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2023-10-30 18:17:30
瘋狂英語·愛英語 2023年3期



Test 1

A recent survey shows that the healthof the students in our school has been goingfrom bad to worse in the past three years.The number of nearsighted students has in?creased from 77% in 2019 to 93.5% in2022, while that of overweight studentsfrom 38% to 57.2%. Nearly 15% more stu?dents dont have enough sleep because ofmore homework. Besides, over 21% morestudents become mentally unhealthy.

It seems to me that the reasons forthis lie in a heavier burden of study andmore homework. To improve students hea?lth, we call for less homework. Proper dietsand exercise should also be paid attentionto so that they won't easily put on weight.With their heavy burden removed, studentscan then keep mentally healthy.

Test 2

Recently there was a heated discussionin my class. We made our choices as towhether we are willing to have the eveningself?study at school or not. 60% of the stu?dents are in favor of the evening self?studyat school, saying that they can learn moreefficiently under the guidance and manage?ment of teachers and with the company oftheir fellow classmates.

Meanwhile, a quarter of the class pre?fer not to study in this format. They argueagainst it on account of disturbance fromclassmates and possible danger on the wayhome. Still 15% of us dont have a specificanswer. They dont mind it if they are re?quired to have evening self?study as longas their study time is ensured.

Test 3

Recently, the Students Union of our sch?ool did a survey on the situation of highschool students doing housework at home.The results are as follows.

55% of the students never do house?work at home, while 10% of the students dothat every day. 12% of the students dochores occasionally, namely once or twicea week. And the percentage of the studentswho do housework three or four times aweek is 23%.

In my opinion, it is good for students?to do some housework. Doing some house?work can make us independent and cankeep us healthy and strong. Also, doingsome housework can share our parentswork. They must be happy if you shouldersome housework voluntarily.

Test 4

Nowadays, some students are payingless and less attention to their handwriting.According to a recent survey in a middleschool among 100 students, more than halfof the students think their handwriting isbad. 28% of the students think their hand?writing is just so?so. Only 17% of the stu?dents think their handwriting is good.

Good handwriting can make readersfeel good. My handwriting is always verygood. I got higher marks than most of myclassmates last term because I had goodhandwriting.

Actually, handwriting is necessaryand important because we need it in oureveryday life. People can know a person byhis or her handwriting.

Test 5

In the picture, a boy is sleeping on alarge opened book with sheets of paper anda pair of glasses beside him. He must havedone some reading before falling asleep.Besides, the sweet smile on his face showsthat he is satisfied with what he has gained?from the books.

To my understanding, the picture in?tends to tell us the importance of reading,through which we can increase our knowl?edge, broaden our mind, enrich our lifeand make ourselves relaxed, too.

As a student, I think we should readas many good books as possible. Only inthis way can we improve ourselves greatly.



Reading Check

1~4 BADC


Reading Check

1~4 CCBB


Reading Check

1~4 BDDC全球人口突破80億

Reading Check

1~4 BDCD


Reading Check

1~4 DBCB



Ⅰ. 閱讀自測

1. prison 2. park 3. three/3

4. beautiful 5. helpless 6. arrested

7. unfair

Ⅱ. 主題探究

1. shelter 2. failed 3. bad

4. unfair/ridiculous

Ⅳ. 句式仿寫

1. Putting his ladder against the wall, he?climbed up and looked out.

2. I froze. I could feel the heat rising into?my cheeks.

3. Love me, love my dog.

4. You are staying; I am leaving.

5. No one can be perfectly free till all are?free; no one can be perfectly moral till?all are moral; no one can be perfectly?happy till all are happy.

6. They share the same roof.

Ⅴ. 寫作實踐

My review on The Cop and the Anthem

Recently, I read a novel entitled TheCop and the Anthem, which was written byO. Henry. This story narrates a homelessman, Soapy, who tried to commit crimes tobe arrested by a cop for a three?month shel?ter in prison but failed each time. However,when he wished to behave better, he wasarrested by a cop for nothing bad. The au?thor wants to show us that society at thattime was ridiculous when bad people wereseen as innocent while good people bad.

I think one characteristic drawnthroughout this novel is the vivid use ofcontrast. O. Henry is skilled at adoptingcontrast to emphasize the difference be?tween Soapys clean past and his worthlesspresent to underline his eagerness for anew change.

In conclusion, I learn the messagefrom this novel that historical backgroundis important to a mans destiny, for good orbad.


Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅱ. Text?centered sentences

1. When social media takes over ourspare time, writing a real letter to a peer onthe other side of the globe may expand ourview of the real world.

2.Although we may have various cul?tural backgrounds, similar ages and gradesenable us to communicate truthfully.

