Once upon a time, a long ago, ahorrible monster stole all the buffalo2from the plains3 and put them in hismountain hideout.
“There,”beamed4 the monster.“Ihave enough food to last forever.”
A coyote called all the people andall the animals together in a greatmeeting to find out what they could do.No one had an idea. They were too afraidof the monster to think at all.
“I scouted5 the monster,” Coyotespoke up. “He lives with a very smallboy.”
“We cannot hurt a child,”said oneof the people.“Not even to get back ourbuffalo.”
“That is understood,” Coyotenodded. “But I was thinking... a smallboy must be very lonely with no one tolove except a horrible monster. I thinkwe should give him a pet. When thechance arises, the pet we send can setthe buffalo free.”
All the people and all the animalsthought that was a marvelous6 idea.
First, they sent Mouse to win theheart of the small boy. The boy likedMouse and took him home. But themonster told the boy to send Mouse away.Next, the people sent Killdeer, a bird. Butthe bird fared7 no better.
Coyote called another meeting. “Ithink,”Coyote told all the people and allthe animals,“that I must go myself.”
That very day, Coyote set out for themonster’s lair8. When the boy saw Coyote,his eyes brightened. The boy loved Coyoteimmediately and took him home. Themonster was very angry. “Get that dirtydog out of here before I eat you both! ”
The boy and Coyote ran out of thelair. The boy sat down. He tried not to cry,but a tear ran down one cheek. Coyote licked9 it away.
“Poor dog,”sighed10 the boy. “I betyou’re hungry.”
Coyote put back his head and howled11. That is the sound Coyote makesto comfort12 the boy.
The buffalo heard Coyote’s cry. Itfrightened them. They began stampingtheir feet the way buffalo do when theyare nervous.
The more the boy cried, and themore Coyote howled, the more frightenedthe buffalo became. One buffalobecame so afraid that he began to run.The other buffalo ran after him. Theyran and ran until they had scattered13all over the plains. The monster ranafter the buffalo.
While the monster was gone,Coyote took the small boy to live withthe people.
The monster hunted and hunted,but the buffalo had scattered without atrace. Late that night, when themonster returned to his lair, strongpeople were waiting. They killed themonster, much to the relief14 of onesmall boy and all of the people and allof the animals.
Even today, the people still givethanks to clever Coyote.