吳 萍 郭俊霞 王曉宇 李青苗 張松林 李偉健 彭 宇(1~6)1
林 歡 段偉科 周 怡 祝夢全 王云鵬 孫 敏 黃志楠(7~17)1
葛孟清 劉眾杰 朱旭東 盧素文 管 樂 房經(jīng)貴(18~30)1
付 琳 任航行 王高富 周 鵬 張 麗 李 杰 董賢文 蔣 婧(31~40)1
Zabihullah Sherzad 楊 娜 張 靜 張 蕓 周 恒 唐燦明(41~48)1
李戌彥 楊忠義 紀 薇 楊明霞(49~59)1
李永平 葉新如 王 彬 陳敏氡 劉建汀 朱海生 溫慶放(60~71)1
楊克彬 單雪萌 史晶晶 朱成磊 高志民(72~82)1
林恬逸 周 認 柴明良(83~92)1
胡婉茵 王 寅 吳殿星 舒小麗(93~102)1
陳天子 余 月 凌溪鐵 張保龍(253~261)2
秦丹丹 許甫超 徐 晴 彭嚴春 葛雙桃 董 靜 焦春海(262~270)2
劉冬峰 林紹生 陳 巍 朱祝軍 宋 洋 郭秀珠 李發(fā)勇(271~279)2
張興云 王 萌 潘陽陽 胡學權 韓金輝 余四九 徐庚全 王立斌(280~290)2
聶佩顯 王來平 韓雪平 路 超 薛曉敏(291~297)2
王凱玥 張沙沙 張國裕 田佳星 張 帆 李海真 王建書 耿麗華(298~305)2
靳 叢 郭巧會 陳國棟 孫小川 孫 敏 周 瑾 王紀忠 黃小三(306~313)2
王志龍 付 濤 林 立 林樂靜 李 文 劉 峰 朱文欣 陳際伸(314~323)2
徐 赫 梁成偉 陳明娜 陳 娜 王 通 袁 美 潘麗娟 遲曉元(324~337)2
杜文麗 陳中釤 許端祥 徐同偉 高 山 溫慶放(338~348)2
董賢文 付 琳 張 麗 周 鵬 任航行 王高富(349~356)2
周 琳 蔡友銘 張永春 楊柳燕(509~517)3
王復標 戎玲玲 安 婷 余世洲 孫惠敏(518~525)3
彭 勃 袁文婭 王 奕 趙曉雷 劉 強 田建全(526~534)3
張慧青 孫玉燕 那冬晨 范 敏(535~548)3
韋春艷 秦騰飛 董 娜 李玉青 董 濤 郭 婷 孫家良 王清連(549~555)3
鐘 源 趙小強 李文麗 張 丹 周文期(556~566)3
從 青 倪曉祥 程龍軍(567~575)3
段國敏 李田園 田 敏 王彩霞 張 瑩(576~585)3
劉 俊 程占超 鄭慧芳 蔡苗苗 彭立鑫 白羽聰 宋華建 高 健(586~594)3
丁浩淼 杜昊霏 付瑞潔 金旭東 謝 策 陳彤妮 汪財生 錢國英(595~604)3
李秀宇 董 黎 孫宇涵 李健康 劉曉迪 譚紅巖 Saleem Uddin 李 云(605~612)3
葉 鑫 虞新磊 胡朝陽 徐年軍 孫 雪(613~622)3
沈鈺森 王建升 盛小光 趙振卿 虞慧芳 顧宏輝(623~634)3
閔子揚 韓小霞 李勇奇 胡新軍 汪端華 孫小武(761~768)4
何 丹 姜鴻瑞 葉亞峰 楊 陽 任 艷 陶亮之 吳躍進 劉斌美(769~779)4
葉新如 劉建汀 李永平 朱海生 溫慶放(780~788)4
宮文萍 汪曉璐 韓 冉 李光蓉 李豪圣 劉建軍 劉 成 楊足君(789~795)4
姚宗澤 楊肖艷 張艷明 段 忠 趙自仙(796~806)4
陳 珂 王瑩瑩 楊 悅 曹嘉懿 曹旭鵬 徐繼林(807~814)4
韋曉霞 王小安 陳 瑾 賴瑞聯(lián) 吳如健(815~825)4
楊 波 劉海霞 牛鐵泉 張鵬飛 梁長梅 趙旗峰 溫鵬飛(826~836)4
柳 寒 任 韻 林寶剛 朱建方 程 輝 張冬青 王軍威 華水金(837~845)4
劉 亮 王 丹 王 誠 陳 紅 胡國宇 黎 青(1009~1019)5
楊延兵 張會笛 陳桂玲 張 晗 王雪梅 王潤豐 秦 嶺 管延安(1020~1029)5
任玉琴 付鴻博 雷 晨 王鵬飛 穆霄鵬 張建成 杜俊杰(1030~1038)5
李世姣 張曉軍 喬麟軼 賈舉慶 常利芳 張樹偉 暢志堅 李 欣(1039~1047)5
孫玉燕 張慧青 范 敏 何艷軍 郭平安(1048~1059)5
許 濤 魯正釗 夏冬健 萬 菁 姜書涵 宋江華(1060~1066)5
張瑞芳 張合紅 魏中艷 陳劍平 孫宗濤(1067~1073)5
杜巧麗 方遠鵬 蔣君梅 孫 濤 任明見 謝 鑫(1074~1083)5
魏麗梅 鄒小文 徐婷璐 袁文濤 魏賽金(1084~1090)5
孫 凱 趙孟麗 郝志云 王建清 沈繼源 宋宜澤 柯 娜 王繼卿(1091~1098)5
周 茜 陳 蕓 王玉州 王繼蓮 凱迪日耶·玉蘇普 趙惠新(1253~1262)6
孫東雷 卞能飛 王 幸 邢興華 沈 一 徐澤俊 齊玉軍 王曉軍(1263~1272)6
秦 娟 余 凡 劉 璐 朱婷婷 陳 偉 曹士鋒 楊震峰 施麗愉(1273~1280)6
沈潮如 楊潤梅 岳 川 曹紅利(1281~1290)6
車永梅 徐 青 楊德翠 趙方貴 盧松沖 劉 新(1291~1299)6
姜 琳 孫 興 羅可欣 郭志雄 陳桂信 佘文琴 潘東明 潘騰飛(1300~1306)6
孫國勝 楊 宇 許可翠 張昌偉 戴忠良 孫春青 馬志虎(1307~1312)6
魏 雪 劉淑君 辛鳳姣(1313~1321)6
鄭鈺婷 胡宇如 胡方平 蔡學清(1321~1328)6
林萌萌 李春娟 閆彩霞 孫全喜 趙小波 王 娟 苑翠玲 單世華(1329~1339)6
趙東曉 施新琴 董亞茹 耿 兵 孫景詩 婁齊年 王照紅 郭 光(1485~1494)7
呂 偉 韓俊梅 任果香 文 飛 王若鵬 劉文萍(1495~1506)7
楊 濤 李生梅 黃雅婕 任 丹 崔進鑫 龐 博 高文偉(1507~1521)7
曾玉婷 李 博 王 容 王炳銳 趙林姝 張文英 劉錄祥 徐延浩(1522~1531)7
杜巧麗 蔣君梅 陳美晴 方遠鵬 李向陽 任明見 謝 鑫(1532~1539)7
馮路路 王雪艷 夏 磊 王團團 李 季 陳勁楓(1540~1547)7
吳 茜 蔡曉霖 管志勇 朱 波 易 利 鄭永生 鄧邦清 蔣甲福(1548~1556)7
余 凡 秦 娟 柴吉釧 方筱琴 曹士鋒 陳 偉 施麗愉 楊震峰(1557~1564)7
李麗輝 胡 瑤 雷星宇 張躍龍 李宏告 胡 蝶 張 勇 鄧鋼橋(1725~1730)8
晉麥47 EMS突變體庫的構建及高代突變材料品質(zhì)性狀的初步分析
張 婷 溫宏偉 袁 凱 逯臘虎 史曉芳 張明義 姬虎太 楊 斌(1731~1739)8
楊舒蓉 付路平 費帥鵬 李思敏 陳新民 夏先春 肖永貴 孟亞雄(1740~1750)8
劉建汀 曾美娟 溫文旭 王 彬 陳敏氡 葉新如 朱海生 溫慶放(1751~1760)8
代小冬 朱燦燦 宋迎輝 王春義 代書桃 秦 娜 李君霞(1761~1770)8
郭 燕 張樹航 李 穎 張馨方 王廣鵬(1771~1782)8
魏志園 王 宇 司增志 魏 萊 溫曉蕾 喬亞科 李桂蘭 張 鍇(1783~1793)8
李 慧 楊亞苓 李 聰 李麗紅 韓占品 王春國(1794~1801)8
胡海燕 董清峰 李冬梅 周 鋒 劉起麗 劉明久 李成偉(1802~1908)8
陳 瑩 陳 錫 吳佳海 王 茜 王小利(1809~1815)8
楊玉花 白志元 衛(wèi)保國 雷 陽 張瑞軍(1953~1963)9
李君霞 秦 娜 朱燦燦 王春義 代書桃 宋迎輝 陳宇翔(1964~1970)9
鄧浩東 余鎂霞 吳光亮 羅 鑫 宋貴庭 陳利平 賀浩華 邊建民(1971~1978)9
李 曼 張 曉 劉大同 江 偉 高德榮 張 勇(1979~1986)9
李 森 王慶杰 陳修德 張 蕊 李 玲 杜桂英 付喜玲(1987~1993)9
譚政委 李 磊 余永亮 許蘭杰 楊紅旗 董 薇 馬新明 梁慧珍(1994~2001)9
李青竹 蔡友銘 張永春 許俊旭 楊柳燕 孫 翊(2002~2015)9
曹麗茹 張前進 郭子寧 魯曉民 張 新 魏 昕 皇甫柏樹 王振華(2016~2026)9
李云洲 岳寧波 陳相儒 李玉龍 曹賀賀 閆見敏 梁 燕(2027~2034)9
何 麗 劉 林 阮記明 周 穎 梁惜梅 林長高 隗黎麗(2035~2043)9
馮雅嵐 尹 飛 徐 柯 賈曉藝 周 爽 馬 超(2044~2055)9
林 兵 樊榮輝 陳宇華 方能炎 葉秀仙 鐘淮欽 黃敏玲(2205~2213)10
呂 軍 姜秀英 劉 軍 解文孝 韓 勇 沈 楓(2214~2222)10
付鴻博 王鵬飛 徐 豆 穆霄鵬 張建成 付寶春 杜俊杰(2223~2233)10
陶 鵬 趙彥婷 岳智臣 雷娟利 李必元(2234~2240)10
徐園園 李竹帛 周賀芳 王建軍 王 鎮(zhèn) 侯喜林 劉同坤(2241~2249)10
許俊旭 李青竹 李 葉 楊柳燕 張永春 蔡友銘(2250~2257)10
袁匯濤 張云霞 向梅梅 羅 梅 董章勇(2258~2266)10
王 斌 武春爽 何金明 王 光 曲姍姍 朱世江(2267~2276)10
許蘭杰 余永亮 楊紅旗 譚政委 董 薇 李 磊 李春明 梁慧珍(2277~2283)10
鄧元杰 李 彤 馮 凱 劉潔霞 徐志勝 譚國飛 熊愛生(2284~2293)10
張 莉 張 勇 雷星宇 張淵海 張逸妍 彭選明 楊 震(2441~2450)11
鄢小青 陳能剛 李 歡 陳 鋒 宋 澤 余顯權(2451~2462)11
吳 婷 朱 俊 楊佳慧 葛 紅 楊樹華 趙 鑫 于曉南 賈瑞冬(2463~2469)11
李梓銘 泮儀晨 范小平 江建銘 王志安 王忠華(2470~2481)11
王迎港 熊愛生 徐志勝(2482~2492)11
岳寧波 李玉龍 孫一凡 潘鵬程 潘寅濤 鄭 寅 李云洲 梁 燕 (2493~2500)11
鐵原毓 田 潔(2501~2511)11
禾 璐 賈蘇卿 趙芳玉 劉 晶 張 彬 侯思宇 韓淵懷(2512~2520)11