Activity B Reading for writing



It mainly tells us the background in?formation of the Peaceful Online FriendsProject and its benefits to the participators.


1. exciting 2. connections 3. non?profit

4. written 5. Sign 6. similar

7. contrast 8. issues 9. feedback

10. culture


Dear fellow students,

I am Li Hua, president of the EnglishClub. I am writing to invite everyone totake part in the Peaceful Online FriendsProject.

Through my previous experiences,having a foreign pen pal is of great benefit.To begin with, it is a great way to broadenour horizons and improve our English. Be?sides, with global perspectives, our interestin history and culture will be ignited. Last?ly, it is suggested that we talk about schoollife, sharing the common ground and thedifferences without offense.

If you are interested in it, please con?tact me through e?mail and sign up on theschool website.


Li Hua


2023 年高考熱點命題:書面表達


Test 1

Dear George,

Learning that you show great interestin photography, Im writing to invite you to?shoot a short video.

The theme of the video is“ChinaAerospace”. It is supposed to last about 15minutes. I hope the video can vividly showthe development of Chinas space industry,which can help the students to gain a bet?ter understanding of Chinas space develop?ment and meanwhile deepen their love forour motherland.

I'm looking forward to your participa?tion and do wish us a success!


Li Hua

Test 2

Dear fellow students,

Through our life journey, there aremany people who are devoted to and evenmake sacrifices for us. To express ourheartfelt gratitude, I advocate doing some?thing.

First of all, think of a person you aregrateful to and explain the reason why youwant to thank him/her most. Then, we needto choose an appropriate way to expressour gratitude, like a smile to our friends,listening attentively in class or giving yourparents a hug every morning, which are allthanks we express with a grateful heart.

Being grateful is not only a responsi?bility but also a moral beauty. Let's learn?to express our gratefulness to peoplearound us, just beginning with the simple“Thank you!”

The Students Union

Test 3

Dear Mark,

I'm Li Hua, one of your students inoral English class. I am writing to requestyou to do me a favor.

Our school is going to make a shortfilm to illustrate how our school has beengrowing rapidly since it was founded at thebeginning of last century. There will beboth English and Chinese narrations to gowith it. I have written the English narra?tion, but I am wondering whether there areany mistakes in it. Would you be so kind tocheck it and polish it when it is convenientfor you? I would appreciate it if you couldgive me feedback before next Saturday.


Li Hua

Test 4

Be thankful

It is important to be thankful for what?we have.

First of all, with a grateful heart, wewill feel more content and peaceful, so weare likely to have a positive attitude to?wards our work and life. Secondly, a per?son who has a grateful heart is eager to re?pay society for what he has possessed.More importantly, being thankful allows usto live in harmony with others, thus avoid?ing conflicts and troubles.

As far as I am concerned, beingthankful is such an important traditionalChinese virtue that we should always keepit alive. Lets learn to be thankful so thatwe can live a happy life.

Test 5

Hello, everyone! Id like to appeal to allof you to take physical exercise, which hasmany positive effects.

As we all know, health is the greatestwealth. Doing sports an hour a day is essen?tial for a healthy life. However, as students,we spend so much time doing our lessonsthat we dont have enough time for exercise.That is why we should set aside some timefor exercise every day. If we exercise regu?larly, we can build up our health andstrengthen our immune system. So, letstake action to form the habit of taking exer?cise.

That's all. Thank you.

Test 6

Dear Jim,

Knowing that you have a burning de?sire for sports and want to know my favou?rite sports figure in China, I'm writing tobriefly introduce Lang Ping to you.

Lang Ping, recognized as the“IronHammer”, has captained the Chinesewomens volleyball team for many yearswholeheartedly. She won Olympic goldmedals both as a player and as a coach,bringing glory to our country. Faced withobstacles, she never abandoned hope. Herspirit of perseverance, bravery and puttingthe motherland first has greatly impactedme, encouraging me to be patient in adver?sity, and strengthening my confidence andnational pride.

Are you interested in knowing moresports figures in China? I can find yousome related materials! Just let me know.


Li Hua

Test 7

Dear Mr Smith,

Hearing that you are looking for a giftfor your friend Lucy before returning yourhomeland, I am writing to recommend theChinese West Lake Tea.

The Chinese West Lake Tea enjoyswidespread popularity in China, not onlyfor its great taste and sweet fragrance, butalso for its reasonable price. So a pot of theChinese West Lake Tea is a perfect gift,which will immerse Lucy in the charm ofChinese tea and offer her a glimpse of Chi?nese tea culture.

I hope my suggestions can be of helpand wish you a pleasant journey backhome.


Li Hua

Test 8


All the international students, atten?tion, please! With the intention of raisingstudents awareness and equipping studentswith the basic knowledge of first aid, a lec?ture concerning first aid is scheduled to beheld at 3 pm this Friday in the school hall.

