Hello! I am a baby bat! You must have seen me flying! But you may notbelieve it, but I am not a bird! It is true that I fly and I like to fly, but I am amammal1 and I have no feathers2 at all.
Of all the mammals in the world, only we bats can fly. It’s cool, isn’t it? Likeother mammals, our body is full of hair! But unlike other mammals, we bats havewings3. Big wings that look like thin skin! In fact, we have long arms and fingers,and our wings are the skin between our arms and our bodies.
There are many interesting things about us that you will be surprised if I tellyou! For example, the eyes of us bats are different from you humans. Instead of oureyes, we use our nose and ears for navigation4.
We make a loud sound with our nose and mouth and then our sound hits thingsand returns to our ears. By hearing this echo5, we know how big the obstacle6 isand how far it is from us. This is how we find our way and move forward with nodifficulty. We bats find our food in the same way. Do you know what we eat?Insects7! We eat insects! Of course, some bats eat fruit.
We go almost everywhere. From mountains, plains8 and forests to villages andcities. At night, when the insects come out, we also come out of our homes and eatan insect meal. During the day, we go to caves9, crevices10 or any other dark placewhere we can rest and sleep. We sleep during the day and go out at night.
You may think our sleeping is funny, too. Because we catch the roof11 or treeswith our feet and sleep upside down. I am sure that you have never seen any animalthat sleeps like us. When winter comes and the weather gets cold, the insects aregone. We do not know where they go. Some bats fly to warm places to find food.
But we stay in our cave and fall into hibernation12. We hang around the wholewinter season, we wrap13 our wings around us like a blanket14 and we sleepupside down.
We bats love groups and community. That’s why we live as a group in cavesand dark places. You must be asking yourself, how do we find each other? Well, it isclear! With sound!
Oh! Guys! It seems my mom is calling me! I must go! So goodbye for now!