郭 成 王寶寶 王春明 張小杰 陳曉霞 周天旺 李敏權 段燦星(2521~2527)11
朱畇昊 張夢佳 彭淑萍 董誠明 (2528~2534)11
鐘董蘭 何翃閎 潘陽陽 楊珊珊 王軍乾 楊 貽 余四九 徐庚全(2535~2541)11
劉鳳欒 秦 密 宇 勝 劉青青 張大生 田代科(2681~2687)12
郭和蓉 張 騰 袁紅麗 曾瑞珍 張志勝 謝 利(2688~2695)12
胡彬華 王 平 杜安平 李 輝 王閔霞 白玉露 冀占東 蒲志剛(2696~2703)12
劉 釗 熊 濤 趙英偉 楊 珺 康向陽(2704~2715)12
劉敏清 何翃閎 潘陽陽 張慧珠 王亞營 楊珊珊 崔 燕 余四九(2716~2723)12
王文靜 呂思佳 何 凡 汪慶昊 吳月燕(2724~2732)12
劉戈輝 韓澤剛 孫士超 張 薇(2733~2745)12
黃凱美 鄒宜靜 施楊琪 應逸寧 顏韶兵 包勁松(2746~2755)12
李雅善 李雨萌 任一曌 劉 旭 王錄俊 王金鋒 崔 萍 王艷君(2756~2765)12
曹 森 耿方靜 巴良杰 馬 超 吉 寧 王 瑞 譚國霞(103~110)1
許啟杰 劉 琳 李孟澤 周 華 閔炎芳 張檬達 付鵬程 周緒霞(111~119)1
姜春新 王雅瑩 洪小利 李春柳 張 蕾 朱軍莉(120~127)1
姜 玉 張 苗 湯 靜 金 鵬 鄭永華(128~137)1
馬慧俐 王松磊 賀曉光 田建文(138~146)1
張思嘉 陳 蓉 孔周雁 徐繼林(147~158)1
楊雪倩 于慧春 殷 勇 袁云霞 吳 昊 李 欣(159~166)1
王夢莉 高美須 姜小燕 彭 湃(167~174)1
葉 青 趙武奇 田彥梅 原繼昕 嚴 林 張昊陽(175~182)1
鄧源喜 許 暉 王家良 陳 佳(357~365)2
戴 丹 鄭 劍 周成敏 龐林江 翁方榮(366~374)2
李崇豪 張卓濰 陳 康 戴志遠 沈 清(375~383)2
趙英杰 程 新(384~395)2
武 悅 趙 婧 王 坤 朱 丹 牛廣財 魏文毅(396~405)2
黃明遠 李 瀟 王虎虎 徐幸蓮(406~413)2
劉振蓉 吳 妮 趙武奇 張清安(414~423)2
羅 丹 木泰華 孫紅男(424~437)2
譚 陽 劉 志 韓 燕 崔明明 肖 明 耿貴工 孫小鳳 袁玉偉(635~642)3
李小婉 李 晶 黎杉珊 申光輝 羅擎英 吳賀君 陳安均 張志清(643~650)3
陳啟航 方旭波 陳小娥 池海波 余 輝 田 方 王堅強(651~659)3
王軍華 趙雙枝 陳相艷 張彥昊 辛 雪 張 翔 陳蕾蕾(660~666)3
洪奇華 王梁燕 孫志明 華躍進(667~673)3
徐文雅 朱玉燕 徐啟航 李生娥 沈淑鈴 姚蘭英 鄭小林(846~853)4
劉廣娟 徐澤權 邢世均 陳 錚 朱明睿 徐艷麗 王子榮(854~862)4
楊博磊 耿海榮 王 剛 張晨曦 李 麗 聶呈榮 邢富國 劉 陽(863~869)4
姜廣澤 陳成統(tǒng) 趙?,?黃麗紅 丁艷菲 朱 誠(870~880)4
李巧珍 姜 寧 李正鵬 宋春艷 劉建雨 董浩然 蔣 俊 尚曉冬(881~890)4
蘆 鑫 賈 聰 高錦鴻 張麗霞 孫 強 宋國輝 黃紀念(891~901)4
沈凌雁 牛麗影 劉春菊 李大婧 宋江峰 劉春泉(902~910)4
邱俊凱 隋偉策 木泰華 孫紅男 曹清河(911~922)4
荀 文 王桂瑛 趙文華 俞媛瑞 廖國周 葛長榮(923~932)4
何忠偉 趙多勇 范盈盈 王 成 劉 志(1099~1112)5
徐毓謙 李淑榮 李文慧 王 麗 黃廣學 汪慧華 馬長路(1113~1120)5
吳麗娜 朱玉燕 宦 晨 徐啟航 李生娥 鄭小林(1121~1128)5
許小璐 劉 靜 鄧 冰 耿雪冉 程艷芬 馮翠萍(1129~1135)5
郭麗萍 張麗敏 母昌考 葉央芳 王春琳(1136~1146)5
滿華盛 呂霞敏 黃建穎(1147~1153)5
鄭方媛 周秀雯 袁 望 馮 濤 李素芳 潘家榮(1154~1161)5
耿鈺涵 程 超 吳悅豪 方維明 楊正飛 尹永祺(1162~1169)5
王 龑 林 威 俞根榮 孫培龍(1170~1177)5
馮尚坤 陳 浩 邵志勇 汪俏梅(1340~1346)6
郭世豪 呂霞敏 黃建穎(1347~1355)6
李佳笑 石愛民 趙志浩 馮新玥 胡 暉 劉 麗 王 強(1356~1366)6
劉振蓉 趙武奇 盧 丹 路 晏 高貴田 孟永宏(1367~1375)6
劉洋坪 王建輝 劉冬敏 劉永樂 黃軼群 王發(fā)祥 李向紅 俞 健(1376~1384)6
丁 嵐 王麗麗 佟立濤 劉麗婭 周閑容 周素梅(1385~1393)6
杜 康 張 尉 顧麗莉 張 花 黃智華 姚 雯(1394~1401)6
張曉頔 張益奇 朱 凱 郭麗平 陳 康 戴志遠(1402~1409)6
程凱森 張美芳 黃玲玲 周化斌 楊海龍(1410~1419)6
賀媛媛 孫倩倩 郭波莉 張 磊(1565~1573)7
谷春梅 候春宇 程安瑋(1574~1582)7
馬千程 易建勇 畢金峰 趙圓圓 吳昕燁 陳芹芹(1583~1592)7
施楊琪 黃茜蕊 茹煒崠 張 瑜 柴立紅 錢瓊秋 包勁松(1593~1600)7
盧路路 樊怡靈 鄧 珂 許光治 王 艷 張有做 倪勤學(1601~1608)7
周 紅 張 杰 張文剛 杜 艷 黨 斌 楊希娟 郝 靜(1609~1618)7
黃棟瑋 王甜甜 谷貴章 張進杰 徐大倫 楊文鴿(1619~1626)7
劉 曉 陸智斌 劉 磊 葉央芳 母昌考 劉長軍 王春琳(1627~1638)7
陳健敏 冉夢楠 王美霞(1639~1647)7
何 毅 王 丹 梅星月 汪菡月 劉 亮 高 鵬 黃 敏(1816~1824)8
賀 鵬 張 濤 宋海云 鄭樹芳 覃振師 黃錫云 湯秀華 王文林(1825~1831)8
田甲春 田世龍 李守強 葛 霞 李 梅 程建新(1832~1840)8
李 娜 周紅麗 吳衛(wèi)國 廖盧艷 劉 博 宗 平 任劍豪 周 濤(1841~1847)8
張 杰 楊希娟 黨 斌 張文剛 蘭佳佳(1848~1857)8
顧鑫慧 俞 超 王 碧 吳憶蘭 陳 煜 王金霓 汪財生(1858~1864)8
何連軍 王鼎南 張宜明 汪思佳(1865~1874)8
邢 敏 費 鵬 郭 鸰 康懷彬(1875~1882)8
李潤妍 潘 琳 柳家鵬 邢福國(1883~1892)8
李春霖 汪秋紅 聶 晶 周燕君 邵圣枝 袁玉偉 傅尚文 王 鈁(2056~2064)9
柴吉釧 劉 璐 陳景丹 王 康 曹士鋒 施麗愉 楊震峰 陳 偉(2065~2074)9
曹婷婷 張 萌 程紫薇 金文淵 金 鵬 鄭永華(2075~2082)9
王鵬飛 付鴻博 張 瑜 穆霄鵬 張建成 杜俊杰(2083~2093)9
張士凱 王 敏 程欣欣 張啟月 吳 澎(2094~2101)9
王 童 楊 慧 朱廣成 王招招 謝永康 韓俊豪 翟辰璐 路風銀(2102~2110)9
魏 蕾 劉開夢 董中富 徐靜嶷 吳怡嬌 熊春雨 孫 潔 王彩霞(2111~2117)9
賴譜富 湯葆莎 李怡彬 吳 俐 翁敏劼 陳君琛(2118~2126)9
戴 丹 鄭 劍 周成敏 成紀予 丁立忠(2294~2304)10
沈 琦 瑪合巴麗·托乎塔爾漢 曹葉青 劉峰娟 陶永霞 王 成(2305~2310)10
張朝輝 張 廣 閆 鵬 杜田雨 趙涔岑 李明輝 閆新悅 王振河(2311~2318)10
楊秀蘭 石其宇 彭俊森 劉勤超 黃世安 許興亮 朱守亮 董曉慶(2319~2327)10
安攀宇 李燮昕 李艷梅 李 維 張 淼 林 丹(2328~2340)10
范麗霞 張丙春 陳 璐 苑學霞 邵明俊 董燕婕 王 磊 趙善倉(2341~2351)10
張 鑫 閆玉雯 朱迎春(2352~2360)10
陸方舟 張詩婧 戴亞峰 董蘭營 陸 瑤 李繼福 郭曉暉 王增利(2361~2368)10
攪拌結合pH控制的10 L發(fā)酵罐條件下乳酸菌發(fā)酵胡柚汁研究
李玉彤 吳祖芳 翁佩芳 陳 功(2369~2376)10
趙 珊 王釋婕 聶 晶 邵圣枝 吳 嬌 趙冬香 高景林 袁玉偉(2542~2549)11
胡科娜 高興杰 谷貴章 張進杰 徐大倫 楊文鴿(2550~2558)11
鄭建梅 肖 妍 高貴田 封 琦 李子君(2559~2568)11
蔡金秀 夏姍姍 馬佳雯 王佳園 楊 華 曹少謙 戚向陽(2569~2577)11
王 蕤 王玫鵑 湯富彬 宋麗麗 婁和強 倪張林 鐘冬蓮 莫潤宏(2578~2588)11
謝 甜 孫 琳 范 偉 郭時印 肖 航 唐忠海(2589~2597)11
蔣麗琴 蔣 立 馬 偵 蔡 艷 鐘鶯鶯 楊震峰 徐新穎(2598~2605)11
蔡繼業(yè) 房祥軍 韓延超 陳杭君 郜海燕 吳偉杰(2766~2775)12
葉 青 趙武奇 白斯可 張濟英 聶聰怡 錢 蕊 伍小丫(2776~2786)12
曹 熙 楊大偉(2787~2798)12
宋恭帥 劉家源 袁雅雯 濮發(fā)祥 王丹麗 蔡瑞康 肖功年 龔金炎(2799~2809)12
吳袁袁 馮俊麗(2810~2820)12
史宗勇 劉 璇 路 超 郭俊佩 許冬梅 趙娟麗 袁建琴(2821~2829)12
蔡繼業(yè) 房祥軍 韓延超 陳杭君 吳偉杰 郜海燕12
葉 青 趙武奇 白斯可 張濟英 聶聰怡 錢 蕊 伍小丫12
曹 熙 楊大偉12
宋恭帥 劉家源 袁雅雯 濮發(fā)祥 王丹麗 蔡瑞康 肖功年 龔金炎12
吳袁袁 馮俊麗12
sRNA SaaS對沙門氏菌粘附響應規(guī)律和胞外代謝物的影響效應
何淑雯 胡海靜 陸許秋 王浩東 王虎虎 徐幸蓮12
程 月 朱姍姍 劉 靜 張世凱 翟曉松 劉 陽 趙月菊12
