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Construction of totally real surfaces in complex Grassmannians*

2021-11-25 04:52JIAOXiaoxiangXINJialin
中國科學院大學學報 2021年6期

JIAO Xiaoxiang,XIN Jialin

(School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049, China)

Abstract We present a construction of the complex Grassmannian G(2,n+2) as a quotient of some minimal submanifold Qn+1 of HPn+1, then show that a surface in G(2,n+2) can be horizontally lifted to Qn+1 if and only if it is totally real.

Keywords Grassmannian; totally real surface; horizontal lift

The theory of minimal surfaces is an important part of modern differential geometry. The theory is particularly fruitful when the ambient space is a symmetric space. Calabi[1]proved a rigidity theorem for minimal two-spheres of constant curvature inSn. Bolton et al.[2]constructed all the minimal two-spheres of constant curvature inPn, and showed that a totally real minimal two-sphere inPncan be mapped, by a holomorphic isometry ofPn, intoPn?Pn. Then He and Wang[3]proved a similar rigidity result for totally real minimal two-spheres in HPn.

In this paper, we present a construction of the complex GrassmannianG(2,n+2) due to Berndt[4], which considersG(2,n+2) as a quotient of some minimal submanifoldQn+1of HPn+1. A Riemannian metric can be given onG(2,n+2) so that the projection π:Qn+1→G(2,n+2) is a Riemannian submersion. Then we show that a surface inG(2,n+2) can be horizontally lifted toQn+1if and only if it is totally real.

Our result is a special case of Ref.[5], where the author considered a general Riemannian submersionN→B, and characterized the existence of horizontal lifts of a submanifold ofBusing a familyJof (1,1)-tensors onB. In our paper, we make use of the fact that the projectionQn+1→G(2,n+2)is a principal bundle, thus obtain a characterization by a first order PDE. Our method is largely inspired by Ref.[3], where the authors considered the Riemannian submersionS4n+3→HPn.

1 Preliminaries



Thus H is associative but not commutative.andare naturally embedded into H as follows:

=·1?H, C=·1⊕·i?H,

and we sometimes express an element of H asq=z+wj, wherez,w∈C.

Conjugation is defined for quaternions:

Or equivalently,

Let Hnbe the space ofn-dimensional quaternion column vectors. We consider it as a right H-module. Ifp=(p1,…,pn)T,q=(q1,…,qn)T∈Hn, two inner products ofp,qare defined:

It is easily verified that 〈,〉is just the usual Euclidean inner product if Hnis identified as4n, and that the following properties hold:


Similarly, forz=(z1,…,zn)t,w=(w1,…,wn)t∈n, we define their inner products:

We will often omit the subscriptsand H for simplicity.

Next we consider the quaternion projective space HPn, the set of quaternionic lines in Hn+1. Equivalently, HPn=S4n+3/Sp(1), whereS4n+3is the unit sphere in Hn+1?4n+4, andSp(1), the multiplicative group of unit quaternions, acts onS4n+3by right multiplication. Since this is an isometric action, there is a unique Riemannian metric on HPn, called the Fubini-Study metric, such that the quotient mapτ:S4n+3→HPnis a Riemannian submersion. For anyq∈S4n+3, letHqbe the horizontal space ofτatq, i.e. the normal space to the fibreτ-1(τ(q)). ThenHq={q′∈Letτq=dτq|Hq. By assumption,τq:Hq→Tτ(q)HPnis a linear isometry.

2 The submanifold Qn+1?HPn+1; the complex Grassmannian G(2,n+2)

We quote some results from Ref.[4].

SU(n+2)acts onS4n+7?Hn+2isometrically via


wherez,v∈n+2, with|z|2+|v|2=1. This action commutes with theSp(1)-action onS4n+7defined in the last section, hence descends to an isometric action on HPn+1.

