Wherries were the most popular sailing boats on the Norfolk Broads for two centuries, but now there are only two of them. I went on a trip on one, the Albion. The Norfolk Broads is a famous and beautiful example of waterways which people used to move things around Britain in the past.
The twelve of us quickly found places to sit on the Albion where we could see the wonderful countryside as we passed it. We saw lots of different birds and animals, too.
Unfortunately, it started raining, so we went inside to make tea. We were very pleased when we got to Ranworth, where we stopped and went to a pub in a little boat. The Malsters Inn has real English beer and excellent food.
A day on the Albion is the perfect way to enjoy the Norfolk countryside. You can see lovely buildings, which you can’t see from the road. You won’t make the river dirty because the Albion has no engine. You can have a picnic on the boat, or an English pub lunch. You can also meet some interesting people. It was a wonderful day.
Activity 1 Match the word or phrase with a definition.
1. lake 2. popular 3. century 4. countryside 5. sailing boat 6. engine
a. a boat which uses wind to move
b. the part which uses petrol to make a car, boat or motorbike move
c. a hundred years
d. a large area of water that is surrounded by land
e. liked by lots of people
f. area outside of cities and towns which has trees, grasses and farms
Activity 2 Are the sentences true or false?
1. There were lots of wherries on the Norfolk Broads for a century.
2. Now there are only two wherries on the Norfolk Broads.
3. The writer didn’t see many birds and animals.
4. The weather was good all day.
5. The writer had lunch at the Malsters Inn.
6. The writer enjoyed the trip.
Activity 3 Choose the correct form of the verb.
It was raining/rained, so we went inside.
1. She was driving/drove to Norfolk, then found the boat.
2. We sat down while we were sailing/sailed.
3. While we were passing/passed the lovely countryside, lots of birds felw into the air.
4. We were finding/found the pub, then went inside.
5. I was enjoying/enjoyed the trip.
Activity 4 What interesting ways can you travel and see your area?