史宗勇 劉 璇 路 超 郭俊佩 許冬梅 趙娟麗 袁建琴12
高 杰 于舒函 李二艷 于 雷 馬春梅(183~191)1
李其勇 朱從樺 李星月 向運佳 楊曉蓉 符慧娟 張 鴻(192~201)1
肖 爽 韓雨辰 號宇然 王曉蕾 劉連濤 孫紅春 張永江 李存東(202~210)1
蔡仕珍 龍聰穎 鄧輝茗 葉 充 李 璟(211~220)1
李 進 雷 斌 翟夢華 王 莉 張軍高 周小云 梁 晶(221~228)1
謝婧蘅 楊 莉 旦世浩 邱 麗 張王妮 劉德春 胡 威 劉 勇(229~237)1
宋桂成 史高玲 張平平 王化敦 張 鵬 馬鴻翔(238~244)1
蘇 旺(245~251)1
李成名 聶恩光 張素芬 葉慶富(438~446)2
陳麗楠 韓曉日 孫占祥 劉秀春(447~453)2
何 浩 張宇彤 危常州 李俊華(454~461)2
甕巧云 黃新軍 許翰林 劉 瑤 袁曉峰 馬海蓮 袁進成 劉穎慧(462~470)2
羅 玲 鐘 奇 王 進 潘宏兵 劉 偉(471~480)2
常嘉琪 王夢雨 鄧茗丹 汪俏梅(481~489)2
趙 凱 李珊珊 馬 倩 周 帆 李忠峰 馬興立 張幸果 殷冬梅(490~497)2
童志超 徐艷群 李 棟 李 莉 羅自生(498~507)2
李燦東 郭 泰 王志新 鄭 偉 張振宇 趙海紅 郭美玲 邱 強(674~680)3
常江海 郭 維 鄭姚穎 張素芬 葉慶富(681~687)3
李祖軍 何汛鋒 譚義青 曾研華 曾勇軍 石慶華 吳自明 李輝婕(688~696)3
羅友進 陳 霞 胡佳羽 吳純清 程玥晴 謝永紅 張義剛(697~703)3
張成蘭 呂玉虎 劉春增 李本銀 郭曉彥 聶良鵬 張 琳 曹衛(wèi)東(704~713)3
張志浩 孔令剛 朱 紅 畢思圣 王華田 孟詩原 劉秀梅(714~721)3
李珍珍 周 偉 張培培 鐘曉媛 何連華 任萬軍 胡劍鋒(722~736)3
蘇 旺 胡祿華 王 艦(737~744)3
邵金華 全沁果 張文兵 熊佳萱 文天鳳 楊川川(745~752)3
趙 奇 郭運宏 楊玉珍 陳麗培 羅 青(753~759)3
索炎炎 張 翔 司賢宗 余 瓊 李 亮 余 輝(933~941)4
馬 泉 王夢堯 孫 全 李春燕 丁錦峰 朱 敏 郭文善 朱新開(942~952)4
徐曉峰 焦念元(953~959)4
牛二利 傅玉樓 劉麗娥 朱申龍(960~968)4
鄒峁雁 韓昊展 謝永娟 萬田英 涂書新(969~979)4
羅曉峰 代宇佳 宋 艷 呂昊哲 雍太文 王小春 劉衛(wèi)國 舒 凱(980~988)4
王春萍 張世才 楊小苗 蔣曉英 李怡斐 黃啟中 黃任中 林 清(989~996)4
王成己 唐莉娜 胡忠良 李艷春 黃毅斌(997~1007)4
房彥飛 符小文 徐文修 劉 文 黃紅梅 張 娜 杜孝敬 張永杰(1178~1187)5
趙思明 曹 兵 萬仲武 謝應吉(1188~1195)5
柳強娟 康建宏 吳佳瑞 孫建波 馬雪瑩 王星強 堅天才(1196~1208)5
李 穎 張麗娜 楊文秀 馬金虎 楊小環(huán)(1209~1220)5
聶顯光 王 琳(1221~1230)5
張海波 蘇 龍 程紅艷 張國勝 何小芳(1231~1242)5
裴雪霞 黨建友 張定一 張 晶 王姣愛 程麥鳳(1243~1251)5
周 洋 趙小敏 郭 熙 韓 逸(1420~1432)6
王沛琦 高 梅 劉旭云 胡學禮 代夢媛 李文昌(1433~1439)6
杜 倩 黃 容 李 冰 王昌全 文登鴻 謝云波 陳玉藍 馮 浪(1440~1450)6
尚晶濤 吳 榮 曹夢琳 李雅馨 王宇軒 杜慧玲(1451~1456)6
陳海生 劉守平 梁國錢 何道根(1457~1465)6
董亞茹 張艷波 趙東曉 耿 兵 婁齊年 李云芝 王照紅 郭 光(1466~1475)6
趙紅梅 鄧素芳 楊艷君 冀愛青 李洪燕(1476~1483)6
孟文博 王德勝 張楠楠 費 浩 唐梓涯 王 濤 白鐵成(1648~1657)7
王永平 周子柯 滕昊蔚 牛曉音 馬艷飛 李夢紅 盧 杰(1658~1667)7
石 呂 薛亞光 魏亞鳳 楊美英 李 波 石曉旭 劉 建(1668~1677)7
曠 娜 唐啟源 鄭華斌 王慰親 鄒 丹 羅友誼(1678~1686)7
劉 杰 吳國瑞 張金偉 孫周平(1687~1695)7
呂偉生 黃天寶 肖富良 鄭 偉 肖小軍 李亞貞 韓德鵬 肖國濱(1696~1706)7
郭曉婧 張志毅 郭掌珍(1707~1716)7
尤凌聰 汪玉瑛 劉玉學 呂豪豪 陳金媛 楊生茂(1717~1723)7
伍宜杰 孟 瑞 張秀林 王國棟 陳劍杰 曹謹玲(1893~1899)8
田藝心 高鳳菊 曹鵬鵬 高 祺 夏文榮(1900~1907)8
陳可可 黃莉娟 王普昶 趙麗麗 劉 芳(1908~1915)8
耿夢瑤 程文聰 陳麗紅 李亞君 陳曉紅(1916~1922)8
李停鋒 李 雯 郭君鈺 顧 欣(1923~1930)8
殷夢瑤 陳 功 羅海華 彭金劍 高 欣 袁長凱 湯飛宇(1931~1940)8
呂 劍 李金武 郁繼華 頡建明 馮 致 張國斌 劉 娜 王俊文(1941~1951)8
方彥杰 張緒成 侯慧芝 于顯楓 王紅麗 馬一凡 張國平 雷康寧(2127~2135)9
王思陽 李廣浩 陸衛(wèi)平 陸大雷(2136~2144)9
楊 鑫 樊吳靜 唐洲萍 何虎翼 李麗淑(2145~2153)9
余明龍 靳 丹 劉美玲 李 瑤 鄭殿峰 馮乃杰 梁喜龍(2154~2164)9
蕭利珠 鄭文秀 陳銘炯 褚鑫健 李財運 倪鐘濤 王正加 周 湘(2165~2171)9
趙澤文 馬雅靜 潘起濤 楊政寧 劉 璇 程 新(2172~2181)9
楊 敏 李向嶺 韓金玲 楊 晴 王 健(2182~2193)9
溫宏偉 楊 斌 王東勝(2194~2203)9
駱沛文 張素芬 張晗雪 胡 成 余志揚 李秦衎 柴立紅 葉慶富(2377~2384)10
張立成 李 娟 章明清 姚建族 王煌平(2385~2393)10
韓德鵬 呂偉生 陳 明 黃天寶 肖小軍 李亞貞 肖富良 鄭 偉(2394~2403)10
李 浩 徐 瑞 施輝能 劉春蘭 龍光強 田 洋 范 偉(2404~2412)10
王 津 魏賽金 魏麗梅(2413~2422)10
馬宜林 吳廣海 申洪濤 王新中 趙世民 馬君紅 王麗華 劉 領(2423~2430)10
溫 越 王振華 李文昊 丁宏偉(2431~2439)10
吳 杰 常會慶 王啟震(2606~2615)11
肖 云 陳松鶴 楊洪坤 張 雪 郭 翔 樊高瓊(2616~2625)11
王新月 張 敏 劉勇軍 鄧小華 彭德元 張仲文 江智敏 王衛(wèi)民(2626~2633)11
李辰彥 李祖軍 田雪飛 方加海 石慶華 曾勇軍 李輝婕 吳自明 (2634~2644)11
周 旋 彭建偉 楊嬪玲 柴慧清 鐘雪梅 康興蓉 徐章倩 張慧茹(2645~2654)11
彭翠云 汪海燕 史宏志 郭 慧 楊惠娟(2655~2663)11
周永瑾 普雪可 吳春花 苗芳芳 李 榮(2664~2673)11
陳曉冬 郭 彬 劉俊麗 汪海燕 李淑玉 馬 潔 傅慶林 李 華(2674~2679)11
唐 杰 陳知青 郭安南 裘瓊芬(2830~2840)12
蔣曦龍 喬月彤 李曉靖 王 瀾 薛燕慧 夏海勇(2841~2849)12
羅 亢 曾勇軍 石慶華 呂偉生 謝小兵 郭 琳 成 臣 周乾聰(2850~2859)12
張 磊 何繼紅 董孔軍 任瑞玉 劉天鵬 楊天育(2860~2868)12
裴世娟 李瑞盈 張 萌 武晉濤 鐘婷瑋 胡君霞 裴廣芬 韓金玲(2869~2878)12
李佳馨 謝寅峰 李 霞 王 凈(2879~2892)12
宋佳諭 陳宇眺 洪曉富 閆 川(2893~2903)12
Research on the Mutagenic Effects on Rhizome ofCurcumalongaL.by60Co-γ Rays
WU Ping,GUO Junxia,et al.(1~6)1
Identification,Evolution and Expression Analysis of the CDPK Gene Family in Pepper
LIN Huan,DUAN Weike,et al.(7~17)1
Bioinformatics Identification and Analysis of BBX Gene Family in Grape
GE Mengqing,LIU Zhongjie,et al.(18~30)1
Amplification,Bioinformatics and Polymorphism Analysis ofMC1RGene in Youzhou Dark Goat
FU Lin,REN Hangxing,et al.(31~40)1
Study on the Control Effect of EndophyticBacillusamyloliquefaciens489-2-2 on Verticillium Wilt of Cotton
Zabihullah Sherzad,YANG Na,et al.(41~48)1
Excavation and Comparative Analysis of MYB Family Based on Hawthorn Flowers With Different Colors
LI Xuyan,YANG Zhongyi,et al.(49~59)1
Cloning and Selection Evaluation of Reference Gene for Quantitative Real-Time PCR inHibiscusesculentusL.
