When we refer to cultural differences, neg-ative ideas like "conflicts" or "divides" maycome to our minds. Yet the Bei.jing WinterOlympics showed us that cultural diversity canbring a collective strength that can benefit all ofhumanity.
As the most active force in the world, theyoung generation is taking the lead in bridgingthe gap to promote global communication.
Trying a different country' s cuisines is achallenge for some people. But many interna-tional athletes in the Games chose to embracethe differences.
Malta' s snowboarder Jenise Spiteri is anexample. The 29-year- old ate a lot of Chinesesnacks in the Olympic village and said the dou-bao (red bean bun) was her favorite. Spiteripacked a few in her .jacket pocket before thewomen' s halfpipe competition. As she waitedfor her score, Spiteri took a big bite with a hugesmile on her face. After this, Chinese internetusers affectionately called her "Doubao Sister".
Meanwhile, she also shared the food onher social media accounts.
John Aquilina, Malta' s ambassador toChina, said that Chinese doubao is "great stuff"after viewing the video of Spiteri eating thebuns, and more Maltese people have come toknow the Chinese snack because of her.
The Games also saw young people helpand appreciate others, whatever their culturalbackground is.
Alexandra Pozhidaeva from Russia was aperformer in the opening ceremony. The 23-year- old said what impressed her most is thefriendliness from the Chinese people. She re-called that when she and her teammates feltcold during the rehearsal, some Chinese stu-dents from other programs gave their gloves tothem even though they didn ' t know each other.
"At that moment, I was touched and under-stood the togetherness of the Olympic spirit,"said Pozhidaeva.
The feeling was also echoed by 22-year-old student Zeng Kailai. When he worked as avolunteer for the Games, he received many em-blems as gifts from athletes to share their appre-ciation for his work.
"The differences between civilizations, re-ligions, cultures and societies should not be rea-sons for conflicts but sources for countries andpeoples to learn from each other for the com-mon good of humanity, " noted China Daily.