During the lecture, an expert in firstaid will deliver the basic knowledge of firstaid vividly. Besides, a variety of hands?onactivities will be provided for the studentsto carry out in person the skills of first aidunder the guidance of professionals.

Please attend this lecture punctually.It will certainly be a meaningful trip foryou.

The Students'Union


Test 1

Map out my career path

Our future career has a great effect on?our life, which requires our deep consider?ation. As for me, I am determined to be acomputer scientist in the future.

There are several reasons for mychoice. Firstly, I have been interested incomputer science since I was a little boyand have spent much time on self?teaching. I am highly expert at computerknowledge. More importantly, computerscience is closely related to most fields ofscience and has a deciding role in ourcountry's overall development.

I am willing to combine my careerwith our countrys development and makemy contributions.

Test 2

A harmonious school

When I entered high school, I met Su?san. Soon she became my good friend, whoalways encouraged me to get over any diffi?culty I encountered. As the exam was ap?proaching, Susan had a talk with me whenshe noticed my stress and anxiety. By ana?lyzing my test grades, she asked me to be?lieve my ability and relax myself. Her ad?vice made me full of confidence and cour?age. Every time I was down, Susan was al?ways the first person who gave me greatcomfort.

As the saying goes,“Helping hands?are more sacred than praying lips.”I trulybelieve well have a more harmoniousschool if everybody takes action.

Test 3

Last Sunday, a voluntary service washeld by our school in Huge Mountain Parkwith the aim of building a better communi?ty. The volunteer students offered variousservices to tourists. Some set up booths inthe park, introducing and promoting intan?gible cultural relics in my hometown. Oth?ers offered timely response to tourists whogot lost. Still others picked up the garbageand replaced the shared bikes on the path?way.

This voluntary service was thoughthighly of by visitors and the community.While tourists had a better day, studentsgained social experience and practicedtheir communication skills.

Test 4

A memorable labor experience

Last Friday, my class participated ina labor practice held in our school vegeta?ble base.

At dawn, we cycled to the base. On ar?rival, we were assigned different tasks. Un?der the teacher s patient instructions, weturned over the soil, weeded, planted vege?tables like tomatoes and eggplants and wa?tered them. Looking at lines of young greenvegetables, the teacher cheerfully said wedenjoy our self?grown vegetables soon,which filled us with a sense of achieve?ment.

The activity offered us a chance tolearn about farming. Tired as I was, I didfeel the pleasure and value of labor.

Test 5

Follow social morality and?start from me

Aiming to make us students behaveproperly and develop good habits in pub?lic, our school will hold an activity called“Follow social morality and start from me”.The observance of social morality is com?mon. When we buy tickets, we should waitin line patiently instead of jumping thequeue. When visiting a museum, were sup?posed to follow the rules and keep quiet.And it s also important for us to protectpublic property.

As the basic criterion of social com?munication, social morality is the contentof the construction of civic morality in thenew era, so its high time for us to take ac?tion to make a difference to our society.

Test 6

The first online life skill show

Last week, our school held“The first?online life skill show”, whose theme“Work creates a better life”was stressed.

In this activity, our students showedtheir skills in cooking, sewing, giving firstaid, etc. It was a good opportunity for themto show their talents and skills. The win?ners received admiration from the audi?ence; the participants felt proud of theirdemonstrations. And more people showedinterest in daily life skills. It was a greatsuccess. We are looking forward to the nextshow.

Test 7

Recently, the Essay Writing activityheld last month has come to an end suc?cessfully.

Many students from all grades partici?pated in it actively. They handed in theiressays expressing what they like best.Some like music; some favour drawing, andothers prefer sports. In order to do it totheir best, they kept practicing every dayand have won many prizes, which provethat their hard work has paid off. All thejudges and students thought highly of theirabilities and skills.

Test 8

Trials of life

The trails of life are of great impor?tance in our growth. Only by confronting?difficulties in our life can we becomestrong and mature.

I would never forget the tough periodafter I entered senior high school. It wasthe first time that I had lived away from myhome, and I found it difficult to follow afast?paced schedule in high school. Iwas frustrated, feeling stressed and hope?less. Instead of giving up, I managed tocheer up and confronted the hardship withperseverance and courage. The difficultiesI came across have now become a preciousmemory in my life.

As the saying goes,“No cross, nocrown.”The trials of life actually serve asa stepping stone to a brilliant future!

Test 9

Save food and oppose food waste

It is a common phenomenon that peo?ple order more food than they can eat, andeven throw away their leftovers in restau?rants, which has caused lots of waste.Here, Id like to give some advice on reduc?ing food waste.

