The owl was puzzled1. No one had come to the jungle2 school.“Maybe the littleones are late,”thought the teacher. “I’ll wait for a little while longer.”The owl didnot know that her students had decided to miss school. They had started out forschool but then changed their minds.
“But I am going to school,”said the turtle, and he started off at a slow andrelaxed pace3. He liked school. It was fun learning about things he didn’t know.Slowly the turtle made his way to school and saw the owl—the teacher waitingpatiently4 for her pupils.
But no one came. So the owl shared many secrets5 with the turtle, like why thesky was blue, and also why each of the animals looked different and had specialhabits of eating and catching food. The teacher had decided that she would test herbunking6 students the next day.
At that very moment the truant7 students were sitting under a huge tree happilyand having their lunch. They were so busy laughing at their jokes that they did notrealize8 it was time to go home! Then they saw the turtle and that meant school wasover. They, too, decided to return to their homes. None of them saw the worried lookon the turtle’s face.
The little turtle was a bit worried. The teacher had looked grim9 at the end ofthe class! Maybe he should bunk school the next day!
“So what did you do today?”asked the rabbit.“Ask us any question and we willshow you that there is no need to go to school. We know everything! ”shouted thesquirrel.“Nobody learns from boring speeches10.”
“Okay! ”said the turtle. “What comes first, thunder or lightning?”“Thunder! ”shouted the rabbit and the squirrel. “No, they come together! ”said the monkey.“Don’tknow! ”saidthemouse.“Ihide11 insideandclosemyears! ”“Nevernoticed! ”saidthesparrow“. Lightening! ”shoutedthefrog.
“The frog’s right. But, can you tell me why lightning is seen before thunder isheard?”asked the turtle. “How would I know? That was just a wild guess! ”said thefrog.“It is because light travels faster than sound,”said the turtle.
“Okay, one more question. Does lion eat grass?”he asked. “Don’t be silly! ”shouted back the squirrel and the rabbit. “What a stupid question! ”said themonkey. The turtle looked at the others. “We’re thinking! ”said the sparrow andthe snail.“Lions do eat grass! ”the turtle answered.“Suppose12 a lion eats a deerthat had fed on grass. So the lion, too, has grass inside his stomach! ”
“Did the owl teach you all this?”asked the mouse in a low and soft voice.“Yesand much, much more,”said the turtle. “But I am worried. The teacher had a nasty13gleam14 in her eyes when she said goodbye to me! ”
They all went home with the same thought. “I will go to school and learn aboutthese secrets from the teacher,”thought the rabbit. “I do want to know about manythings.”
“What if the owl asks a question about my habits and Ican’t answer right,”spoke the mouse under her breath.“I willgo to school tomorrow. And I want to know more about theworld,”shouted the frog when he saw that he was alone. “So I willjump to school tomorrow.”
And the sparrow remembered what Mama had told her. “Sparrows whodo not know about the ways of the world get gobbled up15,”she had said.“Iwill fly to school,”said the sparrow. “If the slow turtle can become wise16,why can’t I? After all, I am as slow as him, so I can become as wise as him aswell,”thought the snail.
But no one could sleep well that night. They hope everything would befine tomorrow.