LI Yongping,YE Xinru,et al.(60~71)1
Identification and Expression Analysis of 4CLGene Family inPhyllostachysedulis
YANG Kebin,SHAN Xuemeng,et al.(72~82)1
Effect of Brassinosteroid on Long-Term-Maintained Callus Growth and Regeneration ofZoysiaMatrella[L.] Merr.
LIN Tianyi,ZHOU Ren,et al.(83~92)1
Researches of Low Cadmium Accumulation in Rice
HU Wanyin,WANG Yin,et al.(93~102)1
Screening of Imidazolinone-Resistant Rice From EMS-Mutated Populations
CHEN Tianzi,YU Yue,et al.(253~261)2
Construction of Barley Mutant Population and Cytological Analysis of Leaf Width Mutation
QIN Dandan,XU Fuchao,et al.(262~270)2
Effect of Cross-Pollination on Metabolites and Its Relationship With Fruit Inner-Cracking in Pomelo
LIU Dongfeng,LIN Shaosheng,et al.(271~279)2
Effect ofEschedrichiacolion the Expression of Inflammatory Factors Associated With Endometrial Epithelial Cells in Tibetan Sheep
ZHANG Xingyun,WANG Meng,et al.(280~290)2
Cloning of NAD-Dependent Sorbitol Dehydrogenase Gene From Apricot Fruit and Analysis of Its Expression and Enzyme Activity
NIE Peixian,WANG Laiping,et al.(291~297)2
Characterization and Inheritance of Resistance to PRSV-W (PapayaRingspotVirus-WatermelonStrain)in Squash (CucurbitapepoL.)
WANG Kaiyue,ZHANG Shasha,et al.(298~305)2
Cloning and Expression Analysis ofPbADCinPyrusbetulifolia
JIN Cong,GUO Qiaohui,et al.(306~313)2
Revision of the Taxonomic Status ofPrunuscampanulatavar.Wuyiensis
WANG Zhilong,FU Tao,et al.(314~323)2
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Lipid Phosphate Phosphatase (LPP)Gene Family in Peanut
XU He,LIANG Chengwei,et al.(324~337)2
Physiological Response and Differentially Expressed Genes Analysis of Transcriptome inMomordicacharantiaL.Leaf Under Cold Stress
DU Wenli,CHEN Zhongshan,et al.(338~348)2
Transmembrane Transport Regulation Mechanism of Monocarboxylate Transporter 1(MCT1)on the Alimentary Canal Epithelium
DONG Xianwen,FU Lin,et al.(349~356)2
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Iris Hybrid and Mutagenic Breeding Materials Based on SSR Markers
ZHOU Lin,CAI Youming,et al.(509~517)3
Physiological Characteristics of Top Three Functional Leaves for a Senilism Rice Mutant
WANG Fubiao,RONG Lingling,et al.(518~525)3
Creation and Evaluation of Compact Waxy Maize Germplasm Resources
PENG Bo,YUAN Wenya,et al.(526~534)3
iTRAQ-Based Proteomic Analysis Reveal Proteins Responsive toCucumberGreenMottleMosaicVirusInfection in Watermelon
ZHANG Huiqing,SUN Yuyan,et al.(535~548)3
Construction of a Yeast Two-Hybrid cDNA Library of Cotton (GossypiumhirsutumL.)and VdSCP7 Bait Vector
WEI Chunyan,QIN Tengfei,et al.(549~555)3
Heterosis and Genetic Effects Analysis of Deep-Seeding Traits in Maize Under Different Sowing Environments
ZHONG Yuan,ZHAO Xiaoqiang,et al.(556~566)3
Ectopic Express ofEgrNAC1 Enhances Cold Tolerance and Sensitivity to Drought and Salt inArabidopsisthaliana
CONG Qing,NI Xiaoxiang,et al.(567~575)3
Reference Gene Selection of Real-time Fluorescence Quantitative PCR inCypripediumjaponicum
DUAN Guomin,LI Tianyuan,et al.(576~585)3
Cloning and Expression Analysis of PheDof2 Transcription Factor From Moso Bamoo (Phyllostachysedulis)
LIU Jun,CHENG Zhancha,et al.(586~594)3
Analysis of Differentially Expresses Genes in Human Erythroleukemia Cells Induced by Sulfated Polysaccharide Fraction FromSargassumfusiforme
DING Haomiao,DU Haofei,et al.(595~604)3
Comparison of Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Tissue Culture Plantlets of Diploid and TetraploidRobiniapseudoacacia
LI Xiuyu,DONG Li,et al.(605~612)3
Effects of CO2and Sodium Acetate on the Growth and Astaxanthin Accumulation of the Green AlgaHaematococcuspluvialis
YE Xin,YU Xinlei,et al.(613~622)3
Research Progress on Black Spot in Cruciferous Plants
SHEN Yusen,WANG Jiansheng,et al.(623~634)3
Construction and Preliminary Screening of EMS Induced Mutant Library of Pumpkin (CucurbitamoschataD.)
MIN Ziyang,HAN Xiaoxia,et al.(761~768)4
Analysis of the Mechanism of Early Senescence Degeneration in Rice Mutantad1
HE Dan,JIANG Hongrui,et al.(769~779)4
Identification of Wax Gourd by Using EST-SSR Markers-Based MCID Method
YE Xinru,LIU Jianting,et al.(780~788)4
Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH)Identification of PartialElymusChromosomes in a Wheat Background
GONG Wenping,WANG Xiaolu,et al.(789~795)4
Screening and Diversity Analysis of Core Primers on SSR Markers for Yunnan Maize Hybrids
YAO Zongze,YANG Xiaoyan,et al.(796~806)4
Analysis of Relationship Between Bacterial Community and High Temperature Tolerance ofIsochrysiszhangjiangensis
CHEN Ke,WANG Yingying,et al.(807~814)4
Transcriptome and Jasmin Metabolism Gene Analysis ofPassifloraeduliaSims Under Low Temperature Stress
WEI Xiaoxia,WANG Xiao′an,et al.(815~825)4
Transient Expression Analysis ofVvANRGene in Grape Leaves Mediated by TRV
YANG Bo,LIU Haixia,et al.(826~836)4
Dissection of Petal Pigment Components in Colored Rapseed (BrassciamapuL.)Genotypes
LIU Han,REN Yun,et al.(837~845)4
Effects of Three Protective Agents on Gardenia Irradiated by60Co-γ Rays
LIU Liang,WANG Dan,et al.(1009~1019)5
Phenotypic Evaluation and Genetic Analysis of Elite Foxtail Millet [Setariaitalic(L.)P.Beauv.] Cultivars From Different Eco-Regions
YANG Yanbing,ZHANG Huidi,et al.(1020~1029)5
Analysis of Flavonoids Content and Different Components in Leaves of Chinese Dwarf Cherry Germplasm
REN Yuqin,FU Hongbo,et al.(1030~1038)5
Isolation and Preliminary Identification of Salinity Response RelatedERFsin Wheat
LI Shijiao,ZHANG Xiaojun,et al.(1039~1047)5
Identification of MIR319 Family Members and Their Target Genes in Response toCucumberGreenMottleMosaicVirusInfection in Watermelon
SUN Yuyan,ZHANG Huiqing,et al.(1048~1059)5
Cloning and Expression Analysis ofBoFBX117 FromBrassicaoleracea
XU Tao,LU Zhengzhao,et al.(1060~1066)5
Screening of Host Factors and Interaction With Coat Protein P10 ofSouthernRiceBlackStreakDwarfVirus
ZHANG Ruifang,ZHANG Hehong,et al.(1067~1073)5
Identification of SorghumNon-ExpressorofPathogenesisRelatedGenes1 Gene Family and Analysis of Their Expression Under Different Stress
DU Qiaoli,FANG Yuanpeng,et al.(1074~1083)5
Effects of Antifungalmycin 211 on Cell Membrane and Antioxidant Enzyme Activity ofRhizoctoniasolani
WEI Limei,ZOU Xiaowen,et al.(1084~1090)5
Identification of the CaprineKRTAP2-1 Gene and Its Effect on Longdong Cashmere Traits
SUN Kai,ZHAO Mengli,et al.(1091~1098)5
Expression Response to Low-Temperature Stress and Codon Bias Analysis ofLaBBXGene inLepidiumapetalum
ZHOU Qian,CHEN Yun,et al.(1253~1262)6
Comprehensive Evaluation of Cold Tolerance and Germplasm Screening of High Oleic Acid Peanut at Germination Stage
SUN Donglei,BIAN Nengfei,et al.(1263~1272)6
Cloning of PeachPpNAC19 and Its Regulation onPpCCD4 Promoter Activity
QIN Juan,YU Fan,et al.(1273~1280)6
Cloning and Expression Analysis of ThreeMAPKKKGenes in Postharvest Processing of Tea Leaves
SHEN Chaoru,YANG Runmei,et al.(1281~1290)6
The Physiological and Molecular Mechanism of Nitrogen Metabolism in Haidao 86 in Response to Alkaline Stress
CHE Yongmei,XU Qing,et al.(1291~1299)6
Response ofNarcissustazettatoEthylene During Bulb Swelling Phase
JIANG Lin,SUN Xing,et al.(1300~1306)6
Establishment of Magnetic Nanoparticles-Mediated Genetic Transformation System inCapsicumannuumL.
