Stephanie Bailey
In Singapore, buses have been giventhe green light to find new ways to reduceemissions and improve the air quality.GWS Living Art, a company specialized inurban green structures, installed greenroofs on 10 public buses.
The“ Garden on the Move” bus cam?paign is a study to test whether greenerycan help lower the temperature inside thebuses and reduce the amount of fuelneeded to power the air conditioning.
“While the impact of greenery onbuildings has been well documented,much less is known about the effects ofgreenery on moving vehicles,” said TanChun Liang, a research fellow at NationalUniversity of Singapore who advises theinitiative.
Liang hopes the research will demon?strate how cities can use plants to combatglobal warming and the Urban Heat Island(UHI) effect when a city experiences muchwarmer temperatures than nearby rural?areas, due to the heat generated andabsorbed by industry, traffic and buildingmaterials.
GWS Living Art has also installed agreen roof on the top of a bus stop in KualaLumpur, Malaysia. “This initiative usesthe same idea as Garden on the Move toreplace lost greenery due to urban develop?ment,” said Zhi Kin, of GWS Living Art.
If rolled out on bus stops across thecity, the company hopes that rooftop plantscould help reduce the temperature, purifythe air around the bus stop and curb therisk of flash floods by absorbing stormwater. They also hope the initiative willreverse the decline of key species likebees, butterflies and birds.
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