又到了納森(Roberts Nathan James)出發(fā)尋虎的日子。雖然已經(jīng)是早春,但是東北林區(qū)似乎還停留在寒冬。納森是東北林業(yè)大學(xué)野生動物與自然保護(hù)地學(xué)院博士研究生,他的研究方向為“老虎與生態(tài)系統(tǒng)碳匯的關(guān)系”。這位來自英國的留學(xué)生早已適應(yīng)了北國的寒冷天氣,他裹上厚厚的羽絨服,和團(tuán)隊一起朝密林進(jìn)發(fā),尋覓瀕危動物——東北虎。
It is time for Nathan to search fortigers again. Although it is already earlyspring, the northeastern forest seems to bestill cold as winter. Roberts Nathan Jamesis a doctoral student at the College ofWildlife and Protected Area of NortheastForestry University. His research focuseson the “relationship between tigers andthe carbon sink of the ecosystem”. Thisinternational student from the UK haslong adapted to the cold weather in NorthChina. Wrapped in thick down jackets,he sets off into the dense forest withhis team, searching for the endangeredanimal — the Manchurian Tiger, alsoknown as the Northeast Tiger in China.
2017 年,懷著對中國文化的熱愛和對野生動物保護(hù)的熱情,納森來到東北林業(yè)大學(xué)攻讀野生動植物保護(hù)與利用專業(yè)碩士學(xué)位?!拔覐男【拖矚g動物,本科(專業(yè))也是動物保護(hù)。在中國,這里的生物多樣性更豐富,對我的工作和研究很有幫助?!奔{森說。
In 2017, driven by his love for Chinese cultureand passion for wildlife conservation, Nathancame to Northeast Forestry University to pursue amaster’s degree in the conservation and utilizationof wildlife and plants. “I have always loved animalssince I was a child, and I have a Bachelor’s degree inanimal protection. China has a greater biodiversity,which is very helpful for my work and research,”Nathan said.
In order to better strengthen the protection andmanagement of large felid populations and theirhabitats in the wild, Nathan, undeterred by harshweather and difficult conditions, has repeatedlyvisited places such as Hunchun State-Level NatureReserve for Northeast Tigers and Northeast ChinaTiger and Leopard National Park, delving into deepmountain forests to conduct Theld research. Sheets offorms and rows of data have witnessed his eThorts.
Searching for the Manchurian Tiger is a toughjob. Nathan and his classmates oThen have to wadethrough knee-deep snow for a whole day. “Thismight be the footprint of a Manchurian tiger!”When they reach deep into the dense forest,Nathan takes photos while explaining the sciencebehind a series of fist-sized, snow footprintsresembling plum blossoms.
“The ability of the Manchurian Tigerpopulation to reproduce stably and in the longterm indicates a ecologically healthy, accessible,and large enough habitat with abundant localbiodiversity and intact food chains,” Nathanexplained. According to him, the survival statusof the Manchurian Tiger reflects the dynamicsof the regional ecosystem, and protecting the toppredator of this food chain not only safeguardsbiodiversity but also improves the ecologicalenvironment.
從“完達(dá)山1 號”東北虎在密山市臨湖村出現(xiàn),到黑河市發(fā)現(xiàn)國家珍稀瀕危一級保護(hù)植物紫點杓蘭,再到國家一級保護(hù)動物東方白鸛在嘟嚕河濕地安家……珍貴稀有的野生動植物在黑龍江省頻頻“現(xiàn)身”,這無疑給納森的研究注入了一針“強(qiáng)心劑”。
From the appearance of the “WandashanNo.1” Manchurian Tiger in Linhu Village, MishanCity, to the discovery of the Spotted Lady’sSlipper Orchid, a first-class state-level rare andendangered protected plant, and to the settlementof the Oriental White Stork, a first-class statelevelprotected animal, in the Dulu Riverwetland, now precious and rare wildlife is morefrequently spotted in Heilongjiang Province. Thisundoubtedly is a “stimulant” to Nathan.
在納森看來,地球上的生物不可能獨立生存,生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的健康非常重要。所以,保護(hù)野生動物就是維護(hù)生態(tài)平衡,也是在保護(hù)人類自己。In Nathan’s view, it is impossible fororganisms on Earth to survive without a healthyecosystem. Therefore, protecting wildlife is notonly about maintaining ecological balance butalso about protecting humanity itself.
Of course, for Nathan, coming to Heilongjiangmeans more than finding a research direction.More importantly, he has found a home, having asense of belonging.
Nathan said, “I feel very comfortable inChina. If I encounter any problems, my teachers,classmates, and friends are all ready to helpme. Heilongjiang is really beautiful, I love ithere, I love the snow and the beautiful scenery.I am willing to stay here and contribute to theprotection of wildlife!”