Sharks are scary animals in the ocean, primarily for their big size and sharp teeth. Sharks have been around for hundreds of millions of years, and while they continue to evolve, they are also in grave danger. However, humans are a larger threat to sharks than sharks are to us. There are more than 500 species of shark. Given that there are a large number of unique species, some characteristics may be true for one species, but not another.
Sharks can live for hundreds of years.
Sharks have one of the longest life spans compared with other animals.
The Greenland shark is the longest-living known vertebrate on Earth, according to a 2016 study published in the journal Science. Researchers using radiocarbon dating determined that the North Atlantic species likely lives an average of at least 272 years, and often doesn’t reach maturity until 150 years of age. Greenland sharks can live for at least 400 years, scientists have estimated.
Sharks are older than trees and dinosaurs.
The earliest shark fossils date back as far as 450 million years, which means these creatures have been around at least 90 million years before trees and 190 million years before dinosaurs.
Sharks have been around since before Pangea broke apart, said Catherine Macdonald, lecturer at the University of Miami. Additionally, sharks have survived five mass extinctions, one of which wiped out around 96% of all marine life.
Shark pregnancies can last longer than 3 years.
Reproduction patterns in sharks vary. On average, sharks give birth after 11 or 12 months of pregnancy, but some sharks, such as the frilled shark can be pregnant for over three years.
Some sharks, like bull sharks, give live birth, while other sharks, like cat sharks, lay eggs. Long pregnancy terms, and the fact that some sharks take 10 to 12 years to reach sexual maturity, like the great white, further impact populations.
Sharks do not vocalize.
Sharks are primarily silent creatures, as they don’t have organs for producing sound. Instead of speaking, sharks communicate through body language, such as zigzagging, shaking and moving their jaws.
Sharks can sense electricity.
Sharks have a sixth sense — they can pick up nanoscopic electromagnetic currents. This extra sense can help them navigate the ocean and find prey, or even a mate.
“The minute electrical impulse that a prey’s brain sends to its heart to tell it to beat can be sensed by sharks, so they can find hidden prey quite effectively,” Macdonald said. With this extraordinary sense, sharks hunt sick and weak animals, playing a crucial role in keeping the marine ecosystem healthy.