Hannah was six years old, and today was her first day of school. She had beenlooking forward to this day ever since she could remember. Now that the day wasfinally here.
She woke up early and ate her breakfast, a small apple, an egg and a glass ofmilk, as fast as she could. Then she showered, put her clothes on, and looked atherself in the mirror. She had put her long red hair back, and had worn her favoritepurple and white shirt. She was ready.
Her mother drove her to school and met her teacher, whose name was Mrs.Rogers. Mrs. Rogers had short brown hair, glasses, and a kind smile. She was nice toHannah and told her she liked her shirt. When her mommy left to go back home,Hannah was not sad because she had kind and pretty Mrs. Rogers as a teacher.
The school was big, clean and full of trees and flowers. There were some nicebuildings in the middle. One of the buildings looked very new, where there weremany classrooms.
Hannah and her mommy were the first two people to arrive at the building, andsoon more students started going into the classroom. A boy who looked quiet came inwith his dad, and then more and more students filled1 up the room. Finally, all theseats had been taken and all the parents had left. Thechildren were alone with their new teacher.
The first thing they all did together2 was saying their names and what theirlikes and interests were. Everyone was different. For example, one boy said he didnot like dogs and another girl said she had six of them. Two girls liked playingfootball and Hannah liked playing basketball.
It was interesting to find out all this new information3 about other students,Hannah thought. Then, the students were put into different groups where theyworked on fun projects4 or played new games.
It was a busy day. After they were put into groups, the students met the classpet, a rat named Louis. Louis was small and nice, and he had black eyes. Hannahliked him.
After they learned how to take good care of Louis, the class ate their lunchtogether. The lunch was quite different from what they had at home, but it was verydelicious. After lunch, the class went to sleep for half an hour. Hannah liked eatinglunch and sleeping with her new friends. And She was happy that Mrs. Rogers wasthere with them all afternoon.
Hannah met lots of friends on her first day of school. There were a couple ofpeople who she had already met because their mommies were friends with hermommy. There were also some new friends that Hannah made. A girl named Oliviahad blue eyes and black hair, and Hannah thought she was the prettiest person shehad ever seen. They talked about their favorite games, and she asked Olivia tocome and play at her home. Hannah knew that they were going to be best friends.