SUN Guosheng,YANG Yu,et al.(1307~1312)6
Recombinant Expression of Thymosin Family Peptides inEscherichiacoli
WEI Xue,LIU Shujun,et al.(1313~1321)6
Screening of Biocontrol Bacteria AgainstRalstoniapseudosolanacearumWith GeneaiiAand Identification of the Bacteria
ZHENG Yuting,HU Yuru,et al.(1322~1328)6
Application of CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing Technology in Crops
LIN Mengmeng,LI Chunjuan,et al.(1329~1339)6
Effects of60Co-γ Radiation and PEG Stress on Physiological Characteristics and Related Gene Expression of Mulberry Seedlings
ZHAO Dongxiao,SHI Xinqin,et al.(1485~1494)7
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Sesame Germplasm Resources in Shanxi With SSR Markers
LYU Wei,HAN Junmei,et al.(1495~1506)7
Comprehensive Evaluation of Natural Compound Salt Stress of Sea-Island Cotton Resources
YANG Tao,LI Shengmei,et al.(1507~1521)7
Exploration of ATR-FTIR Technique in the Identification of Wheat Grains
ZENG Yuting,LI Bo,et al.(1522~1531)7
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Sorghum Transcription FactorSbWRKY71 Gene Under Stress
DU Qiaoli,JIANG Junmei,et al.(1532~1539)7
Construction and Rapid Identification of Cucumber T-DNA Insertion Mutants Using GFP Gene
FENG Lulu,WANG Xueyan,et al.(1540~1547)7
Research of Virus Detection and Elimination of Tea Chrysanthemum
WU Xi,CAI Xiaolin,et al.(1548~1556)7
Cloning ofPpMADS1 in Peach and Its Regulation on Carotenoid Synthesis Genes
YU Fan,QIN Juan,et al.(1557~1564)7
Mutagenic Effects of60Co-γ Irradiation on Four Species ofLilium
LI Lihui,HU Yao,et al.(1725~1730)8
Construction of Ethyl Methane Sulfonate Mutant Library of Jinmai 47 and Preliminary Analysis of Quality Characters of High Generation Mutant
ZHANG Ting,WEN Hongwei,et al.(1731~1739)8
Accumulation and Partitioning Characteristics of Photosynthetic Product of 7 Main Cultivars in Northern Winter Wheat Zone
YANG Shurong,FU Luping,et al.(1740~1750)8
Cloning and Drought Response Pattern ofCpNCED2,a 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid Dioxygenase Gene From Zucchini (CucurbitapepoL.)
LIU Jianting,ZENG Meijuan,et al.(1751~1760)8
Identification and Analysis of Drought Related Genes in Foxtail Millet (SetariaitalicaL.)at Germination Stage Based on Transcriptome Sequencing
DAI Xiaodong,ZHU Cancan,et al.(1761~1770)8
Drought Resistance Evaluation Based on Leaf Anatomical Structure of Major Chestnut Cultivars in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
GUO Yan,ZHANG Shuhang,et al.(1771~1782)8
Analysis of CBL-CIPK Pathway Proteins in Wild Soybean With Saline-Alkali Stress
WEI Zhiyuan,WANG Yu,et al.(1783~1793)8
Expression and Function of CauliflowerBobERF17,A Member of the AP2/ERF Transcription Factor Family,In Response To Abiotic Stresses
LI Hui,YANG Yaling,et al.(1794~1801)8
Disease Investigation and Predominant Pathogen Analysis of Wheat Crown Rot in Henan Province
HU Haiyan,DONG Qingfeng,et al.(1802~1808)8
Cloning and Expression ofCytochromeFaP450 Under Abiotic Stresses in Tall Fescue
CHEN Ying,CHEN Xi,et al.(1809~1815)8
Fine Mapping and Node Numbers on the Main Stem QTLs in Soybean Based on BAS and SLAF-Seq
YANG Yuhua,BAI Zhiyuan,et al.(1953~1963)9
Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Foxtail Millet Mutant With Yellow Leaf Colour
LI Junxia,QIN Na,et al.(1964~1970)9
The Detection of QTL Confers Cold Tolerance at the Bud Bursting Period in Rice Using CSSLs Population
DENG Haodong,YU Meixia,et al.(1971~1978)9
Research on Quality Evaluation Indices of Weak Gluten Wheat
LI Man,ZHANG Xiao,et al.(1979~1986)9
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Transcription FactorPpWRKY18 in Peach
LI Sen,WANG Qingjie,et al.(1987~1993)9
Cloning and Expression Analysis ofS-adenosylmethionine Synthetase Gene FromCarthamustinctoriusL.
TAN Zhengwei,LI Lei,et al.(1994~2001)9
Development and Application of SSR Molecular Markers Based on Transcriptome Sequencing ofLycorisspp.
LI Qingzhu,CAI Youming,et al.(2002~2015)9
Geneome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of Auxin Response Factor Gene Family in Maize
CAO Liru,ZHANG Qianjin,et al.(2016~2026)9
The Enhancement Resistance to TYLCV via RNA InterferenceV1 andC1 Gene of TYLCV in Tomato
LI Yunzhou,YUE Ningbo,et al.(2027~2034)9
Cloning,Expression,Antibody Preparation ofRab1Ain Grass Carp (Ctenopharygodonidella)and Its Response to Microcystin-LR
HE Li,LIU Lin,et al.(2035~2043)9
Role of Sucrose Metabolism and Signal Transduction in Plant Development and Stress Response
FENG Yalan,YIN Fei,et al.(2044~2055)9
Traits Analysis of Offsprings Mutated by60Co-γ Radiation inIrishollandica
LIN Bing,FAN Ronghui,et al.(2205~2213)10
Physicochemical Properties of Starch in Rice White Core Mutantxb1
LYUJun,JIANG Xiuying,et al.(2214~2222)10
Heredity and Variation Analysis of Fruit Quality in the F1Generation From Reciprocal Crosses Between Nongda 4 and DS-1 Chinese Dwarf Cherry (Cerasushumilis)
FU Hongbo,WANG Pengfei,et al.(2223~2233)10
Identification of mRNA Transport ofBoSVPin Grafted Cabbage and It′s Effect on Transcription Expression ofSVPin Rootstocks
TAO Peng,ZHAO Yanting et al.(2234~2240)10
Cloning and Functional Analysis ofBrABF1 Gene in Non-Heading Chinese Cabbage
XU Yuanyuan,LI Zhubo,et al.(2241~2249)10
Differential Expression of Genes Related to Carbohydrate Metabolism During Bulb Development inLycorisradiata
XU Junxu,LI Qingzhu,et al.(2250~2257)10
Screening of Peanut Black Rot Disease-Resistant Varieties and Determination of Defense-Related Enzyme Activities
YUAN Huitao,ZHANG Yunxia,et al.(2258~2266)10
Cloning ofCsCAT3 and Its Role in Pre-Storage Cold Acclimation-Induced Chilling Tolerance in Harvested Cucumber
WANG Bin,WU Chunshuang,et al.(2267~2276)10
Screening of Safflower Germplasm With Resistance toUroleucongobonisand Field Efficacy Experiment
XU Lanjie,YU Yongliang,et al.(2277~2283)10
Correlation Analysis Between Carotenoid Cleavage Dioxygenase 7 Gene Expression and Content of β-Carotene in Carrot
DENG Yuanjie,LI Tong,et al.(2284~2293)10
Analysis of Small RNA Sequencing Variation in Rice Irradiated by60Co-γ Ray
ZHANG Li,ZHANG Yong,et al.(2441~2450)11
Phenotypic Identification and Gene Mapping of Green Revertible White-Stripes Mutantwsl887 in Rice (OryzasativaL.)
YAN Xiaoqing,CHEN Nenggang,et al.(2451~2462)11
Polyploid Induction ofPhalaenopsisProtocorms via Colchicine Treatment
WU Ting,ZHU Jun,et al.(2463~2469)11
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Genes Related to Starch and Sucrose Metabolism inFritillariathunbergii
LI Ziming,PAN Yichen,et al.(2470~2481)11
Cloning and Expression Analysis of ThreeOrangeGenes in Kurodagosun Carrot
WANG Yinggang,XIONG Aisheng,et al.(2482~2492)11
VIGS SilencingSlDCL2 andSlDCL4 Destroy TomatoTy-1/Ty-3 Resistance toTomatoYellowLeafCurlVirus(TYLCV)
YUE Ningbo,LI Yulong,et al.(2493~2500)11
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Sucrose:Sucrose 1-FructosyltransferaseAs-1-SSTGene in Garlic
TIE Yuanyu,TIAN Jie.(2501~2511)11
Correlation Analysis BetweenSiPSY1 Gene and Millet Color Formation in Foxtail Millet
HE Lu,JIA Suqing,et al.(2512~2520)11
Analysis on the Population Diversity of Pathogens From MaizeFusariumStalk Rot in Gansu Province
GUO Cheng,WANG Baobao,et al.(2521~2527)11
Effects of Endophytic Fungal GG22 Elicitor on Growth and Secondary Metabolism of Hairy Roots ofRehmanniaglutinosa
ZHU Yunhao,ZHANG Mengjia,et al.(2528~2534)11
Expression of Integrin β3 in Different Parts of Fallopian Tube in Yak at Different Stages of Reproduction Cycle
ZHONG Donglan,HE Honghong,et al.(2535~2541)11
Effects of60Co-γ Irradiation on Lotus Seeds and Morphological Analysis of a Mutant With Narrow Tepals
LIU Fengluan,QIN Mi,et al.(2681~2687)12
Screening Mutants Resistant to Stem Rot Using12C6+Heavy Ion Beam Irradiation and Crude Toxin ofFusariumoxysporumin HybridCymbidium
GUO Herong,ZHANG Teng,et al.(2688~2695)12
Characterization and Gene Mapping ofpyl3 Mutant in Rice
HU Binhua,WANG Ping,et al.(2696~2703)12
Pollen Chromosome Doubling Induced by Colchicine inEucalyptuspellita
LIU Zhao,XIONG Tao,et al.(2704~2715)12
Expression ofHSP27 Gene in Yak Oocytes and Early EmbryosinVitro
LIU Minqing,HE Honghong,et al.(2716~2723)12
Cloning and Expression Analysis ofLinaloolSynthetaseGene inRhododendronfortunei
WANG Wenjing,LYU Sijia,et al.(2724~2732)12
Transcriptome Analysis ofGhB301 Transgenic Cotton Response toFusariumwiltInfection
LIU Gehui,HAN Zegang,et al.(2733~2745)12
Analyses of Genetic Diversity by SSR Molecular Markers and Agronomic Traits Diversity in Squash and Pumpkin
HUANG Kaimei,ZOU Yijing,et al.(2746~2755)12
Evaluation of the Introduction Performance of Ten Table Grape Cultivars in Weinan Aera of Shaanxi Province
LI Yashan,LI Yumeng,et al.(2756~2765)12
Effects ofCombined Treatment of 1-MCP and60Co-γ Irradiation With Modified Amosphere Package on Postharvest Quality of Loquat Fruits
