Studies show that taking a break from studying helps improve your concentration1 and creativity, and recharges2 your brain so you get more out ofyour study session3.
Using Study Breaks Effectively4
Your brain can only focus5 for at most90 minutes before it needs a break. So youshould take a break every 50 to 90 minutesto rest and recharge your mind. You can timeevery break using a timer. This prevents youfromlosingtrackoftimeduringbreaks.
While not a necessity, you might findit useful to change subjects or tasks aftereach break to keep your brain fresh.
你的大腦最多只能專注90 分鐘,然后就需要休息了。因此你應(yīng)該每隔50 到90 分鐘休息一次,讓你的大腦得到休息和恢復(fù)精力。你可以用計時器給每次休息計時。這可以防止你在休息時忘記時間。
Practicing Healthy Study Break Activities
Exercise outdoors. Fresh outdoor airand exercise help clear your mind andmakes you feel more energetic. Whenyou’re studying at school or a place like alibrary, it isn’t appropriate to go outside fora walk or get up and dance, so you might dosome stretching6 and rest your eyes.
Why not tidy and clean up your studyarea? Clutter7 can prevent you from beingable to fully focus while studying. It’s agood idea to take advantage of break timeto throw away trash and remove things youdon’t need from your desk.
Reading an enjoyable book, magazine,or other content unrelated to your studies orlistening to your favorite music helps refocusyour brain on another topic and relax.
Avoiding Unhealthy Study Break Activities
Short power naps8 can help yourefresh, but avoid taking naps that lastmore than 20 minutes, or you may feelmore tired.
Avoid spending time on yourcomputer, or mobile device during breaks.These activities will make you less focusedwhile studying and make you feel tired.
No matter what you do during yourstudy break, remember: this is supposed tobe a break!
短暫的小睡可以幫助你恢復(fù)精神,但避免小睡超過20 分鐘,否則會讓你感到更疲勞。