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2024-08-11 00:00:00鮑川運
英語世界 2024年8期

“高”這個字,常常與其他的字詞搭配,表示標準、程度、等級,如“高質量”“高水平”“高標準”“高端”“高等”“高級”等。根據《現代漢語詞典》第7版,“高”的釋義不少,其中有兩個與我們的討論相關:一是“在一般標準或平均程度之上”;另一個是“等級在上的”。對“高質量”“高水平”“高標準”,通常的翻譯分別是high quality、high level、high standards,似乎已經成為定式。但是仔細分析一下這幾個詞在具體語境下的使用,可以發(fā)現其中的“高”在很多情況下可以靈活處理,并非都要翻譯為high。下面對這幾個詞分別進行討論。

1. 高質量

說到“高質量”,意思似乎比較清楚,就是“高”或者“好”的意思。我們先從語用的角度分析一下這個詞的用法。如果說一個產品有質量,或者一件事情強調質量,一般不會說“質量產品”“質量環(huán)境”,也不會說“有質量產品”“有質量環(huán)境”,而是加一個“高”字,簡練地表述其中的內涵,比如“高質量產品”“高質量環(huán)境”。從這個角度看,“高質量”在很多情況下就是“有質量”的意思,或者“好”“優(yōu)秀”等意思,不一定都要翻譯為high quality。下面看看“高質量”在一些句子中的使用和翻譯情況:

沒有五六年的嚴格訓練,這么高質量的動作是做不出來的。A movement of this quality would not be possible without five or six years of rigorous training.

通過我們完備的產品和服務,我們已經把公司發(fā)展成一個誠信、高效、高質量的企業(yè)。Thanks to our wide array of products and services, we have built a company that is known for integrity, efficiency and quality.


學生在期末考試之前要保證高質量睡眠。Students need to get a good night’s sleep before taking the final exams.

這批服裝的制作采用了高質量的面料。This run of clothing is made with top-notch fabrics.

這家酒店提供高質量的服務,員工熱情周到,房間整潔舒適。This hotel offers top-tier service. Its staff are attentive and friendly, and the rooms are clean and comfortable.

高質量的環(huán)境可以改善人們的生活質量。People living in a clean and healthy environment may enjoy a higher quality of life.

會議討論的重點是城市總體規(guī)劃階段如何創(chuàng)造高質量的城市空間環(huán)境。A major item for discussion at the meeting was plans for well-designed and functional spaces in the master urban planning for the city.

學校的首要任務是培養(yǎng)社會需要的高質量的實用人才。The primary mission of the university is to develop well-rounded and skillful graduates who can meet the needs of the society.

這幾句中,對“高質量”的表述采用了不同的方式處理,主要是探索一下除了high quality之外還有什么選擇。當然,這也不應被看作唯一的標準,特別是后面三句中的“高質量的環(huán)境”“高質量的城市空間環(huán)境”“高質量的實用人才”,在不同的語境下內涵也可能不同,因此采取的翻譯方式可能也是多樣的。

“高質量發(fā)展”是一個使用頻率相當高的詞組,通常翻譯為high-quality development。對于這樣翻譯是否地道,已經不需要再糾結了,因為不管怎么樣,這個詞組使用頻率太高,已經被廣泛接受。不過在具體語境下,“高質量發(fā)展”的翻譯也可以有不同的處理方式。通常有兩種情況,一個是概念式或概括性的表述,即將high-quality development或high-quality growth作為單獨的概念直接使用,例如:

加快教育高質量發(fā)展,推進新一輪一流學科建設工程。New initiatives will be launched to develop world-class academic disciplines, driving high-quality growth in education.

中國經濟已經由高速增長階段轉向高質量發(fā)展階段。The Chinese economy is shifting from a focus on rapid expansion towards high-quality growth.


我們這個行業(yè)這些年發(fā)展不錯,但接下來,我們需要實現高質量發(fā)展。The industry has expanded quite a lot in recent years, but we will need to focus more on quality than size as we pursue further growth.


2. 高水平


你爸爸能給你起這么有寓意的名字,說明他水平還是很高的。Your father must be a very learned man to have given you such a meaningful name.

他在會議上發(fā)了言,但是他的講話沒有什么水平。He spoke at the meeting, but he didn’t really know what he was saying.

這兩句根據“水平”使用的語境作了靈活處理。再看看“高水平”的使用情況。對于“高水平”的翻譯,很容易想到high level這個詞組,但是分析一下兩個詞組的用法,就會發(fā)現兩者的內涵在大多數情況下并不相同。

先看看high level 的用法:high-level talks(高級別會談)、high-level contacts(高層接觸)、high-level committee (高級別委員會)、high-level clearance (高級別保密許可)、 high-level meeting(高級別會議)、high-level delegation(高級別代表團)、high-level political forum(高級別政治論壇)、high-level position (高級職位)。這些詞組的意思很明顯,都是表示較高的“級別”或者“層次”,而中文“高水平”表示較高的“程度”或“能力”,兩者相差甚遠。下面看看“高水平”在具體語境下的翻譯:

2024年一些高校停止了高水平運動隊的招生。In 2024, some universities decided to stop recruiting for their athletic programs.

