For emperor penguins, sea ice is essential to survival. The iconic birds, found only in Antarctica, breed, lay their eggs, and raise their chicks on fast sea ice (meaning it is attached to land). They arrive at their breeding sites in late March. In May and June, they lay their eggs, which hatch after 65 days during the cold Antarctic winter. The chicks then remain on the ice until their fluffy down is replaced by waterproof feathers. In addition, they also rely on stable sea ice for protection from predators.
In 2022, sea ice levels in Antarctica were at an all-time low. The Bellingshausen Sea region, to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula, saw the most serious reduction of sea ice, with some areas experiencing a 100-percent loss.
Of the five known emperor penguin groups in the Bellingshausen Sea region, all but one experienced what was most likely a total breeding failure because of the loss of sea ice, according to a paper published in Communications Earth amp; Environment. Satellite imagery clearly showed the sea ice had broken up before the chicks would have developed enough to survive on their own.
“We have never seen emperor penguins fail to breed at this scale in a single season,” the study’s lead author, Peter Fretwell of the British Antarctic Survey, said in a statement. “The loss of sea ice in this region during the Antarctic summer made it very unlikely that displaced chicks would survive.”
The study team also estimate their findings support a projection that, if present warming rates continue, more than 80 percent of emperor penguin groups will be nearly extinct by 2100. The recent breeding failures “could be a snapshot of what happens in a future Antarctica,” says Norman Ratcliffe of the British Antarctic Survey, a co-author of the new study.
The biggest threat to emperor penguins is undoubtedly climate change. As the world warms, sea ice will decline and emperor penguins—as well as other animals—will likely follow suit. Jeremy Wilkinson, a sea ice physicist also at the British Antarctic Survey, stated that the breeding failure “dramatically reveals the connection between sea ice loss and ecosystem destruction”.
For species such as the emperor penguin, the crisis is already underway. “There is no time left,” Wilkinson says.
研究小組還預(yù)測:如果以目前的變暖速度持續(xù)下去,到 2100年,超過80%的帝企鵝群落將瀕臨滅絕。這項(xiàng)新研究的合著者、英國南極調(diào)查局的諾曼·拉特克利夫說,近來的繁殖失敗“可能是南極洲未來狀況的縮影”。