First, we should have an awareness ofsaving food. Besides, we ought to treasuregrain wherever we are. Last but not least,we should have the courage to fight againstwasting food.

Just as the saying goes,“Saving is?earning.”Saving food is a virtue. So letsact now to save food as much as possible.

Test 10

Form a habit of reading

As World Book Day is approaching,reading is appealing to more and more peo?ple. As we know, reading makes a full man.Reading books can bring us knowledge aswell as much pleasure. We can learn aboutthe past, the present and the future of theworld by reading. We can experience oth?ers adventures by reading their travel jour?nals without taking any risks. So form ahabit of reading regularly on a daily base!Besides buying books, it is convenient toborrow books from a library or read onlinefree of charge. All we need to do is startreading.

May all of us enjoy the pleasure ofreading and enrich our life.


Test 1

Recently a survey has been con?ducted by the English Learning Club onwhat middle school students read afterclass. As the chart shows, 39% read litera?ture; 30% read popular science; 13% readreference books; 8% read philosophy andhistory and the rest 10% choose to read oth?ers.

Literature is entertaining and informa?tive, which makes it popular among middleschool students. Popular science can helpstudents acquire more knowledge, so manylike it. Additionally, students need to readreference books to get better scores.

Personally, students have different in?terests, so they read different books in theirspare time. Whatever they read, it will be?nefit them greatly.

Test 2

The Organization for EconomicCooperation and Development (OECD)asked 600,000 teenagers what worriedthem most about their lives.

It turns out that forty percent of thestudents feel pressure from their academicassignments; thirty percent of the studentsfeel a little nervous about their relationshipwith their parents; twenty ? five percent ofthe students care more about their own im?age, which gives them some confusion. Theremaining five percent of the students feelanxious and concerned about other things.

As far as I am concerned, what makesme anxious and confused is my academicperformance. I think I should get morehelp from parents and teachers.

Test 3

As is known, nature is our best teach?er. Its not surprising for us to draw wisdomand take inspiration from it. As the pictureshows, there are two birds, one sleepingwhile the other with a worm in its mouth.This presents a well?known Chinese idiom“The early bird catches the worm.”

The idiom reminds us of the impor?tance of diligence. It is also a metaphorthat hard work plays an important role onthe road to success. Opportunities are al?ways for those prepared minds, and onlywhen we are well?prepared can we makeachievements, attaining our goals.

Test 4

Dear Mr Johnson,

Recently volunteers have conducted asurvey about how the students spend theirweekends.

As can be seen from the pie, amongthe surveyed students, about 51% of theirtime is spent on homework while online ac?tivities account for nearly 35%. Meanwhile,doing physical exercise takes up about 7%of their time, sharing the same percentagewith reading books.

The survey certainly leaves me deepin thought. Too much homework leaves thestudents no time for physical exercise orreading, affecting their health and furtherdevelopment. Even worse, many of the sur?veyed waste much time online, some evenaddicted to computer games. Studentsshould have more freedom to do somethingmore meaningful, rather than just doingboring repetitive exercises.


Li Hua


Test 1

He who does not reach the Great Wall?is not a true man

Determination plays a vital role inreaching our goal. Only when we are deter?mined to entirely contribute ourselves toour dream, can we eventually make it andbecome a true hero.

Three years ago, I was extremely poorat English. Realizing that it would be anobstacle which would prevent me from suc?ceeding, I spared as much time as possibleto improve it. I did a lot of reading, writingand speaking. So far, I have had a goodcommand of English.

From this experience, I can draw theconclusion that a true man with determina?tion will undoubtedly reach the GreatWall.

Test 2

Failure is the stepping stone to success

The saying that failure is the steppingstone to success shows that failure always?comes before success.

When I was in Grade One, I per?formed badly in the final exams. Frustratedas I was, I made the failure an opportunityfor me to test my persistence and determi?nation to catch up with others. So I im?proved my learning methods and workedharder than ever until I finally made it.

This experience gave me a lesson thatfailure contributes to success. Consequent?ly, Ill move on with a sense of achieve?ment and tremendous confidence, neverafraid of any failure again.

Test 3

East or west, health comes first

As is known to all, health is of greatsignificance. Like the foundation of ahouse, health comes first in our daily life.

In addition to mental health, physicalhealth also plays an important role. Onlywhen we get both aspects of health can wepursue our dreams successfully. To keephealthy, I think it necessary to take properexercise and have a balanced diet. Whatsmore, keeping a positive attitude alsocounts, which will help us overcome thedifficulties in our studies and lives.

In a word, we are supposed to attachimportance to our health. The healthier weare, the better life we will live.

活力(2019年21期)2019-04-01 12:18:24
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