If there are certain words that you know you often spell wrong, make yourself aspelling list. Practice writing these words ten times each, just like you did in elementaryschool. Use flashcards1 to practice a little every night when you feel you’ve rememberedthem.
Each time you practice a word, spell it out loud. Later, you will recall2 how theword sounded as you spelled it right. The more you practice, the more you’llmemorize3. You’ll be surprised how well this works!
Learn the rules for prefixes4 and suffixes5. You’ll make less mistakes when youspell the words with the prefixes or suffixes that look very much the same. Studycommon root words of words with Greek and Latin origins6. It is used by many studentsto remember words more easily.
Use a pencil. You can mark your books with light pencil marks to tellwords you’d like to practice. Just remember to go back and erase7! If youhappen to use an eReader8, be sure to highlight9 and mark words you’d liketo practice.
Practice with a few online spelling quizzes10. This is a good way to find wordsoften spelled wrong. If you have problem remembering how to spell some word, thinkabout a picture of the word in your head. It will help you remember the spelling.
Anything you have done to improve your spelling will work. You’ll find thatspelling becomes much easier with practice.