CAO Sen,GENG Fangjing,et al.(103~110)1
Effects of Ozone Pretreatment Combined With Atmosphere Packaging on Quality Characteristics of Paddy During Storage
XU Qijie,LIU Lin,et al.(111~119)1
Antibiofilm of Citric Acid and Acetic Acid Against Spoilage RelatedPseudomonas
JIANG Chunxin,WANG Yaying,et al.(120~127)1
Effects of Cold Shock Combined With Salicylic Acid Treatment on Chilling Injury,Energy and Proline Metabolism of Postharvest Cucumber Fruit
JIANG Yu,ZHANG Miao,et al.(128~137)1
Water Distribution and Migration of Yellow Beef Under Different Drying Methods
MA Huiling,WANG Songlei,et al.(138~146)1
The Effects MicroalgaeIsochrysisgalbanaon the Flavor and Quality ofMercenariamercenaria(Linnaeus,1758)During Depuration of Sea Water
ZHANG Sijia,CHEN Rong,et al.(147~158)1
Detection of Aflatoxin B1and Zearalenone in Maize by Raman Spectroscopy
YANG Xueqian,YU Huichun,et al.(159~166)1
Reduction of Allergenic Proteins and Urease Activitiy During Soybean Germination
WANG Mengli,GAO Meixu,et al.(167~174)1
Optimization of Microwave Treatment for Fresh Kiwifruit Slices Using Response Surface Method
YE Qing,ZHAO Wuqi,et al.(175~182)1
Effect of Fumigation With Fixed Essential Oil Method on the Storage and Preservation of Postharvest Nectarine Fruits
DENG Yuanxi,XU Hui,et al.(357~365)2
Effects of Hypobaric Storage on Preservation Quality of Shelled Bamboo Shoots (AcidosasaEdulis)and Its Underlying Physiological and Molecular Mechanism
DAI Dan,ZHENG Jian,et al.(366~374)2
Effect of Optimization Online Pre-Solid Phase Adsorption Materials on Smoked Sturgeon Fillets and the Processing Optimization
LI Chonghao,ZHANG Zhuowei,et al.(375~383)2
Effects of Carbon Sources on Fermentation Kinetics and Structure Exopolysaccharide FromPapiliotremaaureus
ZHAO Yingjie,CHENG Xin(384~395)2
Aroma,Phenols and Antioxidant Activities of Black Bean Tempeh Before and After Fermentation
WU Yue,ZHAO Jing,et al.(396~405)2
Effect of Chicken Variety on Quality of Chicken Soup
HUANG Mingyuan,LI Xiao,et al.(406~413)2
Response Surface Methodology and Process Optimization of Ultrasonic Marinated Dried Bean Curd
LIU Zhenrong,WU Ni,et al.(414~423)2
Research Progress in Separation,Purification and Antihyperglycemic Activity of Sweet Potato Leaf Polyphenols
LUO Dan,MU Taihua,et al.(424~437)2
Stable Isotope Signatures of Rape Honey in Qinghai Province and Their Response Mechanisms to Environmental Factors
TAN Yang,LIU Zhi,et al.(635~642)3
Preparation and Properties of Potato Flour Modified by Ultrasonic and Propylene Oxide
LI Xiaowan,LI Jing,et al.(643~650)3
Optimization of Maillard Reaction forSkipjackTuna Cooking Liquid and Amino Acid Analysis
CHEN Qihang,FANG Xubo,et al.(651~659)3
Antifungal Activities of Chitosan Hydrolysates
WANG Junhua,ZHAO Shuangzhi,et al.(660~666)3
Application of Irradiation Technology in Meat Products Processing and Preservation
HONG Qihua,WANG Liangyan,et al.(667~673)3
Eeffect of Umbelliferone Treatment on Disease Resistance toBotrytiscinereain Kiwifruit cv.Xuxiang During Storage
XU Wenya,ZHU Yuyan,et al.(846~853)4
Formula Optimization of Compound Non-Phosphorus Water-Retention Agent and Its Effect on Storage Quality of PSE Pork
LIU Guangjuan,XU Zequan,et al.(854~862)4
The Relationship BetweenAspergillusflavusin Peanut Soil and Aflatoxin Contamination of Peanut in China
YANG Bolei,GENG Hairong,et al.(863~869)4
Identification of Commercially Available Walnut Milk Authenticity Based on High Resolution Melting Curve of DNA BarcodeITS2
JIANG Guangze,CHEN Chengtong,et al.(870~880)4
Establishment of the Nutritional Quality Evaluation System forLentinulaedodes
LI Qiaozhen,JIANG Ning,et al.(881~890)4
Separation,Purification,Structure-Activity Relationship of Antioxidant Peptides Derived FrominvitroGastrointestinal Digestion of Sesame Protein
LU Xin,JIA Cong,et al.(891~901)4
Comparison of Volatile Components in Clear Juice and Kernel of Different Fresh-Edible Waxy Corn Cultivars
SHEN Lingyan,NIU Liying,et al.(902~910)4
Comparative Study on the Nutritional and Functional Components of Sweet Potato Leaves From Fifty-Eight Cultivars
QIU Junkai,SUI Weice,et al.(911~922)4
HS-SPME-GC-MS-based Volatile Flavor in Breast and Leg Muscle of Piao Chicken and Yanjin Silky Fowl
XUN Wen,WANG Guiying,et al.(923~932)4
Comparing the Nutrient Quality,Stable Isotope and Multi-Element Characteristics of Xinjiang Jujube for Origin Traceability
HE Weizhong,ZHAO Duoyong,et al.(1099~1112)5
The γ-Irradiation Sterilization Effect onListeriaInnocuain Sugar and Salt Medium
XU Yuqian,LI Shurong,et al.(1113~1120)5
Comparative Study on Sugar Metabolism in Keitt Mango Fruit Between Bagging With Yellow and White Bags During Postharvest
WU Lina,ZHU Yuyan,et al.(1121~1128)5
Effects of Shortwave Ultraviolet Treatment on the Browning of PostharvestLentinulaedodes
XU Xiaolu,LIU Jing,et al.(1129~1135)5
Effect of Liquid Nitrogen Freezing on Changes in Nutrients of Soft-Shell Crabs ofScyllaparamamosainDuring Its Frozen Storage
GUO Liping,ZHANG Limin,et al.(1136~1146)5
Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan-Based Carbon Dots and Its Application in Hydrogen Peroxide Analysis
MAN Huasheng,LYU Xiamin,et al.(1147~1153)5
Establishment of Rapid Detection Method for Fox Meat-Derived Components
ZHENG Fangyuan,ZHOU Xiuwen,et al.(1154~1161)5
Regulation of Ultraviolet and Heat Treatments Regulates on the Main Physio-Biochemical and Melatonin Enrichment in Mustard Sprouts
GENG Yuhan,CHENG Chao,et al.(1162~1169)5
Advance in Anti-Fungus Application of Plant Essential Oil in Food Preservation
WANG Yan,LIN Wei,et al.(1170~1177)5
Effect of Red Light Treatment on Glucosinolates and Antioxidant Capacity in Radish Sprouts During Post-Harvest Storage
FENG Shangkun,CHEN Hao,et al.(1340~1346)6
Effect of Pretreatments on the Volatile Components of Broccoli Stem and Leaf Juice
GUO Shihao,LYU Xiamin,et al.(1347~1355)6
Combining High-Pressure Homogenization and Enzymatic Hydrolysis to Improve the Solubility and Stability of Peanut Protein Under Acidic Conditions
LI Jiaxiao,SHI Aimin,et al.(1356~1366)6
Quality Prediction of Hayward Kiwifruit Based on the Dielectric Properties
LIU Zhenrong,ZHAO Wuqi,et al.(1367~1375)6
Optimization of Polyphenols Extraction From Lotus Seed Peel Waste and ItsinVitroAntioxidant Activities
LIU Yangping,WANG Jianhui,et al.(1376~1384)6
Effects of Pea Flour Addition on the Quality of Rice Noodles
DING Lan,WANG Lili,et al.(1385~1393)6
Study on Extraction Technology of Nicotine and Neophytadiene From Flue-Cured Tobacco Leaves
DU Kang,ZHANG Wei,et al.(1394~1401)6
Study of Four Proteases on Antioxidant Activities and Functional Properties of Salmon Skin Hydrolysates
ZHANG Xiaodi,ZHANG Yiqi,et al.(1402~1409)6
Isolation and Identification of Non-Saccharomyces Strains From Red Koji and Their Effect on the Flavor Constituents of Rice Wine
CHENG Kaisen,ZHANG Meifang,et al.(1410~1419)6
Traceability ofPuerariaethomsoniiRadix(Fenge)Geographical Origin Based on Mineral Elemental Fingerprint
HE Yuanyuan,SUN Qinqian,et al.(1565~1573)7
Effects of Steam Explosion on Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Activity of Red and Mung Beans
GU Chunmei,HOU Chunyu,et al.(1574~1582)7
Influence of Drying Methods and Grinding Degree on Physicochemical Properties and Phenolics Bioavailability of Apple Peel Powder
MA Qiancheng,YI Jianyong,et al.(1583~1592)7
Difference Analysis of the Physicochemical Properties of Wholemeal Flour From 14 Potato Varieties
SHI Yangqi,HUANG Xirui,et al.(1593~1600)7
Principal Component and Cluster Analysis of Volatile Components in Cape Jasmine Flower From Different Cultivars at Different Stages of Bloom
LU Lulu,FAN Yiling,et al.(1601~1608)7
Analysis and Evaluation of the Nutritional Quality and Active Components of Qinghai Black Hulless Barley
ZHOU Hong,ZHANG Jie,et al.(1609~1618)7
Rapid Detection of Three Foodborne Pathogens Based on SERS
HUANG Dongwei,WANG Tiantian,et al.(1619~1626)7
Comparative Analysis of Flavor and Nutritional Qualities Between Soft Shell Crab and Hard Shell Crab FromScyllaparamamosain
LIU Xiao,LU Zhibin,et al.(1627~1638)7
Research Progress of Sulfites in Food
CHEN Jianmin,RAN Mengnan,et al.(1639~1647)7
Effects of Electron-Beam Irradiation on Quality and Antioxidant Properties ofOphiopogonjaponicus
HE Yi,WANG Dan,et al.(1816~1824)8
Determination of Harvesting Time of Gui Re No.1 Macadamia Nuts Suitable for Processing of Slotted Nut
HE Peng,ZHANG Tao,et al.(1825~1831)8
Effects of Low Oxygen and High Carbon Dioxide Storage Environment on Starch-Glucose Metabolism of Potato Tubers
TIAN Jiachun,TIAN Shilong,et al.(1832~1840)8
Identification and Analysis of Dominant Molds in Rice in Different Granaries
LI Na,ZHOU Hongli,et al.(1841~1847)8
Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Seed Coats of Faba Beans With Different Colors
