If you’ve ever owned a dog or a cat,you know very well that animals cancommunicate. They understand the basicorders2 from you. Most pets fully understandwhat you mean when you say theword“treat3”.
Also, pets can clearly communicatesome basic messages to you. When they’rehungry or thirsty, they will let you know.A scratch4 on the door might mean“Ineed to go to the bathroom”. A couple oflicks5 might mean“I’m happy to see you”when you get home from school.
Since we know that animals can communicate,let’s talk about the interestingways different animals use to communicate.Just because they don’t speak the samelanguage you do doesn’t mean that animalsdon’t use their voices, though.
Many different types of animals usedifferent sounds to communicate. Hasyour dog ever barked to be let out of thehouse? Maybe your cat has meowedwhen she’s hungry? All you have to dois spending some time along in natureand keeping your ears open to heardifferent kinds of communication goingon around you. Although you can’t tellwhat the animals are saying, they’recertainly communicating with each otherand the world around them.
Sounds aren’t the only way animalscommunicate. Like us, they can communicatemessages in every way. For example,the wag of a dog’s tail6 can communicatefeelings and messages. Here aresome other interesting examples of bodycommunication among animals:
Many different types of animals usetheir scent7 as a clear message to tellothers to stay away from their territories8.
A dolphin may slap9 its tail on thewater to call others in the area.
Bees tell other bees when they’vefound nectar10 by“dancing”.
Deer flick11 their tails to make otherdeer following them know possibledangers.
Animals can certainly communicatewith other animals of the same species, butcan different species communicate witheach other? Of course!
Have you ever seen a dog communicatewith a cat to let it stay away from itsterritory? Maybe you’ve even get a motherbird’s message if you’ve come too close toher nest12!
Scientists have found many differenttypes of species communicating with eachother in many ways. One interesting ex -ample is the communication between spinytailed13 iguanas and paradise flycatchersin Madagascar. Even though theiguanas don’t communicate by sounds,they have good ears, so that they can hearthe calls of the paradise flycatcher. Thishelps both species keep themselves awayfrom their enemy14: the raptors15 that fliesin the skies over them!
1. communicate 交流;溝通;傳遞
communication 交流;溝通
2. order 命令;次序;以便
3. treat 美味的食物
4. scratch 抓;撓;刮擦
5. lick 舔
6. tail 尾巴
7. scent 氣味;香味
8. territory 地盤;領(lǐng)地;領(lǐng)土
9. slap 拍打;用巴掌打
10. nectar 花蜜;果汁
11. flick 迅速地移動
12. nest" 鳥巢;巢穴
13. spiny-tailed 多刺的 spiny 多刺的
14. enemy 敵人
15. raptor 猛禽