It is well known that we have five senses. Some people believe they have sixsenses. They say their sixth sense is the ability2 to know something without using thecommon five senses of sight3, hearing, smell, touch and taste.
Scientists have just found that some dolphins have seven senses. Researchers inGermany say some dolphins can sense electricity4 of their prey5. The dolphins cannotice the electric pulses6 produced by the heart beats of other sea animals. Thiscould help dolphins to find their next meal. Dolphins also use their excellent eyesightand sonar7 to sense what is around them. This seventh sense may also help them tofind their directions using Earth’s magnetic8 field.
The researchers made a study of two dolphins named Dolly and Donna. Theytested what kinds of electricity the dolphins could find. Dolly and Donna could senseboth kinds of electricity—direct current9 and alternating current10. They were a lotbetter at picking up direct current. All animals or plants produce direct currentelectricity in water.
The researchers say dolphins can notice this. It means they may be able to knowhow near other fish are to them. Sometimes the water is cloudy, so they cannot usetheir other senses. In this case, they could use their seventh sense to look for food,even if they cannot see or hear well.
The researchers think there’s just so much to find out. This study is just thefirst page of a book.