ZHANG Jie,YANG Xijuan,et al.(1848~1857)8
Physico-Chemical Properties and Trypsin Inhibitory Activity of Seeds Albumin From Red Pitaya (Hylocereuspolyrhizus)
GU Xinhui,YU Chao,et al.(1858~1864)8
Simultaneous Determination of Five Nitroimidazoles and Diazepam in Aquatic Products by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry With Pass-Through Solid Phase Extraction Purification
HE Lianjun,WANG Dingnan,et al.(1865~1874)8
Antibacterial Activity,Mechanism and Application of Plant-Derived Natural Products in Food Preservation
XING Min,FEI Peng,et al.(1875~1882)8
Analysis and Countermeasures of Notifications on Mycotoxin Contamination in Food From China by EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)From 2010 to 2019
LI Runyan,PAN Lin,et al.(1883~1892)8
Characteristics of Stable Isotopes in Chinese Organic Tea and Correlations With δ15N Indicator
LI Chunlin,WANG Qiuhong,et al.(2056~2064)9
Comparative Analysis of Starch Degradation Characteristics of Two Varieties of Kiwifruit After Harvest
CHAI Jichuan,LIU Lu,et al.(2065~2074)9
Effect of High Relative Humidity Storage on Chilling Injury and Antioxidant System of Eggplant Fruit
CAO Tingting,ZHANG Meng,et al.(2075~2082)9
Effects of Abscisic Acid Spraying on Fruit Quality ofCerasushumilis
WANG Pengfei,FU Hongbo,et al.(2083~2093)9
Ultrahigh Pressure Extraction ofPolygonatumsibiricumPolysaccharide and Mechanism of Improving Exercise Endurance
ZHANG Shikai,WANG Min,et al.(2094~2101)9
Effects of Hot Air,Microwave and Combined Drying on Nutritional Properties and Sensory Quality of Peanut
WANG Tong,YANG Hui,et al.(2102~2110)9
Effect of Humidity on Wound Healing of Sweet Potato
WEI Lei,LIU Kaimeng,et al.(2111~2117)9
Grey Correlation Analysis for Physical and Nutritional Quality ofHypsizygusmarmoreusFrom Different Drying Methods
LAI Pufu,TANG Baosha,et al.(2118~2126)9
Effects of Oxalic Acid on Edible Quality of Bamboo Shoots (Bambusaoldhami)Without Sheaths During Cold Storage and the Related Mechanism
DAI Dan,ZHENG Jian,et al.(2294~2304)10
Study on the Distribution Characteristics of Mineral Elements and Their Regulatory Mechanisms in Sweet Melon
SHEN Qi,Mahebali Tuohutaerhan,et al.(2305~2310)10
The Evaluation of Fungicide Combinations Controlling Wilt Disease ofPleutorusostreatusCaused byFusariumoxysporum
ZHANG Chaohui,ZHANG Guang,et al.(2311~2318)10
Inhibitory Effects and Mechanism of Grape Seed Extract Treatment onPenicilliosisof Postharvest Kiwifruit
YANG Xiulan,SHI Qiyu,et al.(2319~2327)10
Optimization of Processing Conditions for Chicken Flavor Base by Maillard Reaction
AN Panyu,LI Xiexin,et al.(2328~2340)10
Pollution Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Honeysuckle and Soil From the Main Producing Area of China
FAN Lixia,ZHANG Bingchun,et al.(2341~2351)10
Effect of Ultra-High Pressure Treatment on the Quality of Low-Salt Emulsified Beef Sausage
ZHANG Xin,YAN Yuwen,et al.(2352~2360)10
Comparative Analysis of Main Bioactive Components ofDendrobiumofficinaleBefore and After Introduction
LU Fangzhou,ZHANG Shijing,et al.(2361~2368)10
Stirring and pH Control of Fermentation for Huyou Juice in 10 L Fermenter by Lactic Acid Bacteria
LI Yutong,WU Zufang,et al.(2369~2376)10
Variation of Stable Isotope Ratio in Greenhouse Muskmelon With Different Pollination Methods During Development Stages
ZHAO Shan,WANG Shijie,et al.(2542~2549)11
Effect of Antioxidant of Bamboo Leaves Combined With Electron Beam Treatment on Flavor Compounds of Dry-Cured Eel
HU Kena,GAO Xingjie,et al.(2550~2558)11
Response Surface Test and Process Optimization of Ethylene Ripening Xuxiang Kiwifruit
ZHENG Jianmei,XIAO Yan,et al.(2559~2568)11
Isolation,Preparation and Stability of Collagen Antioxidant Peptides From the Skin of Navodon Septentrionalis
CAI Jinxiu,XIA Shanshan,et al.(2569~2577)11
Analysis and Evaluation of Differences in Nutritional Quality ofTorreyagrandisSeeds in Different Areas of Zhejiang Province
WANG Rui,WANG Meijuan,et al.(2578~2588)11
Effect of Bound Polyphenols inPsidiumGuajavaon Mice Intestinal Flora Structure and Diversity
XIE Tian,SUN Lin,et al.(2589~2597)11
Detection and Speciation Analysis of Chromium in Seaweeds
JIANG Liqin,JIANG Li,et al.(2598~2605)11
Effects of UV-B Treatment on Vitamin D2Content and Physiology and Biochemistry Properties ofLentinusedodes
CAI Jiye,FANG Xiangjun,et al.(2766~2775)12
Study on the Sterilization Effect and Quality of Cloudy Kiwifruit Juice Treated by Thermalassisted Ultrasonic
YE Qing,ZHAO Wuqi,et al.(2776~2786)12
Identification of Polyphenolic Compounds in Daylily and Influence of Blanching and Storage on Their Stability
CAO Xi,YANG Dawei(2787~2798)12
Study on the Preparation,Surface Modification andinVitroDigestion Stability of Gardenia Yellow Liposomes
SONG Gongshuai,LIU Jiayuan,et al.(2799~2809)12
Rapid Detection of Microcystin-LR by Aptamer-based Gold Nanoparticles Colorimetry
WU Yuanyuan,FENG Junli(2810~2820)12
Effect of Genetically Modified Soybean GTS40-3-2 on Major Organs and Reproductive Functions in Offspring Male Rats
SHI Zongyong,LIU Xuan,et al.(2821~2829)12
Effects of Straw Returning on the Supply and Absorption of Nitrogen in Continuous Spring Maize in Songnen Plain
GAO Jie,YU Shuhan,et al.(183~191)1
Drought Resistance Identification and Index Screening of Rice Near-Isogenic Introgression Lines at Germinating Stage
LI Qiyong,ZHU Conghua,et al.(192~201)1
Effects of Polyethylene Glycol Priming on Germination and Physiological Characteristics of Cotton Seeds Under Salt Stress
XIAO Shuang,HAN Yuchen,et al.(202~210)1
Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid and Glutathione on Physiological and Ggrowth ofStachyslanataUnder Cadmium stress
CAI Shizhen,LONG Congying,et al.(211~220)1
Study on the Response Mechanism of the AsA-GSH Cycle in Cotton Seedling Under Low Temperature Stress
LI Jin,LEI Bin,et al.(221~228)1
Effect of Bagging on Fruit Appearance and Inner Quality of Majia Pomelo
XIE Jingheng,YANG Li,et al.(229~237)1
Effect of Jointing Waterlogging on Grain Quality in Wheat
SONG Guicheng,SHI Gaoling,et al.(238~244)1
Effects of Mulching on Ridge-Rurrow for Harvesting Rainwater on Starch Granule Morphology,Distribution and Starch Gelatinization Properties of Tuber in Rainfed Potato
SU Wang(245~251)1
Uptake,Translocation and Distribution of14C-Imidacloprid in Rape Seedlings (BrassicanapusL.)
LI Chengming,NIE Enguang,et al.(438~446)2
Coupling Effects of Alternate Partial Root-Zone Irrigation and Nitrogen Rate on Growth and15N-Use of Grapes
CHEN Linan,HAN Xiaori(447~453)2
Effects of Different Organic Fertilizer Replacement Rates on Maize Growth and Soil Fertility Under Equal Nutrient Conditions
HE Hao,ZHANG Yutong,et al.(454~461)2
Effects of Corn/Soybean Intercropping Model on Yield,Quality,Soil Nutrition and Rhizosphere Microorganisms of Silage Corn
WENG Qiaoyun,HUANG Xinjun,et al.(462~470)2
Influence of Different Mulching Materials on Soil Microbe and Grape Growth in Rain-Shelter Vineyard
LUO Ling,ZHONG Qi,et al.(471~480)2
Effect of Postharvest Red Light Treatment on Bioactive Compounds in Chinese Kale Sprouts
CHANG Jiaqi,WANG Mengyu,et al.(481~489)2
Effects of Natural Aging on Quality and Germination Characteristics of Peanut
ZHAO Kai,LI Shanshan,et al.(490~497)2
Determination of Main Volatile Substances in Strawberry Leaves and Its Inhibition Effects onMycosphaerellafragariae(Tul)Lindau
TONG Zhichao,XU Yanqun,et al.(498~507)2
Effects of Nitrogen Accumulation and Distribution Under Leaf Nitrogen Application in Different Kinds of Soybean Varieties
LI Candong,GUO Tai,et al.(674~680)3
Uptake,Translocation and Subcellular Distribution of Mecoprop Enantiomers inArabidopsisthaliana
CHANG Jianghai,GUO Wei,et al.(681~687)3
Collocation Modes for Different Varieties of Double-Cropping Direct-Seeding Rice
LI Zujun,HE Xunfeng,et al.(688~696)3
Effects of Biogas Fertilizer Combined With Mechanical Deep Application on Aggregates Distribution,Soil Organic Carbon Content and Mineralization Characteristics inCitrusOrchard
LUO Youjin,CHEN Xia,et al.(697~703)3
Effects of Combination of Reduced Chemical Fertilizer and Chinese Milk Vetch on Rice Yield Stability
ZHANG Chenglan,LYU Yuhu,et al.(704~713)3
Effect of Magnetic Treatment of Water on Nitrogen Metabolism inPopulus×euramericanaNeva Seedling Stage Under Cadmium Stress
ZHANG Zhihao,KONG Linggang,et al.(714~721)3
Effect of Seeding Density and Method on Tillering Characteristics of Mechanical Transplanting inindicaRice
LI Zhenzhen,ZHOU Wei,et al.(722~736)3
Effects of Mulching on Ridge-Furrow for Harvesting Rainwater on Activity and Gene Expression of Starch Synthesis Key Enzyme and Starch Accumulation of Rain-Fed Potato Tuber
SU Wang,HU Luhua,et al.(737~744)3
Effects of Bio-Organic Fertilizer Fermented From Residue ofGinkgobilobaL.Leaf on Seed Germination and Sprout Growth ofBrassicachinensisL.
