Lots of people stress3 out about talking in front of the class or getting laughed atif they make a mistake in front of people. Feeling nervous before a performance isnatural—and part of your body’s way of helping you do your best. But when worryand stress about performing get to be too much, you will feel cold, sweaty4, or feellike you can’t think straight.
Here are tips can help you do with that feeling:
Be prepared. You will be less nervous if you’re well prepared. Practice as muchas you can, alone or in front of others, at every chance. Practice until you feel relaxedand ready.
Psych5 yourself up. Tell yourself, “I got this! ”“I’m ready to do this—heregoes! ”or, “This is going to be fun! ”You can do this whether you’re performingalone or as part of a group. Also, you can have a friend give you a pep talk6.
Learn ways to calm7 down. At certain types of competitions8, there’s quite await before it’s your turn to perform. Some people take along some photos, listen tomusic to help them relax, or learn how to breathe9 to help them calm down. Somepeople need to be active to relax, others need to be still and calm. Find out whichone works for you, then make a plan to use it before a big performance.
Look after yourself. Before big performances it’s easy to forget to take care ofyourself as you spend too much time on practice. You’ll look and feel your best ifyou get enough sleep and eat healthy food before your performance. Exercise can alsohelp you feel good.