My name is Luca. I am a little sea monster. I can turn into a human boy. Alberto and Giulia are my good friends. We help each other.
My name is Alberto. I am a little sea monster too. Luca is my good friend. His parents want to send him to the deep to live with his uncle. I have to help him.
My name is Giulia. Im a human girl. Luca and Alberto are my good friends. They want to get a real Vespa to see the world. I help them win the race and get the prize money.
Luca is curious about the surface. His parents ask him not to go anywhere near the surface. They want to send Luca to the deep to live with his uncle. One day, Luca meets Alberto. They become good friends. They swim to Vespatown. They would like to find a real Vespa.
In Vespatown, Luca and Alberto meet Ercole, five-time winner of the Portorosso Cup. He is a bad guy and he has a Vespa. Luca and Alberto join Giulias team. To win the race and get the prize money, they practice swimming, cycling and eating pasta.
Giulia knows that Luca and Alberto are sea monsters. She lets them go. But Luca still wants to get a Vespa to see the world. It rains now. Luca and Alberto turn into sea monsters. Ercole wants to catch them. Giulia stops him and helps Luca and Alberto win the race.