatu
≥0.That is,In the same way,using the fact thatu
is a nonnegative solution of the equation??u
in Rfori
,we deduce thatwhereC
≥0.Now we setγ
2].We consider two cases.Case 1
=2In this case,u
is a nonnegative solution of the equation??u
in R.Hence we can use the above argument to obtainwhereC
≥0.Case 2
2)In this case,u
is a nonnegative solution of the fractional equationFor anyR>
0,letBy the maximum principle forγ
-superharmonic functions(see[1,14]),we deduce thatfor anyR>
0.For each fixedx
→∞,we haveFrom the Liouville theorem forγ
-harmonic functions(see[25]),we can deduce thatu
≥0.That is,Hence,in all cases,we have the formula(3.1)(ifm>
0)and(3.2).Moreover,we must haveIndeed,ifC
0 for somei
?1},thenwhich is a contradiction.Similarly,ifC
0,thenwhich is also absurd.
From(3.1),(3.2)and(3.3),we deduce
where in the last equality,we have used Fubini’s theorem and the following Selberg formula:
for anyα
)such thatα
)(see[36]).We have proved that
≥0.We claim thatC
0,thenwhich is absurd.HenceC
=0 and(u,v
)is a nonnegative solution of(1.2).Conversely,assume that(u,v
)satis fies(1.3)and(u,v
)is a nonnegative solution of(1.2).We haveThat is,(u,v
)is a nonnegative solution of(1.1).Proof of Theorem 1.4
Theorem 1.4 is a direct consequence of Theorem 1.1 and Proposition 3.1.In this section,we prove Theorem 1.5.Basically,it is a consequence of Theorem 1.1 and Proposition 3.1.
Proof of Theorem 1.5
(R)be a nonnegative nontrivial solution of system(1.2).Thenu,v>
0.For eachi
,we de fineThen,F
are nonincreasing in each variable.Notice that for alls,t
satis fies(A1).By a similar reasoning,we see thatg
satis fies(A2).Therefore,by applying Theorem 1.1,we deduce that(u,v
)must have the formfor somec
0 andx
∈R.Moreover,for allx
∈R.Hencefor allx
∈R.Using the assumption that allF
are nonincreasing in each variable and the fact thatu,v
decay at in finity and attain their maximums atx
,we conclude thatF
for all(s,t
,where positive constantsC
satisfywhich means
In a similar way,we can show thatG
for all(s,t
0 andTherefore,f
have the desired forms.The first part of the theorem is proved.Now we assume that(u,v
)is a nonnegative nontrivial classical solution of system(1.1)and(B1),(B2),(B3)are satis fied.In this situation,we may use Proposition 3.1 to deduce that(u,v
)is a nonnegative solution of(1.2).Then,we can derive the same conclusion as above.Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)2021年4期