Stockade Villages—Guizhou’s Ethnic Cultural Landscape
“There never are three miles of flat land in sight,nor three sunny days in a row.” The Guizhou Plateauserves up a distinct rugged and craggy mountainousview upon first visit. However, beneath these erectedgiants and deep in the basin hide many ancient andmysterious stockade villages that have existed for overa thousand years. These villages are living spaces forthe indigenous minority groups there; they are alsovessels through which their culture takes shape, getspreserved and passed down. Such villages formed byminority groups are scattered all over Guizhou’s simple?and beautiful soil, often veiled by mountains, givingrise to a unique village culture. For thousands of years,despite all the happenings in the world, these villagesand the people living within kept up a peaceful and serenepace of life. These villages seem like a true “wonderland”.
A first time visit to one of the ancient villages willalways entail people being mesmerized by its mysteriousatmosphere. The layout of architecture there isso particular; every single brick and tile is loaded withhistory; every word and symbol encapsulate age-longlegends. This is a place where people truly forget about?worldly troubles. In this quiet and colorful location,people could contemplate the true meaning of man’sharmonious connection to nature, much like what theancient poet Tao Yuanming writes in his famous work“Drinking Wine”: “There is insight and wisdom in allof this, though I do not know the words to describe it.”
Stockade villages are one of the representativecultural symbols for Guizhou, containing a variety ofethnic traditions and aesthetics. As such, people havecommented that half of the fun of traveling in Guizhoulies in the villages. These villages, sprung from di erentethnic and cultural traditions, o en present themselvesin distinct and multifarious architectural shapes.
One good example would be Dong villages usuallyfound in southeastern Guizhou. These villages arebuilt around high mountains and waters, consisting ofFengyu bridges (a specialized covered bridge), drumtowers, pavilions, village gates, diaojiaolou (a woodenhouse supported by 1—2 meters high pillars), well pavilions,liangtianjia (a granary on stilts at the back ofa house), Sasui (the name of a hero in their folk traditions)altars and so forth. As the biggest commune forDong ethnic people in China, Dong villages enjoy agreat reputation in Guizhou. The prestigious Zhaoxingvillage is a great representative of such, claiming to bethe No. 1 Dong minority village as well as the culturalcenter for Dong folks. Investigations have shown thatZhaoxing can be dated as far back as the SouthernSong Dynasty, some 800 years ago. Looking fromafar, the village is surrounded by mountains wheretall trees stand, concealing a few hundreds of woodencolumn-tie houses with tiled roofs that run jaggedthrough the mountain range, charting a spectacularview. In the village, flower bridges, drum towers,streams and diaojiaolou form a sophisticated networkof geographic spectacle, amongst which drum towerstake up a prominent presence, earning Zhaoxing thetitle of having the biggest drum tower group across all?Dong villages in China, hence the name “harbor fordrum towers”. The village is divided into five distincthousing sections, or tuan according to the local people,respectively named a er the ve virtues of Confucianism:“Ren (Benevolence), Yi (Righteousness), Li (Propriety),Zhi (Wisdom) and Xin (Fidelity).” Having livedin the village for a while, one is bound to be a ected byits cultural atmosphere. There are chorus and theaterperformances, festival singing ceremonies in the drumtowers, Lusheng (a reed-pope wind instrument) ceremoniesduring the Mid-autumn Festival, and occasionalroad-blocking singing exchanges. It is a simple yetvibrant idyllic lifestyle.
Guizhou also keeps intact the indigenous culture ofMiao villages. The famous Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village,the thousand-household village, is the largest of its kindin the world. It comprises more than ten normal-sizedvillages sprawling over the mountains, with terracefields expanding along the slopes. The Baishui Rivercuts through them, dividing Xijiang into two parts. Themost representative feature of the village is diaojiaolouas they line up the mountain ridges, forming a magni -cently jagged architectural spectacle if looked from afar.A diaojiaolou usually has three stories: the ground ooris used as storage rooms for farming tools and sheltersfor poultry. The second floor is usually dedicated toliving functions, including living rooms, meetingrooms, bedrooms, kitchens and more. Outside a meetingroom one also finds a unique piece of bench furniturelining the terrace railings called meirenkao (thebeauty recliner), or in Miao language jiexi (the terracerest). It mainly provides a sitting place for people tocool down, do embroidery or chill, being a distinctiveMiao architectural symbol. On the third oor of a diaojiaolou,grains and feeds are stocked there. Every timea guest comes to the village, the locals will serve themlanmenjiu, or homemade rice wine as a gate welcominggesture, a symbolic ofiering of good wishes and blessings.A long table feast will likely follow as it suggeststhe highest degree of welcome. If one chances upon a?major festival, they will de nitely experience the longtable feast ritual with joined participants of up to a fewthousand. For tourists, it is also a must to reach a designatedviewing spot near the dusk to take in the wholeview of the village. Under the night sky, every householdis lit like a star. And the whole village feels like aregal palace, breathtakingly magnificent.
A Miao-themed museum can also be found in theXijiang Qianhu Miao Village. It is a typically diaojiaoloustyledstructure that comprises six two-storied houses.There are 11 exhibition halls in the museum, eachpresenting a di erent theme, such as festivals, singing anddancing rituals, clothing and silver accessories, sports andMiao medicines, and the Miao voodoo culture and religion.Altogether the museum contains more than 1,200cultural items, a full-on expression of Miao people’shistory, lifestyle, fashion, medicine, architecture and folkreligion is an important source for visitors to learn aboutMiao people’s life and traditions.
Another representative stockade village in Guizhouwould be the stone villages by Buyi nationalities. Surroundedby tall mountains and waters, the villages arecompletely made of stones, a realistic representationof its name. According to the locals, the stone villagesdate back to over six or seven hundred years ago. Usingstones as the construction material is not only coste-ective but also it for the climate there as the housesare warm in winter and cool in summer. Once enteringthe villages, one’s vision is fully occupied by stonyarchitecture, including walls, corridors, pillars andtiles, a real stony world. As the stones have weatheredharsh climates over the years, they grow whiter andwhiter and subsequently work well with the verdantelement of mountains to form a beautiful naturalizedinking painting. In the villages, men are usually stonemasonswho are so good at their job that the walls theybuild are not only smooth but sturdy even without the?help of any adhesives. The women in the villages areengaged in batik-dyeing cra s. As a famous center forbatikdyeing, one can nd women busying with waxingand bleaching either on a bridge or along a riverbank.If interested, tourists can also participate and experience rst-hand the joy of making a traditional craft.
Moreover, people can taste the fragrant oil teain Gelao villages by Gelao nationalities. People canexperience the “royal Yao feast” in Lapian Village ofYao Mountain Prefecture by the White-trousers Yao,a branch of the Yao ethnic group. People can witnessthe traditional bronze drum dance in the form of twobulls fighting in Bamao villages by Shui ethnic people.People also have the option of feasting on the “tendishes” according to Tujia ethnic traditionsin Yunshe Village of JiangkouPrefecture. Additionally,people can choose?to enjoy a good singing and dancing session in MatangGejia villages by the Ge people. There are so manymore stockade villages sitting quietly and far from thebustling secular world. Over the long course of humanhistory, these villages have well preserved their robustand diverse indigenous cultures and folk traditions,inspiring us to show more respect and gratitude towardshistory.
The stockade village cultures in Guizhou, withtheir elaborated histories, diverse folk traditions andidyllic lifestyle, constitute a beautiful painting wherehuman and nature reach a golden harmony. They openup a spiritual window for the hustling modern crowdswhere one can trace the footsteps of ancient culturesto pursue the heart’s freedom.