These days, more and more teenagers have problems in their life. Here is myadvice for them.
Firstly, some teenagers think they have too much homework to do every day.They rarely go to bed before 12:00 p.m., so they don’t get enough sleep. It’s notgood for their health. I think that they should communicate with their teachers andtalk about their problems.
Secondly, some teenagers are afraid to compete with their classmates. Theythink it can cause a lot of pressure from the competition. Life just shouldn’t be onlyabout grades. They should help each other to improve.
What’s worse, some teenagers’parents push them so hard. They have to takeso many after-school classes and do a lot of homework as well. Their parents don’tallow them to hang out with their friends. They don’t have any free time to do thingsthey like. In my opinion, they should talk about their feelings with their parents.Parents shouldn’t always compare them with other children. It’s enough if teenagerstry their best to study. They should take less after-school classes and do lesshomework so that they can have free time to relax and think for themselves.
I really hope my advice can help teenagers a lot.