By some straightforward calculations, we find that thisSU(n+2)-action on HPn+1has only two singular orbits, namely,






whereS2n+3is the unit sphere ofn+2.

We have the following proposition from Ref.[4]:

Proposition2.1The singular orbits of theSU(n+2)-action on HPn+1arePn+1andQn+1.Qn+1has codimension3 in HPn+1, and is isometric to the homogeneous spaceSU(n+2)/SU(2)×SU(n) equipped with a suitable invariant metric. Furthermore,Qn+1is a minimal submanifold of HPn+1.

Now consider an action ofU(1) onQn+1:

wheret∈. Again this is an isometric action. A vector fieldξonQn+1is defined:



LetBn+1=Qn+1/U(1). SinceU(1) acts onQn+1isometrically, there is a unique Riemannian metric onBn+1such that the natural projectionπ:Qn+1→Bn+1is a Riemannian submersion.



Since by definitionTτ(q)Qn+1=·ξτ(q)⊕τ(q), this completely determinesφ. In particular,φ()?.


where the metric onG(2,n+2)is induced by the following bi-invariant metric onU(n+2):

Thus, for example,B2is isometric toG(2,3)=CP2, with the Fubini-Study metric of constant holomorphic sectional curvature 8.

RemarkThe isometry betweenG(2,n+2) andBn+1can be explicitly given as



3 The main theorem

Definition3.1SupposeNis a Hermitian manifold,Jis its complex structure,f∶M→Nis an immersion from a surfaceMtoN. Thenfis called totally real ifJImf*p⊥Imf*pfor allp∈M.

If we choose a local frameX,YforM, thenfis totally real if and only ifJf*X⊥f*Yeverywhere. This follows easily from the Hermitian condition 〈Ju,Jv〉=〈u,v〉,J2=-1, where 〈,〉 is the Riemannian metric onN.

Now we can state our main result.

Theorem3.1SupposeMis a surface,ψ:M→Bn+1an immersion, then the following are equivalent:

1)ψis totally real;

Furthermore,ηis minimal inQn+1if and only ifψis minimal inBn+1.

We prove the theorem step by step.

Step1LetUbe an open subset ofM,η:U→Qn+1an immersion, we shall find a sufficient and necessary condition forηto be horizontal.




Recall from the last section that

ηis horizontal with respect toπ



For the last equivalence note thatq∈τ-1(Qn+1) implies 〈q,iq〉=0.



?0 =〈dZ+dV·j,Zi+Vk〉




In summary, we have proved



Step2Letψ:M→Bn+1be an immersion of a surfaceMintoBn+1. We look for the condition under whichψhas a local horizontal lift toQn+1.


Sinceη0is horizontal, we apply Lemma 1 to obtain





If we take a local coordinate (x,y) onM, this amounts to


that is,

holds. This equation simplifies to



Thus we obtain

We have




Choose a local coordinate (x,y) onM. Then, using the definitions of the tensorsφ,J(see (5)), and the fact thatτ,πare Riemannian submersions, we obtain

ψis totally real

?0 =〈ψx,Jψy〉Bn+1







For the second step note thatq∈τ-1(Qn+1)implies 〈q,iq〉=0. Differentiating〈q,q〉=1 yields

0 =〈qx,q〉+〈q,qx〉

i.e.,〈qx,q〉∈ImH. Similarly, differentiating〈q,iq〉=0 yields

i.e.,〈q,iqy〉∈. Therefore〈qx,q〉〈q,iqy〉∈ImH. Similarly 〈qx,iq〉〈iq,iqy〉∈ImH. Thus we get






Finally, from (13) and (14) we obtain


or equivalently,



Comparing with Lemma 3.2, we find thatψhave a local horizontal lift toQn+1if and only if it is totally real.

Step4We need a simple lemma.


Comparing with the Gauss equation inN, we find that


The conclusion follows immediately.

From the above lemma, we see that

This applies to our situation and the main theorem is fully proved.

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