Nope. After all, humans believe we’re the smartest animals on the planet, but elephant brains are three times larger than ours. And whale brains? Forget it.
So when it comes to brains, size isn’t the most important thing. Hominid brain size did increase as we evolved, but scientists say that the secret to our smarts is complexity. And nobody can beat us there; neuroscientist Gerard Edelman has even described the human brain as “the most complicated object in the universe”.
Oh yeah? Which part are you using right now? The entire brain may not be active every second of every day, but if you want to breathe, sleep, and digest your food, you need the whole thing.
Modern brain imaging techniques have given us actual pictures of the whole brain in action, which should have put this myth to bed. Instead, the 10 percent legend has been kept for years and years, in part thanks to someone who argue that the “other 90 percent” of your brain must be reserved for some supernatural purpose. This is absolute bunk.
Not necessarily. A 1993 study did show that listening to Mozart improved spatial reasoning—but only spatial reasoning, and only for 15 minutes. Even that tiny effect might have been overstated. A 2010 review of 40 studies on the subject found that none of them could reproduce the results of the original experiment. And those classical music videos for babies aren’t doing anybody any favors. Infants and toddlers who watch TV—even Baby Mozart—learn fewer words than their peers.
Just like women are naturally better at washing the dishes, right? No. Come on.
Study after study has shown that the gap in math and science test scores between girls and boys can be attributed not to natural ability, but to cultural messages. It’s called the stereotype threat: When a member of a group is exposed to negative stereotypes about that group, they perform poorly. Just requiring girls to check “female” before beginning a standardized test has been shown to significantly reduce their scores. The more a person is given with expectations of failure, the more likely it is that he or she will fail.