學??梢詾楸究粕鷧⒓痈咚絿H會議提供資助。Financial support is available from the university to sponsor undergraduate students’ participation in major international conferences.

剛剛畢業(yè)的博士生短時期內要在高水平期刊上發(fā)表還是很不容易的。For newly minted PhD graduates, publishing in a leading (top-tier) journal could be a distant goal to achieve.

我校將加快建設高水平本科教育,全面提高人才培養(yǎng)能力。We will accelerate our efforts to build high-quality undergraduate education, for an overall improvement of the university’s capability to fulfill its mission.

在建設第一期30家高水平醫(yī)院的基礎上,遴選新增20家實力較強的醫(yī)院進行重點建設,明年實現全省21個地級以上市高水平醫(yī)院全覆蓋。There will be leading hospitals in every one of the 21 major cities in the province next year, with 30 top-tier hospitals already up and running, and 20 additional reputable hospitals slated for further investment and upgrades.

在兩國共同努力下,雙邊關系保持高水平發(fā)展。With the joint efforts of the two countries, their bilateral relations have been growing steadily in all areas.

以高質量發(fā)展促進高水平安全,以高水平安全保障高質量發(fā)展。It is important to make sure that high-quality development fosters holistic security, which in turn ensures high-quality development.

實現高水平科技自立自強,擴大高水平對外開放。We must build up greater self-sufficiency in science and technology as we pursue a broader engagement with the rest of the world.

這幾個例句中的“高水平”主要還是表示“能力”方面,并非是“級別”,因此沒有簡單地處理為high level, 而采用了不同的譯法?!案咚桨l(fā)展”“高水平安全”和“高水平開放”的內涵比較廣泛,雖然也包括層次,但更多的是指范圍更為全面、廣泛。例句的翻譯,作為一種嘗試,抓住其主要意思進行了描述性翻譯。

3. 高標準

“高標準”的對應詞最常見的是high standards。不過,在具體翻譯過程中,是否可以使用high standards作對應式的翻譯, 還需要考慮各方面的因素。例如:

我們這個項目按照行業(yè)最高標準實施。We have implemented the project to the highest standards of the industry.

這里用highest standards應該沒有什么問題,每個行業(yè)都有可以量化的標準。但是,下面這個例句的情況有所不同:

我們按照高標準篩選公共演講比賽參賽人員。We followed high standards when selecting candidates for the public speaking competition.

這里用high standards似乎不太合適,因為這種篩選可能更多地采用非量化性標準,因此使用criteria可能更為合適:We applied rigorous criteria when selecting candidates for the public speaking competition.

或者:We followed a rigorous selection process when choosing candidates for the public speaking competition.


作為一位老師,他堅持用高標準要求學生,激發(fā)他們的潛能。He’s a teacher who sets high standards for his students, pushing them to their full potential.

這句話里面,high standards已經有了比喻的意思,指較高的期望,因此這樣翻譯沒有什么問題。但是,也有人譯作:As a teacher, he encourages his students to follow high standards, pushing them to their full potential.

這里用了follow high standards, 將high standards放到可以實施的語境中。如此一來,英文中就沒有比喻的意思了,而standards也可能理解為具體的量化標準。


我們公司堅持為客戶提供高標準產品與服務。The company has made it a mission to deliver high-quality products and services to our customers.

多年來,這位畫家一直以高標準進行創(chuàng)作,不敢懈怠。For years, the painter has been steadfastly committed to excellence, never giving himself an inch to slack off.

把客戶的滿意度作為我們客服的高標準。Customer satisfaction is the primary benchmark for our service.

自由貿易試驗區(qū)積極發(fā)揮制度創(chuàng)新功能,對標國際高標準經貿規(guī)則,形成150項制度創(chuàng)新成果。With its initiative for institutional innovation, the pilot free trade zone has introduced 150 improvements in rules and procedures in line with prevalent international trade and economic rules.

建立開放、競爭有序的高標準市場體系。It is important to put in place an open, well-regulated and well-functioning market system.

這幾個例句中的“高標準”都有不同的處理方法,主要是考慮到“高標準”的內涵,以及英文中用詞的搭配??偟膩碚f,中文“高”字的字面意思往往給人一種涉及層次或等級的感覺,但其內涵可能就是表示“有質量”“有水平”,或者“優(yōu)秀”“出色”,等等。不分語境,直接套用high 這個詞,也許能達到表層意思的一致,但深層意思卻常常產生偏差。

* 美國明德大學蒙特雷國際研究學院高級翻譯學院教授,本刊顧問。

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