November the 19th is World Toilet Day (WTD). This day celebrates theimportance of something we never really think about too much—the toilet.
World Toilet first glance, this seems like an unlikely candidate1 for aholiday and more like some sort of joke, but it draws attention to varioussanitation2 issues around the world and work towards solving them.
A clean and hygienic bathroom is very important for a healthy lifestyle.
One in three people across the globe do not have regular access3 to a toilet.Even amongst those who do have such access, unclean and unsafe toilets poseproblems of their own, including contributing4 towards the spread of diseases.
World Toilet Day was created by the World Toilet Organization in 2001. WorldToilet Day’s goal is to allow everyone on the planet to take care of their most basicneeds without having to fear for their safety.
11 月19 日是世界廁所日。這一天是為了慶祝我們從未認真考慮過的一個重要事物———廁所。
世界廁所日由世界廁所組織于2001 年設立。世界廁所日的目標是讓地球上的每個人都能照顧到他們自己最基本的需求,而不必擔心他們自己的安全。