Gargi Pant 梁小明
Youve been playing in the pool for almost an hour now, practicing your bestunderwater skills. Now its time to get out, and as you look at your hands, its... its...its the attack of the wrinkly fingered monster!
Dont get frightened or run for cover under your towel yet. After spending lotsof time in the water, its totally normal for fingers (and sometimes toes) to wrinkle2.
Even though you cant see it, your skin is covered with its own special oil calledsebum3. Sebum is found on the outermost layer of skin. Sebum lubricates4 andprotects your skin. It also makes your skin a bit waterproof5. Thats why gettingcaught in the rain, hopping in the shower after a game, or washing your hands beforedinner wont leave your skin soggy6. Sebum is there to keep the water out.
But what happens when you spend a long time in the water? Well, theres onlya particular amount of sebum on your skin at a time. Once the sebum is washedaway, the water can make its way into the outer layer of skin. The water does this byosmosis7. This is when water actually moves from one thing into another, from aplace where there is more water to a place where there is less water. There is morewater in the pool than there is in your body, so it naturally moves to the place wherethere is less water—you!
Although your fingers may look shriveled8 like raisins9, they arent reallyshriveled—theyre actually waterlogged10! The extra water in your fingers causes theskin to swell11 in some places but not others, and thats what causes the wrinkles.
It isnt just pool water that washes away the sebum. Sitting in the bathtub12 fora long soak13 can also wash away the sebum and leave a kid with soggy skin.Washing dishes for a long time, scrubbing14 and rinsing15 your puppy—anything thatkeeps your hands in water long enough will give you wrinkly fingers.
What should you do if you come out of the pool looking like a raisin? Not athing! Having wrinkly skin after a swim or bath doesnt mean there is anythingwrong, and it goes away by itself quickly. Youll have more sebum on your skin inno time. If you really cant stand the raisin look and will be doing something aroundthe house that keeps your hands in water, you can wear rubber gloves to keep thesebum from being washed away.