A Vietnamese man has become fa?mous in his home province of An Giang fortaking care of thousands of wild river fishwho visit his house every day for food.
Muoi Phucs house in Long Kien,Vietnams Mekong Delta, is a popular at?traction for both locals and tourists. Peopleroutinely stop by to watch the man feed aschool of wild fish that visits him daily.When the 52?year?old man started feedingthe fish, it was just a handful of pangasius.But now thousands of fish stop by his river?side home every day for a bite to eat.
The Vietnamese duck farmers lifechanged on the Vietnamese New LunarYear of 2020. As he prepared some rice totake to his grandparents, he looked out ofthe window and noticed a few fish comingout to the surface of the river with theirmouths open, as if begging for food.
Muoi Phuc took a handful of duckfood he had lying around and threw themto the fish. He then went back to his busi?ness without giving the hungry fish asecond thought. But the next day, he no?ticed the fish again, and again he threwthem some food. Theyve been visiting himdaily ever since, and bring new friendswith them every time.
From the dozen or so pangasius fishto several thousand, no one really knowswhere the fish came from. There was neverany news of a fishery or a fish pond losingits fish, or why they chose Muois homefrom the thousands of others in the Me?kong Delta.
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