The role of technology in education isn't always obvious, but the potential and the possibilities are inspiring.
Rather than apocalyptic visions of mass redundancy, A.I.'s restructuring of the labor market must be reimagined as an opportunity to finally deliver on corporate diversity pledges that in turn benefit the bottom line.
While higher inflation comes with its own set of challenges for mid-sized corporates, it does come with opportunities to optimize operations, drive e?iciencies, and think truly about what your company stands for and what you aim to bring to the world and your customers.
I don't think competition is bad, per se. It's more that if everyone is mainly motivated by just that, and losing sight of the risks and what's at stake, that would be a huge problem.
Great idea not going to land in your lap, you just decide to go for it or you don't. Once you decide to go for it, you will come up with something because you have to.