指導教師院 張超
I read a piece of news yesterday: Shen Dong saved a little girl falling downfrom the sixth floor.
On the morning of July 19th, 2022, Shen Dong, a bank clerk from Tongxiangcity, Zhejiang, came back from an errand. Suddenly he saw a two-year-old little girlwas about to fall off the sixth floor, so he called the police quickly. In a flash, thegirl fell down from the building. At the vital moment, Shen Dong threw away hismobile phone, reached out and steadily caught the girl. The girl was out of danger.Shen Dong became a hero for his act of bravery soon.
Later, a reporter interviewed him said, “At that time you seemed to have anupward motion.”“I like playing basketball and it was probably a basketball catch,”Shen Dong said.“It was so beautiful that I made the most beautiful catch of my life.”
From Shen Dong, we see the light of human nature. Shen Dong, We’veremembered you and we’ll remember you forever.
2022 年7 月19 日上午,浙江桐鄉(xiāng)的銀行職員沈東辦事歸來。突然,他看到一個兩歲大的小女孩即將從六樓墜下,因此他馬上報了警。剎那間,小女孩從樓上墜落。生死攸關之際,沈東扔掉手機,伸出雙手,穩(wěn)穩(wěn)地接住了小女孩。小女孩脫險了。沈東很快成了見義勇為的英雄。