Avery Elizabeth Hurt 笪景行
Like Pinocchio, everyone sometimes tells a lie. Lying wont stretch1 your nose.Most people dont lie often. But research shows that even small lies can take a toll2on your brain.
Most of us have told a lie at one time or another. Some lies are harmful. Othersare mostly harmless. Still other lies, such as those used to protect other people, mayeven be created with the best of intentions3. But no matter what kind of lie you tell,it takes a surprising amount of brainpower to pull it off.
Using up that brainpower can be costly. The brain drain4 it causes just mightprevent you from performing some task or skill thats important to you.
When you tell the truth, your brain doesnt have to do anything out ofthe ordinary. You think of what you want to say, and you say it. Lying takesmuch more work.
When you decide to lie for some reason, you have to come up with a story andyou must decide how to respond immediately.
Even though youre only two sentences into the lie, and already youve beenscrambling5 to make up a story, thinking about the various directions theconversation might take, and figuring out what you need to say to keep this whole liefrom falling apart.
You might not be aware of it, but you just gave your brain a ton of extra work.One study done by scientists found that the brain is slower and more likely to makemistakes when it shifts6 between lying and truth-telling. The research has also shownthat someones mental workload7 will be heavier and their reaction time longerwhen lying.
So its important that you find trustworthy people to whom you can safelytell truths.