SHAO Jinhua,QUAN Qinguo,et al.(745~752)3
Alleviation of Copper Stress and Grey Correlation Analysis of Physiological Indexes of Maize Seeding by Soaking With Sucrose
ZHAO Qi,GUO Yunhong,et al.(753~759)3
Spatial Variation Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Soil Fertility for Peanut in Lime Concretion Black Soil Area
SUO Yanyan,ZHANG Xiang,et al.(933~941)4
Effects of Application Modes of Sulfur Coated Urea on Yield,Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Benefit of Winter Wheat Following Rice
MA Quan,WANG Mengya,et al.(942~952)4
Effects of Reduced Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield Formation and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat With Wide-Range Sowing
XU Xiaofeng,JIAO Nianyuan(953~959)4
Screening of Outstanding Olive Varieties and Compatable Pollinizers for Southern China
NIU Erli,FU Yulou,et al.(960~968)4
Genotypic Differences of Arsenic Stress in Germination Physiology and Antioxidant System of Maize Seeds
ZOU Maoyan,HAN Haozhan,et al.(969~979)4
Effects of Three Plant Growth Regulators on Growth and Yield of Soybean
LUO Xiaofeng,DAI Yujia,et al.(980~988)4
Research on Screening Index of Chilling and Weak Light Tolerance in Pepper Seedlings
WANG Chunping,ZHANG Shicai,et al.(989~996)4
Application and Prospect of Biochar and Biochar-Based Fertilizer in Tobacco Agriculture
WANG Chengji,TANG Lina,et al.(997~1007)4
Effects of Annual Nitrogen Application on Winter Wheat-Summer Soybean Rotation Yield and Soil Nitrogen Content
FANG Yanfei,FU Xiaowen,et al.(1178~1187)5
Effect of Garden Cloth Covering and Straw Mulching on Soil Temperature,Moisture and Jujube Growth in Jujube Orchard
ZHAO Siming,CAO Bing,et al.(1188~1195)5
Effects of Nitrogen Application Amount on Formation and Yield of Potato Tuber Starch in Ningxia Arid Region
LIU Qiangjuan,KANG Jianhong,et al.(1196~1208)5
The Inhibitory Effect of Leaf Extract ofEupatoriumadenophorumSpreng.on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Four Species of Weeds
LI Ying,ZHANG Lina,et al.(1209~1220)5
Response of Three Aquatic Plant Combinations to Bisphenol A Stress
NIE Xianguang,WANG Lin(1221~1230)5
Adsorption and Mechanism Analysis of Malachite Green Adsorption by SpentLentinusedodesSubstrate Based Biochar Prepared at Different Pyrolysis Temperatures
ZHANG Haibo,SU Long,et al.(1231~1242)5
Effects of Different Tillage in Fallow Period Combined With Super Absorbent Polymers on the Grain Yield and Precipitant Use Efficiency of Dry Land Wheat
PEI Xuexia,DANG Jianyou,et al.(1243~1251)5
Influence Factors Analysis of Soil Trace Elements in Xunwu County Based on the Geographical Detector
ZHOU Yang,ZHAO Xiaomin,et al.(1420~1432)6
Evaluation of Cadmium Enrichment Capacity of Five Castor Varieties in Cd-polluted Soil
WANG Peiqi,GAO Mei,et al.(1433~1439)6
Effect of Biochar Returning on Labile Organic Carbon and Enzyme Activity in Tobacco-Growing Soil
DU Qian,HUANG Rong,et al.(1440~1450)6
Effects of Combined Application of Biochar and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soil Nutrients and Millet Growth
SHANG Jingtao,WU Rong,et al.(1451~1456)6
Effects of Three Cropping Patterns on Bacterial Community Structure and Diversity in Rhizosphere of Broccoli
CHEN Haisheng,LIU Shouping,et al.(1457~1465)6
Alleviation Effect of Exogenous 24-Epigenolide on Mulberry Seedlings Under NaCl Stress
DONG Yaru,ZHANG Yanbo,et al.(1466~1475)6
Effect of Drought Stress on Anatomical Structure and Physiological Characteristics of Quinoa Seedlings
ZHAO Hongmei,DENG Sufang,et al.(1476~1483)6
Cotton Growth Simulation and County-Scale Yield Estimation in Response to Climate Change
MENG Wenbo,WANG Desheng,et al.(1648~1657)7
Soil Erosion and Nutrient Characteristics of Woodland in Dong Dahe Small Watershed
WANG Yongping,ZHOU Zike,et al.(1658~1667)7
Effects of Rice Straw Non-Uniform Mulch on Soil Characteristics and Wheat Yield Based on Wide-Narrow Row Planting Pattern
SHI Lyu,XUE Yaguang,et al.(1668~1677)7
Difference of Cooking and Eating Quality,Starch Structure and Properties of Ratoon Rice in Different Regions
KUANG Na,TANG Qiyuan,et al.(1678~1686)7
Effects of Health-Care Substrate of Chinese Medicine Residue on Bag-Planted Tomatoes’Yield and Quality in Solar Greenhouse
LIU Jie,WU Guorui,et al.(1687~1695)7
Effects of One-Time Side Deep Application of Slow-Released Fertilizer on Yield Formation and Nutrient Utilization of Direct Seeding Rapeseed (BrassicanapusL.)in Red-Soil Dryland
LIU Weisheng,HUANG Tianbao,et al.(1696~1706)7
Adsorption Properties of Novel Magnetic Chelate Nanomaterials to Cd2+From Aqueous Solutions
GUO Xiaojing,ZHANG Zhiyi,et al.(1707~1716)7
Effects of Biochar-Attapulgite Composite on Zinc and Cadmium Passivation of Paddy Soil and Soil Nutrient and Enzyme Activities
YOU Lingcong,WANG Yuying,et al.(1717~1723)7
Effects of Inorganic Fluoride and Organic Fluoride on the Antioxidant Capacity,Non-Specific Immunity and Organization Structure in Liver ofDaniorerio
WU Yijie,MENG Rui,et al.(1893~1899)8
Effect of Sowing Date on Agronomic Characters,Quality and Yield of New High Protein Soybean Varieties (lines)
TIAN Yixin,GAO Fengju,et al.(1900~1907)8
Growth and Physiological Responses of Two Species ofPaspalumForage to Low Phosphorus Stress
CHEN Keke,HUANG Lijuan,et al.(1908~1915)8
Effects of Cholinium Fatty Acids and Cholinium Amino Acids on Seed Germination of Maize Under PEG Simulated Drought Stress
GENG Mengyao,CHENG Wencong,et al.(1916~1922)8
Effects of Soil Conditioners Combined With Microbial Agent on Soil Nutrient andCitrulluslanatusGrowth and Yield in Continuous Cropping Gravel Mulch Field
LI Tingfeng,LI Wen,et al.(1923~1930)8
Effects of External IAA Application on Sucrose Metabolism With Cotton Bolls and Within-Boll Yield Components
YIN Mengyao,CHEN Gong,et al.(1931~1940)8
Effects of Different Surface Covering Methods on Soil Temperature,Yeild and Water Utilization of Loose-Curd Cauliflower (Brassicaoleraceavar.botrytisL.)
LYU Jian,LI Jinwu,et al.(1941~1951)8
Effects of Tillage and Fertilization on Soil Moisture and Yields of Forage Maize
FANG Yanjie,ZHANG Xucheng,et al.(2127~2135)9
Effects of Slow-Release Fertilizer Application Stage on Yield and Quality of Spring-Sown Fresh Waxy Maize
WANG Siyang,LI Guanghao,et al.(2136~2144)9
Effects of Different Mulching Cultivation on Bacterial Diversity,Enzyme Activity and Physicochemical Properties of Potato Rhizosphere Soil
YANG Xin,FAN Wujing,et al.(2145~2153)9
Effects of Prohexadione-Calcium on Root Growth and Physiological Responses of Different Salt-Tolerance Soybean Varieties Under Saline-Alkali Stress
YU Minglong,JIN Dan,et al.(2154~2164)9
Screening the Phosphate-Solublizing Mixing Microbial Inoculums and Their Growth-Promoting Effects on Chinese WalnutCaryacthayensisSarg.Seedlings
XIAO Lizhu,ZHENG Wenxiu,et al.(2165~2171)9
Effects of Extraction Methods on Extraction Efficiency and Biological Activity ofAgrocybecylindraceaSpent Mushroom Substrate Polysaccharide
ZHAO Zewen,MA Yajing,et al.(2172~2181)9
Nicosulfuron Stress on Active Oxygen Accumulation,Antioxidant System and Related Gene Expression in Sweet Maize Seedlings
YANG Min,LI Xiangling,et al.(2182~2193)9
Research Progress on Promoting Growth and Drought Resistance of Wheat by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria
WEN Hongwei,YANG Bin,et al.(2194~2203)9
Distribution of [thiazyl-2-14C]-Dufulin in Laying Hens
LUO Peiwen,ZHANG Sufen,et al.(2377~2384)10
Yield Dynamic Gray Model and Its Stability Under Different Rotations and Fertilization Systems on Vegetable Fields
ZHANG Licheng,LI Juan,et al.(2385~2393)10
Effects of the Application Rate of Slow-Release Boric Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Rapeseed (BrassicanapusL.)in Red Soil Cultivated Land under the Simultaneous Sowing of Fertilizer and Seeds
HAN Depeng,LYU Weisheng,et al.(2394~2403)10
Effects of Combined Application of N,P and K Fertilizers on the Yield and Quality ofLepidiummeyeniiand Its Fertilizer Interaction
LI Hao,XU Rui,et al.(2404~2412)10
Effect of Straw Decomposition Agent on Rice Seedling Quality and the Substrate Microorganism
WANG Jin,WEI Saijin,et al.(2413~2422)10
Effects of Combined Application of Sheep Manure-Derived Organic Fertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on Tobacco Growth and Soil Fertility
MA Yilin,WU Guanghai,et al.(2423~2430)10
Research on the Effects of Water and Fertilizer Coupling on the Yield and Quality of Drip Irrigation Grapes in Extremely Arid Regions
WEN Yue,WANG Zhenhua,et al.(2431~2439)10
Effects of Continuous Agricultural Application of Composted Sewage Sludge on the Fertility of Acidic Sandy Soil and the Risk of Nutrient Accumulation
WU Jie,CHANG Huiqing,et al.(2606~2615)11
Effects of Optimal Management on Tillering Quality and Yield of Two Spike-Type Wheat Cultivars in Hilly Dryland of Sichuan
XIAO Yun,CHEN Songhe,et al.(2616~2625)11
Effects of Soil Amelioration Material Mix on pH of Acid Soils,Growth and Material Accumulation of Flue-Cured Tobacco
WANG Xinyue,ZHANG Min,et al.(2626~2633)11
Effects of Low Temperature Stress at Flowering Stage on Physiological Characteristics of Double Cropping Late Rice
LI Chenyan,LI Zujun,et al.(2634~2644)11
Effects of Reducing Application of Functional Bacterial Compound Fertilizer on Nutrient Absorption and Fertilizer Utilization of Head Cabbage
ZHOU Xuan,PENG Jianwei,et al.(2645~2654)11
Physiological Indexes and Metabolomics Changes in the Upper Stalk Tobacco Leaves Under the Delaying Harvesting in Yuzhong Area
PENG Cuiyun,WANG Haiyan,et al.(2655~2663)11
Effects of Different Degradable Plastic Film With Furrow Mulch Under Ridge-Furrow Planting on Farmland Potato Yield and Soil Water and Heat
ZHOU Yongjin,PU Xueke,et al.(2664~2673)11
Effects of Duckweed on Changes of Nitrogen Content in Rice Floodwater With Variable Nitrogen Fertilizer Application
CHEN Xiaodong,GUO Bin,et al.(2674~2679)11
Characteristics of Microbial Community Structure in the Rhizosphere Soil of Different Crops
TANG Jie,CHEN Zhiqing,et al.(2830~2840)12
Effects of Foliar Spraying of Excessive Selenium on Yields and Contents of Selenium and Mineral Elements of Maize
JIANG Xilong,QIAO Yuetong,et al.(2841~2849)12
Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate and Density on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Double Cropping Rice Under Mechanized Direct-Seeding
LUO Kang,ZENG Yongjun,et al.(2850~2859)12
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Dry Matter Accumulation,Yield Traits and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Non-Waxy and Waxy Broomcorn Millet
ZHANG Lei,HE Jihong,et al.(2860~2868)12
Response of Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield to Hydrothermal Change With Regulation of Sowing Date
PEI Shijuan,LI ruiying,et al.(2869~2878)12
Effects of Trehalose on Seed Germination of C4-PEPCTransgenic Rice for Drought Tolerance
LI Jiaxin,XIE Yinfeng,et al.(2879~2892)12
Effect of Exogenous Brassinolide on High Temperature Tolerance in Hybrid Rice With Different Genetic Background
SONG Jiayu,CHEN Yutiao,et al.(2893~2903)12