Lizards of all kinds have along history representing goodluck. Many people worldwideregard the friendly gecko1 as the guardian2 of the home.
In Ancient Greece and Rome lizardssymbolized wisdom and good fortune. InAncient Rome images of lizards could befound on gravestones3. They representedhope and a good life after death. Their abilityto discard and regrow the tail represents renewal4.
In Ancient Egypt the lizard symbol intheir hieroglyphic5 meant “plentiful6” or“rich”. They were also linked to productivenessin Ancient Egypt. Still today the lizardis considered extremely lucky.
Charms in the shape of lizards are wornto bring good luck. The Spanish andPortuguese may put the decoration of a lizardor gecko (a small friendly variety of thelizard) on the wall of their home to attractgood luck.
It is considered very lucky for pregnant7 women to see a lizard or a gecko.Seeing a gecko or any other kind of lizardforetells that her child will live a long andrich life.
In many places in Europe peoplebelieved lizards protected people andanimals against snakes. That is the reason animage of a lizard may be found in old houses.
It is extremely unlucky to kill a lizardor a gecko.
Green Lizards綠蜥蜴
If you find a tail of a green lizard, besure to put it in your right shoe. Accordingto superstition8 this will attract happinessand wealth.
Here is a tip for all those who have afruit tree. Smear9 the tree with bile10 fromgreen lizards and your tree will never bearbad fruit. This superstition was believed andpracticed for hundreds of years.
Lizards and the Native Americans蜥蜴與美洲原住民
Lizards were considered to be a verygood omen11 in the old Native Americanculture. These creatures were theprotectors of small children. Manybelieved that a lizard could warn theadults if a baby was threatened12 by othercreatures such as snakes and spiders.
If you happen to come across a lizardwith a blue tail, you should count yourblessings. It was a sign that money wascoming your way. These lizards werenaturally referred to as “Money Lizards”and unfortunately very rare to find.
Lizards and Eyesight蜥蜴與視力
Some believe wearing lizard charmsstrengthens their eyesight. This superstitioncame about because of the green color ofmany lizards. In Ancient Europe peoplebelieved the lizard lost its sight when itwent into hibernation13. This was only temporally14, until spring. When springarrived the lizard was sure to climb an eastfacing wall and catch the first rays15 of thesun. As soon as the sun’s morning raysshone on the lizard the creature wouldregain its sight.